MojoMagick ========== MojoMagick is a "dog simple, do very little" image library. It is basically a couple of stateless module methods that make it somewhat more convenient than calling ImageScience by hand. The main reason to use MojoMagick is that you should consolidate your ImageScience calls into one place, so why not do it here? If you improve on this tool, send me the patch. This tool came about because I wanted a fast, simple, lightweight, nothing-goes-wrong-with-it- because-it's-too-simple-to-break image tool. Examples ======== # Obtain the size of an image (assuming image is "120wx222h") dimensions = MojoMagick::get_image_size(test_image) # ==> dimensions now holds a hash: {:height => 120, :width => 222} # Resize an image so that it fits within a 100w x 200h bounding box # (Note: this will scale an image either up or down to fit these dimensions # which may not be what you want.) # In this example, we overwrite our image, but if you pass in a different file for the # second file name, a new file will be created with the resized dimensions MojoMagick::resize('/img/test.jpg', '/img/test.jpg', {:width=>100, :height=>200}) ## Code sample of how to shrink all jpg's in a folder {{{ require 'mojo_magick' image_folder = '/tmp/img' Dir::glob(File::join(image_folder, '*.jpg')).each do |image| begin # shrink all the images *in place* to no bigger than 60pix x 60pix MojoMagick::shrink(image, image, {:width => 60, :height => 60}) puts "Shrunk: #{image}" rescue MojoMagick::MojoFailed => e STDERR.puts "Unable to shrink image '#{image}' - probably an invalid image\n#{e.message}" rescue MojoMagick::MojoMagickException => e STDERR.puts "Unknown exception on image '#{image}'\n#{e.message}" end end }}} ## More Code on setting memory limits for imagemagick # (Be sure you’re upgraded to the current release of ImageMagick.) # set limits on disk, area, map and ram usage # obtain/print a hash of default limits: puts MojoMagick::get_default_limits.inspect # current_limits shows same values: puts MojoMagick::get_current_limits.inspect MojoMagick::set_limits(:area => '32mb', :disk => '0', :memory => '64mb', :map => '32mb') puts MojoMagick::get_current_limits.inspect ### More sample code (thanks to Elliot Nelson for adding this code to the system) # Two command-line builders, #convert and #mogrify, have been added to simplify # complex commands. Examples included below. # Example #convert usage: MojoMagick::convert('source.jpg', 'dest.jpg') do |c| c.crop '250x250+0+0' c.repage! c.strip c.set 'comment', 'my favorite file' end # Equivalent to: MojoMagick::raw_command('convert', 'source.jpg -crop 250x250+0+0 +repage -strip -set comment "my favorite file" dest.jpg') # Example #mogrify usage: MojoMagick::mogrify('image.jpg') {|i| i.shave '10x10'} # Equivalent to: MojoMagick::raw_command('mogrify', '-shave 10x10 image.jpg') # Example showing some additional options: MojoMagick::convert do |c| c.file 'source.jpg' c.blob my_binary_data c.append c.crop '256x256+0+0' c.repage! c.file 'output.jpg' end # Use .file to specify file names, .blob to create and include a tempfile. The # bang (!) can be appended to command names to use the '+' versions # instead of '-' versions. Availablility ============= SVN Repo access from here: Contact author or discuss MojoMagick here: Updates by Jon Rogers ( ------------------------------------ # added gemspec for building gem with bundler # updated tests for ImageMagick 6.6 # added ability to do fill + crop resizing # bumped version to 0.3.0 Copyright (c) 2008 Steve Midgley, released under the MIT license Credit to Elliot Nelson for significant code contributions. Thanks Elliot!