120[tip] 5bae8ff5846f 2010-01-15 20:06 -0800 ged Add version-specific extension-loading for native gems. 119 e04eccd695ee 2010-01-14 09:00 -0800 ged Encoding bugfix for Ruby 1.9.1. 118 7c15c9beb634 2010-01-05 05:39 -0800 ged Enable native/cross-compilation, add pending Markdown-Extra table specs. 117 e04270524114 2010-01-04 08:18 -0800 ged Removing old files, updated build system. 116 f2af577b2cc0 2010-01-03 11:17 -0800 ged Updated benchmark to include kramdown. 115 b715702c19f7 2010-01-02 15:08 -0800 ged Adding a minimal test case for #60. 114:112,113 617e767c1331 2010-01-02 14:49 -0800 ged Added spec for #56 so I can close it. 113:111 8be386ec10a8 2009-11-04 15:56 -0800 ged Updated build files. 112 5c81c9a5012f 2010-01-01 10:54 -0800 ged Build with rake-compiler, fix some bugs. 111 ce4fb0ebf7c0 2009-08-03 12:58 -0700 ged * Updated to Discount 1.5 (+bugfixes) 110 79aeab070db6 2009-08-03 05:59 -0700 ged * Updated build system 109 2f1e2866f511 2009-07-29 09:31 -0700 ged * Adding an .hgignore 108 ca59ad11e08f 2009-07-29 23:56 +0000 convert-repo update tags 107 c4984d0f836b 2009-07-16 07:18 +0000 ged Test for bzero (used in generate.c), and if it isn't defined (e.g., Windows using VC), define it 106 fc2e0f28ccab 2009-07-16 00:22 +0000 ged Fixing extra release files in the Rakefile 105[2.0.5] 2cc7a3180ee8 2009-07-16 00:18 +0000 ged Bumping version to 2.0.5. 104 6164b7b34474 2009-07-15 23:52 +0000 ged * Updated the build system 103 6d52ea6e383b 2009-07-06 23:57 +0000 ged Adding a spec to test out the DoS reported by Ben Sandofsky (refs #57). 102[2.0.4] 824e2d6eab4c 2009-06-30 01:33 +0000 ged * Updated with Discount 1.4.4. 101 70e807c1eead 2009-06-15 13:15 +0000 ged * Updated to Discount 1.4.2. 100[2.0.3] 4e24d4de383f 2009-05-26 05:08 +0000 ged * Fixing tests under Ruby 1.9.1. Thanks to Diego Elio Pettenò for the fix. 99[2.0.2] 68e2db2b0c94 2009-05-14 15:26 +0000 ged Bumping version to 2.0.2. 98 824864e57182 2009-05-14 15:21 +0000 ged * Updated to Discount 1.4.0. 97[2.0.1] bbd194b2caca 2009-04-07 22:07 +0000 ged * Updated build system. 96[2.0.0]:93 90ca87312078 2009-03-25 14:42 +0000 ged Merged build system update and README changes from the [log:branches/spec-and-19-fixes@109:110 spec-and-19-fixes branch]. 95 93546826fa39 2009-03-25 14:35 +0000 ged Updated build system. 94:91 7920ff5c7aed 2009-03-25 14:32 +0000 ged README wording fix. 93 2bde45351ad8 2009-03-13 23:26 +0000 ged * Updated build system 92:86 2d482bf2a096 2009-03-13 22:56 +0000 ged Merged spec updates, new version of Discount, updated MarkdownTest and Ruby 1.9.1 fixes from [log:branches/spec-and-19-fixes@102:106 the spec-and-19-fixes branch]. 91 f95cdb6af413 2009-03-13 22:44 +0000 ged * Fixes for 1.9.1. 90 f575c3ddbe33 2009-03-13 22:39 +0000 ged * Finished splitting out the old auto-generated specs into explicit ones. 89 7edafd943312 2009-03-13 21:21 +0000 ged * Updated build system 88 529efba157cd 2009-03-13 20:42 +0000 ged Checkpoint commit 87 bea54f3c8ad0 2009-03-13 20:42 +0000 ged Branching to split out the specs and add fixes for 1.9. 86 9a5ad2923bb3 2009-02-23 14:16 +0000 ged * Trying to fix whitespace differences in generated output. 85 7d9d7867dcd2 2009-02-23 06:58 +0000 ged Started work on fixes for 1.9.1. 84 20aece07667c 2009-01-07 21:43 +0000 ged Fixed the VERSION 83 4e4704585c05 2009-01-02 23:46 +0000 ged Made the benchmark run with no additional prep (other than installing the requisite alternative implementations). 82 312e1b089c11 2009-01-02 17:56 +0000 ged * Updated build system 81 50d73df53a75 2008-12-30 08:16 +0000 ged Updated to Discount 1.3.1. 80 98738523209f 2008-12-28 06:19 +0000 ged * Removed some chatty memory-allocation debugging. 79 fb5abd6b80f0 2008-12-28 03:04 +0000 ged * Include the ext/VERSION file in the gem, as it's required for building. 78 a6a8b77ebeea 2008-12-27 02:28 +0000 ged Added support for Discount Markdown extensions and Pandoc header. 77 f0d9a3b66167 2008-12-25 09:53 +0000 ged Handle the 'tidy' library not being installed. 76 1c01a3186b0f 2008-12-25 09:41 +0000 ged Forgot to change the libtidy name hack to the spec itself. 75 1afe9dd6b2b1 2008-12-25 09:37 +0000 ged * Cleaned up a bunch of stuff from the first version. 74 d6a67116703f 2008-12-25 03:29 +0000 ged First working commit of Discount-backed BlueCloth 2.0. 73 f7692e282fe6 2008-09-01 22:24 +0000 ged * Checkpoint commit of MarkdownTest integration 72:65 10001a99c611 2008-08-20 21:46 +0000 ged Adding MarkdownTest tests, new build system. [broken build] 71 8fde110be755 2008-08-01 19:12 +0000 ged Checkpoint commit -- build system + markdowntest + Ragel grammar stub 70:65 68c7658d9537 2008-08-01 19:01 +0000 ged Making a branch for the experimental Ragel parser work 69 4a618585d44a 2005-11-09 01:38 +0000 ged * Fixed bug #12, and cleaned up warnings from changes to StringScanner. [fixes #12] 68 a7c5084bb2c6 2005-11-09 01:34 +0000 ged * Adding a standalone testcase for bug #12. Current Ruby only issues a warning 67 752e33cb18b9 2005-11-09 01:28 +0000 ged - Updated to point to my own Trac site. 66 8f3203640ccd 2005-11-09 01:24 +0000 ged * Branching for bugfixes + internals rewrite. 65 f4a61eededf5 2005-05-12 21:31 +0000 ged - Renamed tests without goofy numbers. 64 d604e9fe1a4a 2005-05-12 20:31 +0000 ged - Updated license to BSD/Ruby's; included LICENSE.txt from Ruby dist. 63 3e785abfc186 2005-05-12 19:48 +0000 ged - Added tests to make sure I dont break lists trying to fix #15 62 e008c4845aef 2005-05-12 19:26 +0000 ged - Added new tests for bug #17 (two-character bold/italic bug) 61 bac992099396 2004-08-31 05:19 +0000 ged - Updated for 1.0.0fc3 release. 60 7eb11846096d 2004-08-25 05:27 +0000 ged - Fixed bug introduced by the last bugfix, fixed tests that missed the new bug. 59 324685ac4010 2004-08-25 05:14 +0000 ged - Tracked down and fixed another regexp engine overflow bug; added a new test, 58 a33c5eac1856 2004-08-24 14:57 +0000 ged - Updated to v1.0.0. 57 e233c9f93105 2004-08-24 14:56 +0000 ged - Updated to v1.0.0. 56 c793933d4599 2004-08-24 14:53 +0000 ged - Updated to 20040824. 55 992586b37e73 2004-08-24 14:52 +0000 ged - Added CHANGES.xml to ignore property for root directory. 54 976267f8ce12 2004-08-24 14:48 +0000 ged - Brought list of block-level tags up to date with Markdown 1.0's list 53 0e3f0bc95714 2004-08-22 19:28 +0000 ged - Fixed re-engine overflow for all tested cases (thanks to Martin Chase 52 5278657f5319 2004-08-22 19:26 +0000 ged - Removed skip of overflow test. 51 71617cbac5be 2004-08-22 19:24 +0000 ged - "Fixed" the test case so it overflows again. 50 0b2eafa02561 2004-08-09 05:12 +0000 ged - Updated to 20040808. 49 8c26c74594e1 2004-08-09 01:16 +0000 ged - Modified to work from wherever the test is run (RPA compat). 48 f7c3d9f3f7a1 2004-08-09 01:15 +0000 ged - Modified to work from wherever the test is run (RPA compat). 47 93abf238a8a7 2004-08-09 01:15 +0000 ged - Updated version attribute. 46 94b0fc3111a3 2004-08-09 01:14 +0000 ged - Brought markdown syntax up to date with Markdown 1.0fc1. 45 687a5882b6ab 2004-08-09 01:13 +0000 ged - Made the require-header work wherever the test is run from (RPA compat). 44 b701148f1078 2004-06-21 15:20 +0000 ged - Brought up to date with Markdown 1.0b7. 43 28fbfd30ae84 2004-06-02 13:37 +0000 ged - Commented out non-functional --output option for now. 42 c6015bf41ec7 2004-06-02 03:30 +0000 ged Initial checkin. 41 d595be427a40 2004-06-02 03:29 +0000 ged - Added test for bug #574. 40 6caececb7a82 2004-06-02 03:21 +0000 ged - Test for bug #620 - Unresolved reference-style links doubled the character 39 78dfd775cec9 2004-06-02 03:19 +0000 ged - Fix for bug #620 - Unresolved reference-style links doubled the character 38 0fb4d975113a 2004-05-14 02:43 +0000 ged - Added tests for bug #568 (Two sets of bold text on one line doesn't render 37 de0cec95ba63 2004-05-14 02:41 +0000 ged - Fixed bug with bolding of single characters (bug #568). 36 3dd2e20acd6a 2004-05-04 14:35 +0000 ged - Additional fixes and tests for bug #537. 35 a63aa4091662 2004-04-30 03:40 +0000 ged - Added bin/ directory. 34 bf3492418bf7 2004-04-30 03:40 +0000 ged - Set date. 33 0fa434ed6ee6 2004-04-30 03:39 +0000 ged - Added test for Bug #543 (Safe mode does not work when there are no left 32 70d5a794edc9 2004-04-30 03:38 +0000 ged - Added test for email address encoding (Bug #537). 31 c39cd62dc023 2004-04-30 03:35 +0000 ged - Fix for bug #543 (Safe mode does not work when there are no left 30 89ae174bf6eb 2004-04-30 03:33 +0000 ged - Fix for bug #541 (Leading line of codeblock with more than one tab 29 146a20279a49 2004-04-30 03:31 +0000 ged - Fix for bug #537. Fix suggested by Marek Janukowicz. 28 9751c45529de 2004-04-23 04:47 +0000 ged - Temporary fixes until I have time to integrate SVN stuff. 27 04fa7e0e035c 2004-04-23 04:46 +0000 ged - Version bump. 26 8dd949521598 2004-04-23 04:46 +0000 ged - Brought in line with most-recent release. 25 9cd965756b2c 2004-04-23 04:40 +0000 ged - Version bump. 24 7e81348df6c0 2004-04-23 04:39 +0000 ged - Bugfixes for bugs 524 and 525. Thanks to David Heinemeier Hansson and Javier 23 ca4b54166276 2004-04-23 04:34 +0000 ged - Test for bugs 524 and 525 22 496d7f7a4cdc 2004-04-16 01:55 +0000 ged - Corrected version 21 b51c6840bc49 2004-04-16 01:53 +0000 ged - Brought Version up to date. 20 f2718c29f536 2004-04-16 01:52 +0000 ged - Updated ignore metadata. 19 f82fd20371ad 2004-04-16 01:51 +0000 ged Initial checkin. 18 f403c21157cc 2004-04-16 01:50 +0000 ged - Changed tests/ pattern to catch all tests. 17 f4112232595f 2004-04-16 01:49 +0000 ged - Added missing dependency check for devel-logger. 16 8690a971eb59 2004-04-16 01:49 +0000 ged - Added contributors section to the header. 15 492797ca9f09 2004-04-16 01:48 +0000 ged - Added contributors section to the header. 14 0649b1f16ee8 2004-04-12 06:02 +0000 ged - Added keywords. 13 9fe4c26b72e0 2004-04-12 06:01 +0000 ged - Updated comments/added to-do marker. 12 64b1e11c97ff 2004-04-12 05:47 +0000 ged - Updated ignore list. 11 6a8aed04e890 2004-04-12 05:46 +0000 ged Initial checkin. 10 0fc13fe6e6c7 2004-04-12 05:45 +0000 ged - Added a time() function for timing bits of code. 9 3abdc2f04959 2004-04-12 05:43 +0000 ged - Changed keyword constants from CVS to SVN keywords. 8 e5db5380cfaf 2004-04-12 05:29 +0000 ged - Changed location of keyword stuff, added URL keyword. 7 f3c8521ac045 2004-04-12 05:26 +0000 ged - Added the rest of the content. 6 8b6eb6e814ad 2004-04-12 05:21 +0000 ged - Fixed license in header 5 80efe23904b2 2004-04-12 05:17 +0000 ged - Renamed to reflect repurposing. 4 d0414fcb9d46 2004-04-12 05:17 +0000 ged - Converted to bug-testing testcase. 3 7cacdc1638d5 2004-04-12 05:15 +0000 ged - Added some mode code span tests to catch bugs. 2 50ad59f16116 2004-04-11 04:40 +0000 ged - Updated dist/install utilities/libs. 1 47d5847f4c84 2004-04-10 20:36 +0000 ged Removed markdown reference source 0 08a749d2dd7f 2004-04-10 20:35 +0000 ged Initial checkin