# Custom Favicon favicon: favicon.png # Placeholder for Missing Images placeholder: /assets/images/placeholder.png # Footer Newsletter toggle. newsletter: enabled: true url: https://96boards.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=14baaae786342d0d405ee59c2&id=e3d2abc041 tags_enabled: true # Settings for the home page jumbotron: # Darken is set to true by default - if you wish to remove the image overlay # then change this setting to false. darken: true error-pages: # image: /assets/images/content/path-to-image.jpg svg: linaro-404.html not-found-title: 404 page not found! not-found-desc: Sorry, but the page you were looking for could not be found. # Blog setup blog: # Show Thumbnails in the post index show_thumbnails: true # Reading time reading_time: true # Toggle site wide comments display. comments: true # Post Side Bar Settings sidebar: # custom-include: blog-sidebar-include.html display-on-posts: true display-on-index: true # Toggle whether or not thumbnails in the sidebar are displayed. thumbnails: display: true # Display other posts contained in _posts other-posts: display: true count: 4 # Display Related posts based on tags / categories related-posts: display: true count: 5 # Display the most recent posts most-recent-posts: display: true count: 5 # Google Anayltics Setup # google: # tag_manager: GTM-5DLPJQ # Shema.org settings used in the schema.html include. # schema: # enabled: true # organisation: # name: Linaro # url: https://www.linaro.org # sameAs: # - https://twitter.com/linaroorg # - https://www.facebook.com/LinaroOrg # - https://www.linkedin.com/company/1026961/ # - https://plus.google.com/+LinaroOnAir # - https://github.com/Linaro # - https://www.slideshare.net/linaroorg # address: # street: Harston Mill, Royston Rd # town: Harston # county: Cambridge # post_code: CB22 7GG # country_code: UK # Disqus Comments disqus: enabled: true shortname: http-www-jumbojekyll-co-uk # # Mailchimp settings mailchimp: enabled: true id: af6cf590b0 # # Breadcrumb Settings # breadcrumb: # image: breadcrumb-image.jpg # edit-on-github: # enabled: true # repo: https://www.github.com/Linaro/website # docs: https://www.github.com/Linaro/website # Jekyll social media site settings. Github, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook and Youtube # github_username: Linaro # linkedin_username: 1026961 # google_plus_username: +LinaroOnAir # facebook_username: LinaroOrg # youtube_username: linaroorg # twitter_username: linaroorg # slideshare_username: linaroorg