knife-exec(1) -- Run user scripts using the Chef API DSL ======================================== ## SYNOPSIS __knife__ __exec__ _(options)_ * `-E`, `--exec CODE`: Provide a snippet of code to evaluate on the command line ## DESCRIPTION `knife exec` runs arbitrary ruby scripts in a context similar to that of the shef(1) DSL. See the shef documentation for a description of the commands available. ## EXAMPLES * Make an API call against an arbitrary endpoint: knife exec -E 'api.get("nodes/fluke.localdomain/cookbooks")' => list of cookbooks for the node _fluke.localdomain_ * Remove the role _obsolete_ from all nodes: knife exec -E 'nodes.transform(:all){|n|\_list.delete("role[obsolete]")}' * Generate the expanded run list for hosts in the `webserver` role: knife exec -E 'nodes.find(:roles => "webserver") {|n| n.expand!; n[:recipes]}' ## SEE ALSO __shef(1)__ ## AUTHOR Chef was written by Adam Jacob with many contributions from the community. ## DOCUMENTATION This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman . Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. ## CHEF Knife is distributed with Chef.