# BEGIN Paperclip fixes for funky filenames Paperclip.class_eval do def self.run cmd, params = "", expected_outcodes = 0 command = %Q[#{path_for_command(cmd)} #{params}] #.gsub(/\s+/, " ") # removed unnecessary(?) whitespace eating command = "#{command} 2>#{bit_bucket}" if Paperclip.options[:swallow_stderr] Paperclip.log(command) if Paperclip.options[:log_command] output = `#{command}` unless [expected_outcodes].flatten.include?($?.exitstatus) raise Paperclip::PaperclipCommandLineError, "Error while running #{cmd}" end output end end Paperclip::Geometry.class_eval do def self.from_file file file = file.path if file.respond_to? "path" geometry = begin srcpath = file.gsub('$','\$') # escaped $, other chars may need to be added here Paperclip.run("identify", %Q[-format "%wx%h" "#{srcpath}"[0]]) rescue Paperclip::PaperclipCommandLineError "" end parse(geometry) || raise(Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError.new("#{file} is not recognized by the 'identify' command.")) end end Paperclip::Thumbnail.class_eval do attr_accessor :basename # need access to basename so we can change it away from bizarre file names that cause problems. could auto generate better names here def make src = @file dst = Tempfile.new([@basename, @format].compact.join(".")) dst.binmode # The original used the following string construction, then removed whitespace ignoring # the fact that the whitespace may be in a path # Instead we now construct the string normally. #command = <<-end_command # #{ source_file_options } # "#{ File.expand_path(src.path) }[0]" # #{ transformation_command } # "#{ File.expand_path(dst.path) }" #end_command srcpath = File.expand_path(src.path).gsub('$','\$') # escape $, more chars may need to be added command = "#{ source_file_options } \"#{ srcpath }[0]\" #{ transformation_command } \"#{ File.expand_path(dst.path) }\"" begin success = Paperclip.run("convert", command) #.gsub(/\s+/, " ")) rescue Paperclip::PaperclipCommandLineError raise Paperclip::PaperclipError, "There was an error processing the thumbnail for #{@basename}" if @whiny end dst end # returns true if succesful or false def make_custom(aDestpath) src = @file srcpath = File.expand_path(src.path).gsub('$','\$') # escape $, more chars may need to be added command = "#{ source_file_options } \"#{ srcpath }[0]\" #{ transformation_command } \"#{ File.expand_path(aDestpath) }\"" success = false begin success = (Paperclip.run("convert", command)=='') # assuming output always mean failure rescue Paperclip::PaperclipCommandLineError raise Paperclip::PaperclipError, "There was an error processing the thumbnail for #{@basename}" if @whiny end success end end # END Paperclip fixes for funky filenames module Buzzcore module ImageUtils module_function # this makes these methods callable as BcmsTools::PageHelper.method def image_file_dimensions(aFilename) if geomImage = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(aFilename) return geomImage.width,geomImage.height else return nil,nil end end # see http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php#geometry # # scale% Height and width both scaled by specified percentage. # scale-x%xscale-y% Height and width individually scaled by specified percentages. (Only one % symbol needed.) # width Width given, height automagically selected to preserve aspect ratio. # xheight Height given, width automagically selected to preserve aspect ratio. # widthxheight Maximum values of height and width given, aspect ratio preserved. # widthxheight^ Minimum values of width and height given, aspect ratio preserved. # widthxheight! Width and height emphatically given, original aspect ratio ignored. # widthxheight> Change as per widthxheight but only if an image dimension exceeds a specified dimension. # widthxheight< Change dimensions only if both image dimensions exceed specified dimensions. # area@ Resize image to have specified area in pixels. Aspect ratio is preserved. THUMBNAIL_NAMINGS = {} # store naming methods eg :iarts => Proc {|aSource,aDestFolder,aBaseUrl,aWidth,aHeight,aOptions| ... } NYI # resizing : # to_width,to_height : supply aWidth or aHeight and leave other as nil (width or xheight) # no_change : aWidth and aHeight as nil (original WidthxHeight) # fit : aOptions[:resize_mode] = :fit, maintain aspect, one axis short (default, no modifier) # fit_padded : aOptions[:resize_mode] = :fit_padded, maintain aspect, fill missing area with aOptions[:background_color] (not yet supported) # stretch : aOptions[:resize_mode] = :stretch, (! modifier) # cropfill : aOptions[:resize_mode] = :cropfill (Paperclip adds # modifier) # naming options : # supply a block : return a name given the original parameters (possibly slightly modified) # aOptions[:name] is a string : just return this value # aOptions[:name] is a Proc : call this with the original parameters (possibly slightly modified) # aOptions : # :resize_mode : see above # :name : see above # :return_details : returns details hash instead of url. :src contains value normally returned # returns the resulting url def render_thumbnail( aSource, # source file aDestFolder, # folder to put new file in aBaseUrl, # equivalent URL for aDestFolder aWidth, # width (nil means auto) aHeight, # height (nil means auto) aOptions = nil ) src = '' aOptions ||= {} if aOptions[:return_details] details = { :aSource => aSource, :aDestFolder => aDestFolder, :aBaseUrl => aBaseUrl, :aWidth => aWidth, :aHeight => aHeight, :aOptions => aOptions, } else details = {} end if aSource begin RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug 'render_thumbnail: aSource='+aSource aOptions ||= {} aOptions[:resize_mode] ||= :fit throw RuntimeError.new("file doesn't exist #{aSource}") unless File.exists? aSource extThumb = 'jpg' #MiscUtils.file_extension(File.basename(aSource),false).downcase throw RuntimeError.new("could not get file geometry #{aSource}") unless geomImage = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(aSource) if aWidth || aHeight w,h = aWidth,aHeight else w,h = geomImage.width,geomImage.height # w,h will never be nil,nil end resize_spec = "#{w.to_s}#{h ? 'x'+h.to_s : ''}" resize_mod = '' # aOptions[:resize_mode]==:fit resize_mod = '#' if aOptions[:resize_mode]==:cropfill resize_mod = '!' if aOptions[:resize_mode]==:stretch resize_char = case aOptions[:resize_mode] when :cropfill: 'C' when :stretch: 'S' else 'F' end if block_given? nameThumb = yield(aSource,aDestFolder,aBaseUrl,aWidth,aHeight,aOptions) elsif aOptions[:name].is_a?(String) nameThumb = aOptions[:name] elsif aOptions[:name].is_a?(Proc) nameThumb = aOptions[:name].call(aSource,aDestFolder,aBaseUrl,aWidth,aHeight,aOptions) else # default naming nameThumb = MiscUtils.file_no_extension(File.basename(aSource),false) nameThumb = nameThumb.urlize unless aOptions[:urlize]==false nameThumb += '-' unless nameThumb.ends_with?('-') nameThumb += resize_spec+resize_char+'.'+extThumb end pathThumb = File.join(aDestFolder,nameThumb) if !File.exists?(pathThumb) throw RuntimeError.new("Failed reading image #{aSource}") unless objThumb = Paperclip::Thumbnail.new(File.new(aSource), :geometry => resize_spec+resize_mod, :format => :jpg, :convert_options => '-quality 85') objThumb.basename = MiscUtils.file_no_extension(nameThumb) throw RuntimeError.new("Failed making thumbnail #{aSource}") unless objThumb.make_custom(pathThumb) FileUtils.chmod(0644,pathThumb) end src = File.join(aBaseUrl,nameThumb) details.merge!({ :geomImage => geomImage, :w => w, :h => h, :nameThumb => nameThumb, :pathThumb => pathThumb, :objThumb => objThumb }) if aOptions[:return_details] rescue Exception => e RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "thumberize_img error: #{e.inspect}" RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug e.backtrace src = '' end end details[:src] = src return aOptions[:return_details] ? details : src end end end module BcmsTools module Thumbnails def self.thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) extThumb = 'jpg' #aAttachment.file_extension size = "#{aWidth.to_s}x#{aHeight.to_s}" result = File.basename(aAttachment.file_location)+'-' result += if aWidth && aHeight size+'.'+extThumb else '*' end result end def self.remove_attachment_thumbnails(aAttachment) nameThumb = thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,nil,nil) pathThumbWildcard = File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache],nameThumb) FileUtils.rm(Dir.glob(pathThumbWildcard)) end def self.attachment_from_url(aUrl) if aUrl.begins_with?('/cms/attachments/') id,version = aUrl.scan(/\/cms\/attachments\/([0-9]+)\?version=([0-9]+)/).flatten.map {|i| i.to_i} att = Attachment.find_by_id_and_version(id,version) else att = Attachment.find_live_by_file_path(aUrl) end end def self.image_location_from_url(aUrl) att = attachment_from_url(aUrl) return att && att.full_file_location end # Scale given aWidth,aHeight up to fit within aDestWidth,aDestHeight # return original width and height if nil given for both aDestWidth & aDestHeight # If either aDestWidth or aDestHeight are nil, it will scale to fit the other dimension # If both are non-nil, the maximum scaled size that will fit inside the given width and height will be returned. def self.scale_to_fit(aWidth,aHeight,aDestWidth,aDestHeight) if aDestWidth.nil? && aDestHeight.nil? ratio = 1 else wRatio = aDestWidth && (aDestWidth / aWidth) hRatio = (aDestHeight.nil? ? wRatio : (aDestHeight / aHeight)) wRatio ||= hRatio ratio = Math.min(wRatio,hRatio) end return aWidth*ratio,aHeight*ratio end end module PageHelper module_function # this makes these methods callable as BcmsTools::PageHelper.method def container_sized(aName,aWidth,aHeight) StringUtils.split3(container(aName),//,-1) do |head,img,tail| src = XmlUtils.quick_att_from_tag(img,'src') if src.begins_with?('/images/cms/') # a cms button img else thumberize_img(img,aWidth,aHeight) # an image in the container end end end # with_images( container(:image_bar) ) do |img| # thumberize_img(img,width,height) # end def with_images(aContainer) return nil if aContainer.nil? result = aContainer.clone offset = 0 aContainer.scan_md(//).each do |img_md| src = XmlUtils.quick_att_from_tag(img_md.to_s,'src') next if !src || src.begins_with?('/images/cms/') first,last = img_md.offset(0) output = yield(img_md.to_s) result[first+offset..last-1+offset] = output offset += output.length - (last-first) end result end def thumberize_img(img,aWidth,aHeight) begin urlImage = XmlUtils.quick_att_from_tag(img,'src') att = BcmsTools::Thumbnails::attachment_from_url(urlImage) return img = framed_attachment_img(att,aWidth,aHeight,img) #src = attachment_max_src(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight,img) # #pathImage = att && att.full_file_location # #throw RuntimeError.new("file doesn't exist #{pathImage}") unless File.exists? pathImage #throw RuntimeError.new("could not get file geometry #{pathImage}") unless geomImage = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(pathImage) # #aDestWidth,aDestHeight = BcmsTools::Thumbnails::scale_to_fit(geomImage.width,geomImage.height,aWidth,aHeight).map {|i| i.to_i} # #nameThumb = BcmsTools::Thumbnails::thumbnail_name_from_attachment(att,aWidth,aHeight) # #pathThumb = File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache],nameThumb) # #if !File.exists?(pathThumb) # # generate thumbnail at size to fit container # throw RuntimeError.new("Failed reading image #{pathImage}") unless objThumb = Paperclip::Thumbnail.new(File.new(pathImage), "#{aDestWidth}x#{aDestHeight}") # throw RuntimeError.new("Failed making thumbnail #{pathImage}") unless foThumb = objThumb.make # FileUtils.cp(foThumb.path,pathThumb,:preserve => true) # FileUtils.chmod(0644,pathThumb) # FileUtils.rm(foThumb.path) # #POpen4::shell_out("sudo -u tca chgrp www-data #{pathThumb}; sudo -u tca chmod 644 #{pathThumb}") #end #img = XmlUtils.quick_set_att(img,'src',src) # File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url],nameThumb)) #return HtmlUtils.fixed_frame_image(img,aWidth,aHeight,aDestWidth,aDestHeight) rescue Exception => e RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "thumberize_img error: #{e.inspect}" RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug e.backtrace return img end end def attachment_cropped_src(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) return '' if !aAttachment Buzzcore::ImageUtils.render_thumbnail( aAttachment.full_file_location, APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache], APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url], aWidth, aHeight, { :name => BcmsTools::Thumbnails::thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight), :resize_mode => :cropfill } ) #begin # pathImage = aAttachment.full_file_location # throw RuntimeError.new("file doesn't exist #{pathImage}") unless File.exists? pathImage # nameThumb = BcmsTools::Thumbnails::thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) # pathThumb = File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache],nameThumb) # if !File.exists?(pathThumb) # # generate thumbnail at size to fit container # throw RuntimeError.new("Failed reading image #{pathImage}") unless objThumb = Paperclip::Thumbnail.new(File.new(pathImage), "#{aWidth}x#{aHeight}#") # throw RuntimeError.new("Failed making thumbnail #{pathImage}") unless foThumb = objThumb.make # FileUtils.cp(foThumb.path,pathThumb) # FileUtils.chmod(0644,pathThumb) # FileUtils.rm(foThumb.path) # end # return File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url],nameThumb) #rescue Exception => e # RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "thumberize_img error: #{e.inspect}" # RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug e.backtrace # return '' #end end def shellescape(str) # An empty argument will be skipped, so return empty quotes. return "''" if str.empty? str = str.dup # Process as a single byte sequence because not all shell # implementations are multibyte aware. str.gsub!(/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-.,:\/@\n])/n, "\\\\\\1") # A LF cannot be escaped with a backslash because a backslash + LF # combo is regarded as line continuation and simply ignored. str.gsub!(/\n/, "'\n'") return str end def shellescape2(aString) result = shellescape(aString) result.gsub!('\\','\\\\\\') end def image_max_src(aImagePath,aWidth,aHeight) Buzzcore::ImageUtils.render_thumbnail( aImagePath, APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache], APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url], aWidth, aHeight ) end # # aSource, # source file # aDestFolder, # folder to put new file in # aBaseUrl, # equivalent URL for aDestFolder # aWidth, # width (nil means auto) # aHeight, # height (nil means auto) # aOptions = nil #) # # # # return '' if !aImagePath # begin # pathImage = aImagePath # throw RuntimeError.new("file doesn't exist #{pathImage}") unless File.exists? pathImage # throw RuntimeError.new("could not get file geometry #{pathImage}") unless geomImage = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(shellescape2(pathImage)) # #nameThumb = BcmsTools::Thumbnails::thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) # #def self.thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) # extThumb = MiscUtils.file_extension(File.basename(aImagePath)).downcase # size = "#{aWidth.to_s}x#{aHeight.to_s}" # nameThumb = MiscUtils.file_no_extension(File.basename(aImagePath))+'-' # nameThumb += if aWidth || aHeight # size+'.'+extThumb # else # '*' # end # #result # #end # # # # # # pathThumb = File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache],nameThumb) # # aDestWidth,aDestHeight = BcmsTools::Thumbnails::scale_to_fit(geomImage.width,geomImage.height,aWidth,aHeight).map {|i| i.to_i} # if !File.exists?(pathThumb) # # generate thumbnail at size to fit container # throw RuntimeError.new("Failed reading image #{pathImage}") unless objThumb = Paperclip::Thumbnail.new(File.new(shellescape2(pathImage)), "#{aDestWidth}x#{aDestHeight}") # throw RuntimeError.new("Failed making thumbnail #{pathImage}") unless foThumb = objThumb.make # FileUtils.cp(foThumb.path,pathThumb) # FileUtils.chmod(0644,pathThumb) # FileUtils.rm(foThumb.path) # end # return File.join(APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url],nameThumb) # rescue Exception => e # RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "thumberize_img error: #{e.inspect}" # RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug e.backtrace # return '' # end #end def attachment_max_src(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) return '' if !aAttachment Buzzcore::ImageUtils.render_thumbnail( aAttachment.full_file_location, APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache], APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url], aWidth, aHeight, { :name => BcmsTools::Thumbnails::thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) } ) end def framed_attachment_img(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight,aImg=nil) return '' if !aAttachment begin details = Buzzcore::ImageUtils.render_thumbnail( aAttachment.full_file_location, APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_cache], APP_CONFIG[:thumbs_url], aWidth, aHeight, { :return_details => true, :name => BcmsTools::Thumbnails::thumbnail_name_from_attachment(aAttachment,aWidth,aHeight) } ) if details[:pathThumb] dw,dh = Buzzcore::ImageUtils.image_file_dimensions(details[:pathThumb]) # might be able to optimize using details[:objThumb] else dw,dh = aWidth,aHeight end aImg ||= "" aImg = XmlUtils.quick_set_att(aImg,'src',details[:src]) return HtmlUtils.fixed_frame_image(aImg,aWidth,aHeight,dw,dh) rescue Exception => e RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "thumberize_img error: #{e.inspect}" RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug e.backtrace return '' end end end end