<% content_for :page_scripts do %> function open_content_dialog(type, content_id) { var $this = $(this); var outputHolder = $("
Please wait whilst content is loaded
"); $("body").append(outputHolder); outputHolder.load("/page/<%= @page.id %>/content/" + content_id + "/" + type, null, function() { outputHolder.dialog({modal: true, height: 600, width: 600}); }); return false; } <% end %> <% right_column %> <% content_for :main do %>

Page '<%= @page.title %>'

<%# TODO: render(:partial=>"favourite_link", :locals=>{:page_url=>@page.full_path }) %>
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<%= icon_to "View", @page.full_path, false, :method=>:get %> <%= icon_to("Edit", @page.full_path+"?edit=1") unless @page.is_stub? || @page.locked? %>
<% end %>


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Title <%= @page.title %>
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Links To This Page: <%= PageLink.sys(_sid).where(:url=>@page.full_path).count %>
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Tags: <%= field_reveal(@page.tags, 200) %>
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Meta Keywords: <%= field_reveal(@page.meta_keywords, 80) %>
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Home Page: This page <%= @page.is_home_page? ? 'is' : 'is not' %> the home page. <% unless @page.is_home_page? %> <%= link_to 'Make it the home page', "/page/#{@page.id}/make_home", :method=>:post, :class=>"action", :confirm=>"Are you sure you want to make this page the home page?" if @page.status==Status.published_status(_sid) && !@page.is_deleted? %> <% end %>  
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Menu: <%= link_to menu_item.menu.name, "/menu/#{menu_item.menu_id}" %> Item: <%= "#{menu_item.parent.name} →".html_safe if menu_item.parent_id != 0 && menu_item.parent %> <%= menu_item.name %>
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<% if @page.page_contents.where(:version=>-2).count>0 %>

Content Auto Saves

These are versions of the content that have been saved automatically by the editor. When you explicitly save your content these are removed, so their presence suggests that the editor abandoned their changes either deliberately or because of a technical problem. You can recover the autosaved versions by Viewing them and then pasting them in to the editor.
<%= icon_to "Remove", "/page/#{@page.id}/auto_saves/contents", false, :confirm=>"Are you sure? This cannot be undone", :method=>:delete %>
<% end %> <% if @page.block_instances.where(:version=>-2).count>0 %>

Block Auto Saves

There are versions of blocks (with their options) that have been saved automatically by the editor. When you explicitly save your content these are removed, so their presence suggests that the editor abandoned their changes or there was a technical problem. You can click each one to view its contents.
<%= icon_to "Remove", "/page/#{@page.id}/auto_saves/blocks", false, :confirm=>"Are you sure? This cannot be undone", :method=>:delete %>
<% end %> <% end %>