# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx # This class holds information about a tooltip associated with a window (see {Wx::Window#set_tool_tip}). # The four static methods, {Wx::ToolTip.enable}, {Wx::ToolTip.set_delay} {Wx::ToolTip.set_auto_pop} and {Wx::ToolTip.set_reshow} can be used to globally alter tooltips behaviour. # === # # Category: {Wx::HELP} # class ToolTip < Object # Constructor. # @param tip [String] # @return [ToolTip] def initialize(tip) end # Get the tooltip text. # @return [String] def get_tip; end alias_method :tip, :get_tip # Get the associated window. # @return [Wx::Window] def get_window; end alias_method :window, :get_window # Set the tooltip text. # @param tip [String] # @return [void] def set_tip(tip) end alias_method :tip=, :set_tip # Enable or disable tooltips globally. # May not be supported on all platforms (eg. {Wx::Cocoa}). # @param flag [true,false] # @return [void] def self.enable(flag) end # Set the delay after which the tooltip disappears or how long a tooltip remains visible. # May not be supported on all platforms (eg. {Wx::Cocoa}, GTK). # @param msecs [Integer] # @return [void] def self.set_auto_pop(msecs) end # Set the delay after which the tooltip appears. # May not be supported on all platforms. # @param msecs [Integer] # @return [void] def self.set_delay(msecs) end # Set tooltip maximal width in pixels. # By default, tooltips are wrapped at a suitably chosen width. You can pass -1 as width to disable wrapping them completely, 0 to restore the default behaviour or an arbitrary positive value to wrap them at the given width. # Notice that this function does not change the width of the tooltips created before calling it. # Currently this function is {Wx::MSW}-only. # @param width [Integer] # @return [void] def self.set_max_width(width) end # Set the delay between subsequent tooltips to appear. # May not be supported on all platforms (eg. {Wx::Cocoa}, GTK). # @param msecs [Integer] # @return [void] def self.set_reshow(msecs) end end # ToolTip end