Feature: Tagged hooks Background: Given a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with: """ Given /^this step works$/ do; end """ And a file named "features/support/hooks.rb" with: """ Before('~@no-boom') do raise 'boom' end """ And a file named "features/f.feature" with: """ Feature: With and without hooks Scenario: using hook Given this step works @no-boom Scenario: omitting hook Given this step works """ Scenario: omit tagged hook When I run `cucumber features/f.feature:2` Then it should fail with: """ Feature: With and without hooks Scenario: using hook # features/f.feature:2 boom (RuntimeError) ./features/support/hooks.rb:2:in `Before' Given this step works # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:1 Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/f.feature:2 # Scenario: using hook 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 skipped) """ Scenario: omit tagged hook When I run `cucumber features/f.feature:6` Then it should pass with: """ Feature: With and without hooks @no-boom Scenario: omitting hook # features/f.feature:6 Given this step works # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:1 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """