# danger-htmllint [](https://github.com/konifar/danger-htmllint/actions) [Danger](http://danger.systems/ruby/) plugin for [htmllint](http://htmllint.github.io/). ## Installation $ gem install danger-htmllint `danger-htmllint` depends on [`htmllint-cli`]((https://github.com/htmllint/htmllint-cli)). You need to install it before running Danger. ## Usage Set Dangerfile like this. ``` # Set .htmllintrc path (optional) htmllint.rc_path = "/path/to/your/.htmllintrc" # Set true if you want to fail CI when errors are detected (optional) htmllint.fail_on_error = true # Run htmllint to only added or modified files (required) htmllint.lint ``` ## Development 1. Clone this repo 2. Run `bundle install` to setup dependencies. 3. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests. 4. Use `bundle exec guard` to automatically have tests run as you make changes. 5. Make your changes.