require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper') describe Weary::Base do describe 'Class' do describe 'Resource Defaults' do before do @headers = {"User-Agent" => Weary::UserAgents["Safari 4.0.2 - Mac"]} end it 'sets default headers' do test = test.headers @headers test.instance_variable_get(:@headers).should == @headers end it "sets a domain to be used in default url's" do test = test.domain '' test.instance_variable_get(:@domain).should == '' end it 'panics when a domain that is not a url is given' do test = lambda { test.domain 'foobar' }.should raise_error end it "sets a format to use in default url's" do test = test.format(:json) test.instance_variable_get(:@format).should == :json end end describe 'Resource Preparation' do before do @headers = {"User-Agent" => Weary::UserAgents["Safari 4.0.2 - Mac"]} prepTest = prepTest.headers @headers prepTest.domain '' prepTest.format :xml @t = prepTest.prepare_resource("test",:get) end it 'prepares a Resource' do @t.class.should == Weary::Resource end it 'has a name' do == "test" end it 'has an http method' do @t.via.should == :get end it 'has headers' do @t.headers.should == @headers end it 'builds a default url if a domain is provided' do @t.url.normalize.to_s.should == '' end it 'builds a default url with a json extension if no format is explicitly named' do t = t.domain '' p = t.prepare_resource("test",:get) p.url.normalize.to_s.should == '' end it 'ignores the url if no domain is provided' do t ="test",:get) t.url.should == nil end it 'ignores headers if no headers are defined' do t ="test",:get) t.headers.should == nil end end describe 'Resource Storage' do before do @headers = {"User-Agent" => Weary::UserAgents["Safari 4.0.2 - Mac"]} @restest = @restest.headers @headers @restest.domain '' @r = @restest.prepare_resource("test",:get) end it 'has a store for resources' do @restest.class_variable_defined?(:@@resources).should == true end it 'stores the resource for future use' do @restest.store_resource(@r).should == @r @restest.resources.include?(:test).should == true end end describe 'Resource Construction' do before do @contest = @contest.domain '' end it 'prepares a resource to be used' do r = @contest.build_resource "test", :post == "test" r.via.should == :post end it 'passes the resource into a block for further refinement' do r = @contest.build_resource("test", :post, {|res| res.via = :put }) == "test" r.via.should == :put end it 'stores the resource' do r = @contest.build_resource("test 2", :get) @contest.resources.include?(:test_2).should == true end it 'builds the method for the resource' do r = @contest.build_resource("test 3", :get) @contest.public_method_defined?(:test_3).should == true end end describe 'Resource Declaration' do before do @dectest = @dectest.domain '' end it 'gets a resource' do r = @dectest.get "get test" r.via.should == :get == "get_test" end it 'posts a resource' do r = "post test" r.via.should == :post == "post_test" end it 'puts a resource' do r = @dectest.put "put test" r.via.should == :put == "put_test" end it 'deletes a resource' do r = @dectest.delete "del test" r.via.should == :delete == "del_test" end it 'declares a resource' do r = @dectest.declare "generic test" r.via.should == :get == "generic_test" end it 'stores the resource' do @dectest.get "storage test" @dectest.resources.include?(:storage_test).should == true end end describe 'Method Building' do before do @methtest = @methtest.domain '' r = @methtest.prepare_resource("method_test",:get) @methtest.build_method(r) a = @methtest.prepare_resource("authentication_test",:post) a.authenticates = true @methtest.build_method(a) d = @methtest.prepare_resource("params_test",:post) d.requires = :id d.with = [:message, :user] @methtest.build_method(d) end it 'builds a method with the name of the resource' do n = n.respond_to?(:method_test).should == true end it 'forms a Request according to the guidelines of the Resource' do n = n.method_test.class.should == Weary::Request end it 'passes in authentication credentials if defined' do n = cred = {:username => 'mwunsch', :password => 'secret'} lambda { n.authentication_test }.should raise_error n.credentials cred[:username], cred[:password] n.authentication_test.options[:basic_auth].should == cred end it 'passes in default parameters if defined' do n = defaults = {:id => 1234, :message => "Hello world"} lambda { n.params_test }.should raise_error n.defaults = defaults n.params_test.options[:body].should == defaults end it 'accepts parameters when given' do n = req = n.params_test :id => 1234, :message => "Hello world", :foo => "Bar" req.options[:body].should == {:id => 1234, :message => "Hello world"} req.options[:body].has_key?(:foo).should == false end end end describe 'Object' do before do @klass = @klass.domain '' @klass.format :xml @klass.headers({"User-Agent" => Weary::UserAgents["Safari 4.0.2 - Mac"]}) @klass.get "thing" do |r| r.requires = :id r.with = [:message, :user] end "important" do |r| r.requires = :id r.authenticates = true end end it 'has methods defined by the class' do obj = obj.respond_to?(:thing).should == true obj.respond_to?(:important).should == true end it 'can set authentication credentials' do obj = obj.credentials "username", "password" obj.instance_variable_get(:@credentials).should == {:username => "username", :password => "password"} obj.important(:id => 1234).options[:basic_auth].should == obj.instance_variable_get(:@credentials) end it 'credentials can be an OAuth access token' do oauth_consumer ="consumer_token","consumer_secret",{:site => ''}) oauth_token =, "token", "secret") obj = obj.credentials oauth_token obj.instance_variable_get(:@credentials).class.should == OAuth::AccessToken obj.important(:id => 1234).options.has_key?(:oauth).should == true obj.important(:id => 1234).options.has_key?(:basic_auth).should == false end it 'can set defaults to pass into requests' do obj = obj.defaults = {:user => "mwunsch", :message => "hello world"} obj.defaults.should == {:user => "mwunsch", :message => "hello world"} obj.thing(:id => 1234).options[:query].should == {:user => "mwunsch", :message => "hello world", :id => 1234} end it 'has a list of resources' do obj = obj.resources == @klass.resources end it 'should keep its resources separate' do obj = obj.resources[:foo] = 'bar' obj.resources.has_key?(:foo).should == true @klass.resources.has_key?(:foo).should == false obj.resources.delete(:foo) end it 'is able to rebuild its request method, like a singleton' do obj1 = require 'pp' obj1.resources[:thing].follows = false obj1.rebuild_method(obj1.resources[:thing]) obj1.thing(:id => 1234).options[:no_follow].should == true => 1234).options[:no_follow].should == nil end it 'can modify a resource without modifying the resources of its class' do obj = obj.modify_resource(:thing) {|r| r.url = "" } obj.resources[:thing].url.normalize.to_s.should == "" obj.class.resources[:thing].url.normalize.to_s.should_not == "" end it 'modifying a resource rebuilds the method' do obj = obj.credentials "username", "password" obj.modify_resource(:important) {|r| r.follows = false } obj.important(:id => 1234).options[:no_follow].should == true end end end