module ClusterChef
  module Cloud

    # Right now only one cloud provider is implemented, so the separation
    # between `cloud` and `cloud(:ec2)` is muddy.
    # The goal though is to allow
    # * cloud with no predicate -- definitions that apply to all cloud
    #   providers. If you only use one provider ever nothing stops you from
    #   always saying `cloud`.
    # * Declarations irrelevant to other providers are acceptable and will be ignored
    # * Declarations that are wrong in the context of other providers (a `public_ip`
    #   that is not available) will presumably cause a downstream error -- it's
    #   your responsibility to overlay with provider-correct values.
    # * There are several declarations that *could* be sensibly abstracted, but
    #   are not. Rather than specifying `flavor 'm1.xlarge'`, I could ask for
    #   :ram => 15, :cores => 4 or storage => 1500 and get the cheapest machine
    #   that met or exceeded each constraint -- the default of `:price =>
    #   :smallest` would get me a t1.micro on EC2, a 256MB on
    #   Rackspace. Availability zones could also plausibly be parameterized.
    # @example
    #     # these apply regardless of cloud provider
    #     cloud do
    #       # this makes sense everywhere
    #       image_name            'maverick'
    #       # this is not offered by many providers, and its value is non-portable;
    #       # but if you only run in one cloud there's harm in putting it here
    #       # or overriding it.
    #       public_ip             ''
    #       # Implemented differently across providers but its meaning is clear
    #       security_group        :nagios
    #       # This is harmless for the other clouds
    #       availability_zones   ['us-east-1d']
    #     end
    #     # these only apply to ec2 launches.
    #     # `ec2` is sugar for `cloud(:ec2)`.
    #     ec2 do
    #       spot_price_fraction   0.4
    #     end
    class Base < ClusterChef::DslObject
        :name, :flavor, :image_name, :image_id, :keypair,
        :chef_client_script, :public_ip, :permanent )
      attr_accessor :owner

      def initialize(owner, *args)
        self.owner = owner

      # default values to apply where no value was set
      # @returns [Hash] hash of defaults
      def defaults
          :image_name         => 'maverick',

      # The username to ssh with.
      # @return the ssh_user if set explicitly; otherwise, the user implied by the image name, if any; or else 'root'
      def ssh_user(val=nil)
        from_setting_or_image_info :ssh_user, val, 'root'

      # Location of ssh private keys
      def ssh_identity_dir(val=nil)
        set :ssh_identity_dir, File.expand_path(val) unless val.nil?
        @settings.include?(:ssh_identity_dir) ? @settings[:ssh_identity_dir] : Chef::Config.ec2_key_dir

      # SSH identity file used for knife ssh, knife boostrap and such
      def ssh_identity_file(val=nil)
        set :ssh_identity_file, File.expand_path(val) unless val.nil?
        @settings.include?(:ssh_identity_file) ? @settings[:ssh_identity_file] : File.join(ssh_identity_dir, "#{keypair}.pem")

      # ID of the machine image to use.
      # @return the image_id if set explicitly; otherwise, the id implied by the image name
      def image_id(val=nil)
        from_setting_or_image_info :image_id, val

      # Distribution knife should target when bootstrapping an instance
      # @return the bootstrap_distro if set explicitly; otherwise, the bootstrap_distro implied by the image name
      def bootstrap_distro(val=nil)
        from_setting_or_image_info :bootstrap_distro, val, "ubuntu10.04-gems"

      def validation_key rescue ''

      # The instance price, drawn from the compute flavor's info
      def price

      # The instance bitness, drawn from the compute flavor's info
      def bits

      # If value was explicitly set, use that; if the Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info] implies a value use that; otherwise use the default
      def from_setting_or_image_info(key, val=nil, default=nil)
        @settings[key] = val unless val.nil?
        return @settings[key]  if @settings.include?(key)
        return image_info[key] unless image_info.nil?
        return default       # otherwise

    class Ec2 < Base
        :region, :availability_zones, :backing,
        :spot_price, :spot_price_fraction,
        :user_data, :security_groups,

      def initialize(*args)
        super *args
        @settings[:security_groups]      ||=
        @settings[:user_data]            ||=

      # Sets some defaults for amazon cloud usage, and registers the root volume
      def defaults
            :device      => '/dev/sda1',
            :mount_point => '/',
            :mountable   => false,
            :availability_zones => ['us-east-1d'],
            :backing            => 'ebs',
            :flavor             => 't1.micro',

      # adds a security group to the cloud instance
      def security_group(sg_name, hsh={}, &block)
        sg_name = sg_name.to_s
        security_groups[sg_name] ||=, sg_name)
        security_groups[sg_name].configure(hsh, &block)

      # With a value, sets the spot price to the given fraction of the
      #   instance's full price (as found in ClusterChef::Cloud::Aws::FLAVOR_INFO)
      # With no value, returns the spot price as a fraction of the full instance price.
      def spot_price_fraction(val=nil)
        if val
          spot_price( price.to_f * val )
          spot_price / price rescue 0

      # EC2 User data -- DNA typically used to bootstrap the machine.
      # @param  [Hash] value -- when present, merged with the existing user data (overriding it)
      # @return the user_data hash
      def user_data(hsh={})
        @settings[:user_data].merge!(hsh.to_hash) unless hsh.empty?

      def reverse_merge!(hsh)
        @settings[:security_groups].reverse_merge!(hsh.security_groups) if hsh.respond_to?(:security_groups)
        @settings[:user_data      ].reverse_merge!(hsh.user_data)       if hsh.respond_to?(:user_data)

      def region(val=nil)
        set(:region, val)
        if    @settings[:region]        then @settings[:region]
        elsif default_availability_zone then default_availability_zone.gsub(/^(\w+-\w+-\d)[a-z]/, '\1')
        else  nil

      def default_availability_zone
        availability_zones.first if availability_zones

      # Bring the ephemeral storage (local scratch disks) online
      def mount_ephemerals(attrs={})
        owner.volume(:ephemeral0, attrs){ device '/dev/sdb'; volume_id 'ephemeral0' ; mount_point '/mnt' ; tags( :bulk => true, :local => true, :fallback => true) } if flavor_info[:ephemeral_volumes] > 0
        owner.volume(:ephemeral1, attrs){ device '/dev/sdc'; volume_id 'ephemeral1' ; mount_point '/mnt2'; tags( :bulk => true, :local => true, :fallback => true) } if flavor_info[:ephemeral_volumes] > 1
        owner.volume(:ephemeral2, attrs){ device '/dev/sdd'; volume_id 'ephemeral2' ; mount_point '/mnt3'; tags( :bulk => true, :local => true, :fallback => true) } if flavor_info[:ephemeral_volumes] > 2
        owner.volume(:ephemeral3, attrs){ device '/dev/sde'; volume_id 'ephemeral3' ; mount_point '/mnt4'; tags( :bulk => true, :local => true, :fallback => true) } if flavor_info[:ephemeral_volumes] > 3

      # Utility methods

      def image_info
        Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info][ [region, bits, backing, image_name] ] or ui.warn "Make sure to define the machine's region, bits, backing and image_name. (Have #{[region, bits, backing, image_name].inspect})"

      def list_images"Available images:")
        Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info].each do |flavor_name, flavor|
"  #{flavor_name}\t#{flavor.inspect}")

      def flavor(val=nil)
        warn("Unknown machine image name '#{val}'") if val && (not FLAVOR_INFO.has_key?(val.to_s))
        set :flavor, val

      def flavor_info
        FLAVOR_INFO[flavor] or raise "Please define the machine's flavor: have #{self.inspect}"

      def list_flavors"Available flavors:")
        FLAVOR_INFO.each do |flavor_name, flavor|
"  #{flavor_name}\t#{flavor.inspect}")

      # code            $/hr    $/mo    $/day   CPU/$   Mem/$    mem    cpu     cores   cpcore  storage  bits   IO              type            name
      # t1.micro        $0.02     14     0.48   10.00   33.50    0.67    0.2    1        0.2       0       64   Low             Micro           Micro
      # m1.small        $0.085    61     2.04   11.76   20.00    1.7     1      1        1       160       32   Moderate        Standard        Small
      # c1.medium       $0.17    123     4.08   29.41   10.00    1.7     5      2        2.5     350       32   Moderate        High-CPU        Medium
      # m1.large        $0.34    246     8.16   11.76   22.06    7.5     4      2        2       850       64   High            Standard        Large
      # m2.xlarge       $0.50    363    12.00   13.00   35.40   17.7     6.5    2        3.25    420       64   Moderate        High-Memory     Extra Large
      # c1.xlarge       $0.68    493    16.32   29.41   10.29    7      20      8        2.5    1690       64   High            High-CPU        Extra Large
      # m1.xlarge       $0.68    493    16.32   11.76   22.06   15       8      4        2      1690       64   High            Standard        Extra Large
      # m2.2xlarge      $1.00    726    24.00   13.00   34.20   34.2    13      4        3.25    850       64   High            High-Memory     Double Extra Large
      # m2.4xlarge      $2.00   1452    48.00   13.00   34.20   68.4    26      8        3.25   1690       64   High            High-Memory     Quadruple Extra Large
      # cc1.4xlarge     $1.60   1161    38.40   20.94   14.38   23      33.5    2       16.75   1690       64   Very High 10GB  Compute         Quadruple Extra Large
      # cg1.4xlarge     $2.10   1524    50.40   15.95   10.48   22      33.5    2       16.75   1690       64   Very High 10GB  Cluster GPU     Quadruple Extra Large

      FLAVOR_INFO = {
        't1.micro'    => { :price => 0.02,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>    686, :cores => 1, :core_size => 0.25, :inst_disks => 0, :inst_disk_size =>    0, :ephemeral_volumes => 0 },
        'm1.small'    => { :price => 0.085, :bits => '32-bit', :ram =>   1740, :cores => 1, :core_size => 1,    :inst_disks => 1, :inst_disk_size =>  160, :ephemeral_volumes => 1 },
        'c1.medium'   => { :price => 0.17,  :bits => '32-bit', :ram =>   1740, :cores => 2, :core_size => 2.5,  :inst_disks => 1, :inst_disk_size =>  350, :ephemeral_volumes => 1 },
        'm1.large'    => { :price => 0.34,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>   7680, :cores => 2, :core_size => 2,    :inst_disks => 2, :inst_disk_size =>  850, :ephemeral_volumes => 2 },
        'm2.xlarge'   => { :price => 0.50,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>  18124, :cores => 2, :core_size => 3.25, :inst_disks => 1, :inst_disk_size =>  420, :ephemeral_volumes => 1 },
        'c1.xlarge'   => { :price => 0.68,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>   7168, :cores => 8, :core_size => 2.5,  :inst_disks => 4, :inst_disk_size => 1690, :ephemeral_volumes => 4 },
        'm1.xlarge'   => { :price => 0.68,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>  15360, :cores => 4, :core_size => 2,    :inst_disks => 4, :inst_disk_size => 1690, :ephemeral_volumes => 4 },
        'm2.2xlarge'  => { :price => 1.00,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>  35020, :cores => 4, :core_size => 3.25, :inst_disks => 2, :inst_disk_size =>  850, :ephemeral_volumes => 2 },
        'm2.4xlarge'  => { :price => 2.00,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>  70041, :cores => 8, :core_size => 3.25, :inst_disks => 4, :inst_disk_size => 1690, :ephemeral_volumes => 4 },
        'cc1.4xlarge' => { :price => 1.60,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>  23552, :cores => 2, :core_size =>16.75, :inst_disks => 4, :inst_disk_size => 1690, :ephemeral_volumes => 2 },
        'cg1.4xlarge' => { :price => 2.10,  :bits => '64-bit', :ram =>  22528, :cores => 2, :core_size =>16.75, :inst_disks => 4, :inst_disk_size => 1690, :ephemeral_volumes => 2 },

      # To add to this list, use this snippet:
      #     Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info] ||= {}
      #     Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info].merge!({
      #       # ... lines like the below
      #     })
      # in your knife.rb or whereever. We'll notice that it exists and add to it, rather than clobbering it.
      Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info] ||= {}

          # Lucid (Ubuntu 9.10)
          %w[us-east-1             64-bit  instance        karmic                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-55739e3c', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-east-1             32-bit  instance        karmic                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-bb709dd2', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-west-1             64-bit  instance        karmic                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-cb2e7f8e', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-west-1             32-bit  instance        karmic                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-c32e7f86', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[eu-west-1             64-bit  instance        karmic                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-05c2e971', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[eu-west-1             32-bit  instance        karmic                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-2fc2e95b', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },

          # Lucid (Ubuntu 10.04.3)
          %w[ap-southeast-1        64-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-77f28d25', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ap-southeast-1        32-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-4df28d1f', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ap-southeast-1        64-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-57f28d05', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ap-southeast-1        32-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a5f38cf7', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[eu-west-1             64-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-ab4d67df', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[eu-west-1             32-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a94d67dd', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[eu-west-1             64-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a54d67d1', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[eu-west-1             32-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-cf4d67bb', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-east-1             64-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-4b4ba522', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-east-1             32-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-714ba518', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-east-1             64-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-fd4aa494', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-east-1             32-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-2d4aa444', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-west-1             64-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-d197c694', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-west-1             32-bit  ebs             lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-cb97c68e', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-west-1             64-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-c997c68c', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[us-west-1             32-bit  instance        lucid                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-c597c680', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },

          # Maverick (Ubuntu 10.10)
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       64-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-32423c60', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       64-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-12423c40', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       32-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-0c423c5e', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       32-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-7c423c2e', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            64-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-e59ca991', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            64-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-1b9ca96f', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            32-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-fb9ca98f', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            32-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-339ca947', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            64-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-cef405a7', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            64-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-08f40561', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            32-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-ccf405a5', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            32-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a6f504cf', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            64-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-af7e2eea', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            64-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a17e2ee4', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            32-bit  ebs             maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-ad7e2ee8', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            32-bit  instance        maverick                       ] => { :image_id => 'ami-957e2ed0', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },

          # Natty (Ubuntu 11.04)
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       32-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-00b10501', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       32-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-f0b004f1', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       64-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-02b10503', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       64-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-fab004fb', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       32-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-06255f54', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       32-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-72255f20', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       64-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-04255f56', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       64-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-7a255f28', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            32-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a4f7c5d0', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            32-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-fef7c58a', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            64-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a6f7c5d2', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            64-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-c0f7c5b4', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            32-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-e358958a', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            32-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-c15994a8', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            64-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-fd589594', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            64-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-71589518', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            32-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-43580406', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            32-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-e95f03ac', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            64-bit  ebs             natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-4d580408', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            64-bit  instance        natty                          ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a15f03e4', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },

          # Oneric (Ubuntu 11.10)
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       32-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-2e90242f', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       32-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-e49723e5', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       64-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-30902431', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-northeast-1       64-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-fa9723fb', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       32-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-76057f24', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       32-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-82047ed0', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       64-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-7a057f28', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ ap-southeast-1       64-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-54057f06', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            32-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-65b28011', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            32-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-dfcdffab', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            64-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-61b28015', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ eu-west-1            64-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-75b28001', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            32-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a7f539ce', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            32-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-29f43840', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            64-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-bbf539d2', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-east-1            64-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-21f53948', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            32-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-79772b3c', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            32-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-a7762ae2', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            64-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-7b772b3e', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-1            64-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-4b772b0e', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-2            32-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-20f97410', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-2            32-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-52f67b62', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-2            64-bit  ebs             oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-2af9741a', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },
          %w[ us-west-2            64-bit  instance        oneric                         ] => { :image_id => 'ami-56f67b66', :ssh_user => 'ubuntu', :bootstrap_distro => "ubuntu10.04-gems", },

    class Slicehost < Base
      # server_name
      # slicehost_password
      # { |password| Chef::Config[:knife][:slicehost_password] = password }

      # personality

    class Rackspace < Base
      # api_key, api_username, server_name

    class Terremark < Base
      # password, username, service