require "metanorma-utils" require_relative "./concept" module IsoDoc class PresentationXMLConvert < ::IsoDoc::Convert def prefix_container(container, linkend, _target) l10n("#{@xrefs.anchor(container, :xref)}, #{linkend}") end def anchor_value(id) @xrefs.anchor(id, :value) || @xrefs.anchor(id, :label) || @xrefs.anchor(id, :xref) end def anchor_linkend(node, linkend) if node["citeas"].nil? && node["bibitemid"] return @xrefs.anchor(node["bibitemid"], :xref) || "???" elsif node["target"] && node["droploc"] return anchor_value(node["target"]) || "???" elsif node["target"] && !/.#./.match(node["target"]) linkend = anchor_linkend1(node) end linkend || "???" end def anchor_linkend1(node) linkend = @xrefs.anchor(node["target"], :xref) container = @xrefs.anchor(node["target"], :container, false) (container && get_note_container_id(node) != container && @xrefs.get[node["target"]]) and linkend = prefix_container(container, linkend, node["target"]) capitalise_xref(node, linkend, anchor_value(node["target"])) end def capitalise_xref(node, linkend, label) linktext = linkend.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, "") (label && !label.empty? && /^#{Regexp.escape(label)}/.match?(linktext) || linktext[0, 1].match?(/\p{Upper}/)) and return linkend node["case"] and return Common::case_with_markup(linkend, node["case"], @script) capitalise_xref1(node, linkend) end def capitalise_xref1(node, linkend) prec = nearest_block_parent(node).xpath("./descendant-or-self::text()") & node.xpath("./preceding::text()") if prec.empty? || /(?!<[^.].)\.\s+$/.match( Common::case_with_markup(linkend, "capital", @script) else linkend end end def nearest_block_parent(node) until %w(p title td th name formula li dt dd sourcecode pre) .include?( node = node.parent end node end def non_locality_elems(node) node.children.reject do |c| %w{locality localityStack}.include? end end def get_linkend(node) c1 = non_locality_elems(node).select { |c| !c.text? || /\S/.match(c) } return unless c1.empty? link = anchor_linkend(node, docid_l10n(node["target"] || node["citeas"])) link += eref_localities(node.xpath(ns("./locality | ./localityStack")), link, node) non_locality_elems(node).each(&:remove) node.add_child(cleanup_entities(link)) end # so not # 3.1 def eref_localities(refs, target, node) ret = "" refs.each_with_index do |r, i| delim = "," delim = ";" if == "localityStack" && i.positive? ret = eref_locality_stack(r, i, target, delim, ret, node) end ret end def eref_locality_stack(ref, idx, target, delim, ret, node) if == "localityStack" ref.elements.each_with_index do |rr, j| ret += eref_localities0(rr, j, target, delim, node) delim = "," end else ret += eref_localities0(ref, idx, target, delim, node) end ret end def eref_localities0(ref, _idx, target, delim, node) if ref["type"] == "whole" then l10n("#{delim} #{@i18n.wholeoftext}") else eref_localities1(target, ref["type"],"./referenceFrom")),"./referenceTo")), delim, node, @lang) end end # TODO: move to localization file def eref_localities1_zh(_target, type, from, upto, node, delim) ret = "#{delim} 第#{from.text}" if from ret += "–#{upto.text}" if upto loc = (@i18n.locality[type] || type.sub(/^locality:/, "").capitalize) ret += " #{loc}" unless node["droploc"] == "true" ret end # TODO: move to localization file def eref_localities1(target, type, from, upto, delim, node, lang = "en") return "" if type == "anchor" lang == "zh" and return l10n(eref_localities1_zh(target, type, from, upto, node, delim)) ret = delim ret += eref_locality_populate(type, node) ret += " #{from.text}" if from ret += "–#{upto.text}" if upto l10n(ret) end def eref_locality_populate(type, node) return "" if node["droploc"] == "true" loc = @i18n.locality[type] || type.sub(/^locality:/, "") loc = case node["case"] when "lowercase" then loc.downcase else Metanorma::Utils.strict_capitalize_first(loc) end " #{loc}" end def xref(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//xref")).each { |f| xref1(f) } end def eref(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//eref")).each { |f| xref1(f) } end def origin(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//origin[not(termref)]")).each { |f| xref1(f) } end def quotesource(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//quote/source")).each { |f| xref1(f) } end def xref1(node) get_linkend(node) end def variant(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//variant")).each { |f| variant1(f) } docxml.xpath(ns("//variant[@remove = 'true']")).each(&:remove) docxml.xpath(ns("//variant")).each do |v| next unless v&.next&.name == "variant" = "/" end docxml.xpath(ns("//variant")).each { |f| f.replace(f.children) } end def variant1(node) if (!node["lang"] || node["lang"] == @lang) && (!node["script"] || node["script"] == @script) elsif found_matching_variant_sibling(node) node["remove"] = "true" end end private def found_matching_variant_sibling(node) prev = node.xpath("./preceding-sibling::xmlns:variant") foll = node.xpath("./following-sibling::xmlns:variant") found = false (prev + foll).each do |n| found = true if n["lang"] == @lang && (!n["script"] || n["script"] == @script) end found end end end