# Autogenerated from the HTML5 specification. Edits may be lost. module Watir class HTMLElement < BaseElement attributes(:string_map => ([:dataset]), :string => ([:innerhtml, :outerhtml, :id, :title, :lang, :dir, :class_name, :item_type, :item_id, :item_ref, :item_value, :access_key, :access_key_label, :content_editable, :spellcheck, :command_type, :label, :icon]), :properties_collection => ([:properties]), :int => ([:tab_index]), :html_element => ([:context_menu]), :function => ([:onabort, :onblur, :oncanplay, :oncanplaythrough, :onchange, :onclick, :oncontextmenu, :ondblclick, :ondrag, :ondragend, :ondragenter, :ondragleave, :ondragover, :ondragstart, :ondrop, :ondurationchange, :onemptied, :onended, :onerror, :onfocus, :onformchange, :onforminput, :oninput, :oninvalid, :onkeydown, :onkeypress, :onkeyup, :onload, :onloadeddata, :onloadedmetadata, :onloadstart, :onmousedown, :onmousemove, :onmouseout, :onmouseover, :onmouseup, :onmousewheel, :onpause, :onplay, :onplaying, :onprogress, :onratechange, :onreadystatechange, :onscroll, :onseeked, :onseeking, :onselect, :onshow, :onstalled, :onsubmit, :onsuspend, :ontimeupdate, :onvolumechange, :onwaiting]), :style => ([:style]), :bool => ([:item_scope, :hidden, :draggable, :is_content_editable, :disabled, :checked]), :token_list => ([:class_list, :item_prop])) end class TableCell < HTMLElement attributes(:string => ([:headers]), :int => ([:col_span, :row_span, :cell_index])) end class Mod < HTMLElement attributes(:string => ([:cite, :date_time])) end class Meta < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "meta") container_method(:meta) collection_method(:metas) attributes(:string => ([:name, :http_equiv, :content])) end class Input < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "input") container_method(:input) collection_method(:inputs) attributes(:string => ([:accept, :alt, :form_action, :form_enctype, :form_method, :form_target, :height, :max, :min, :name, :pattern, :placeholder, :src, :step, :type, :default_value, :value, :width, :validity, :validation_message]), :int => ([:max_length, :size, :selection_start, :selection_end]), :float => ([:value_as_number]), :date => ([:value_as_date]), :html_element => ([:form, :list, :selected_option]), :list => ([:files, :labels]), :bool => ([:autocomplete, :autofocus, :default_checked, :checked, :disabled, :form_no_validate, :indeterminate, :multiple, :read_only, :required, :will_validate])) end class TableHeaderCell < TableCell identifier(:tag_name => "th") container_method(:th) collection_method(:ths) attributes(:string => ([:scope])) end class DataList < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "datalist") container_method(:datalist) collection_method(:datalists) attributes(:html_collection => ([:options])) end class Object < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "object") container_method(:object) collection_method(:objects) attributes(:string => ([:data, :type, :name, :use_map, :width, :height, :content_window, :validity, :validation_message]), :document => ([:content_document]), :html_element => ([:form]), :bool => ([:will_validate])) end class DList < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "dl") container_method(:dl) collection_method(:dls) # do nothing end class LI < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "li") container_method(:li) collection_method(:lis) attributes(:int => ([:value])) end class HR < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "hr") container_method(:hr) collection_method(:hrs) # do nothing end class Button < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "button") container_method(:button) collection_method(:buttons) attributes(:string => ([:form_action, :form_enctype, :form_method, :form_no_validate, :form_target, :name, :type, :value, :validity, :validation_message]), :html_element => ([:form]), :list => ([:labels]), :bool => ([:autofocus, :disabled, :will_validate])) end class TableRow < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "tr") container_method(:tr) collection_method(:trs) attributes(:int => ([:row_index, :section_row_index]), :html_collection => ([:cells])) end class TableSection < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "tbody") container_method(:tbody) collection_method(:tbodys) attributes(:html_collection => ([:rows])) end class Area < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "area") container_method(:area) collection_method(:areas) attributes(:string => ([:alt, :coords, :shape, :href, :target, :ping, :rel, :media, :hreflang, :type, :protocol, :host, :hostname, :port, :pathname, :search, :hash]), :token_list => ([:rel_list])) end class Anchor < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "a") container_method(:a) collection_method(:as) attributes(:string => ([:href, :target, :ping, :rel, :media, :hreflang, :type, :protocol, :host, :hostname, :port, :pathname, :search, :hash]), :token_list => ([:rel_list])) end class Pre < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "pre") container_method(:pre) collection_method(:pres) # do nothing end class Details < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "details") container_method(:details) collection_method(:details) attributes(:bool => ([:open])) end class OptGroup < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "optgroup") container_method(:optgroup) collection_method(:optgroups) attributes(:string => ([:label]), :bool => ([:disabled])) end class TableCol < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "colgroup") container_method(:colgroup) collection_method(:colgroups) attributes(:int => ([:span])) end class Embed < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "embed") container_method(:embed) collection_method(:embeds) attributes(:string => ([:src, :type, :width, :height])) end # class Link < HTMLElement # identifier(:tag_name => "link") # # container_method(:link) # # collection_method(:links) # # attributes(:string => ([:href, :rel, :media, :hreflang, :type, :sizes]), :bool => ([:disabled]), :token_list => ([:rel_list])) # end class Html < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "html") container_method(:html) collection_method(:htmls) # do nothing end class Option < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "option") container_method(:option) collection_method(:options) attributes(:string => ([:label, :value, :text]), :int => ([:index]), :html_element => ([:form]), :bool => ([:disabled, :default_selected, :selected])) end class Legend < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "legend") container_method(:legend) collection_method(:legends) attributes(:html_element => ([:form])) end class Form < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "form") container_method(:form) collection_method(:forms) attributes(:string => ([:accept_charset, :action, :enctype, :method, :name, :target]), :int => ([:length]), :html_collection => ([:elements]), :bool => ([:autocomplete, :no_validate])) end class Param < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "param") container_method(:param) collection_method(:params) attributes(:string => ([:name, :value])) end class IFrame < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "iframe") container_method(:iframe) collection_method(:iframes) attributes(:string => ([:src, :name, :sandbox, :width, :height, :content_window]), :document => ([:content_document]), :bool => ([:seamless])) end class Image < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "img") container_method(:image) collection_method(:images) attributes(:string => ([:alt, :src, :use_map]), :int => ([:width, :height, :natural_width, :natural_height]), :bool => ([:is_map, :complete])) end class Progress < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "progress") container_method(:progress) collection_method(:progress) attributes(:float => ([:value, :max, :position])) end class Time < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "time") container_method(:time) collection_method(:times) attributes(:string => ([:date_time]), :date => ([:value_as_date]), :bool => ([:pub_date])) end class UList < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "ul") container_method(:ul) collection_method(:uls) # do nothing end class Quote < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "blockquote") container_method(:blockquote) collection_method(:blockquotes) attributes(:string => ([:cite])) end class Style < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "style") container_method(:style) collection_method(:styles) attributes(:string => ([:media, :type]), :bool => ([:disabled, :scoped])) end class Output < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "output") container_method(:output) collection_method(:outputs) attributes(:string => ([:html_for, :name, :type, :default_value, :value, :validity, :validation_message]), :html_element => ([:form]), :bool => ([:will_validate])) end class TableCaption < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "caption") container_method(:caption) collection_method(:captions) # do nothing end class Table < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "table") container_method(:table) collection_method(:tables) attributes(:string => ([:summary]), :html_element => ([:caption, :t_head, :t_foot]), :html_collection => ([:t_bodies, :rows])) end class Paragraph < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "p") container_method(:p) collection_method(:ps) # do nothing end class Body < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "body") container_method(:body) collection_method(:bodys) attributes(:function => ([:onafterprint, :onbeforeprint, :onbeforeunload, :onblur, :onerror, :onfocus, :onhashchange, :onload, :onmessage, :onoffline, :ononline, :onpopstate, :onpagehide, :onpageshow, :onredo, :onresize, :onstorage, :onundo, :onunload])) end class Head < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "head") container_method(:head) collection_method(:heads) # do nothing end class Map < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "map") container_method(:map) collection_method(:maps) attributes(:string => ([:name]), :html_collection => ([:areas, :images])) end class Div < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "div") container_method(:div) collection_method(:divs) # do nothing end class TextArea < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "textarea") container_method(:textarea) collection_method(:textareas) attributes(:string => ([:name, :placeholder, :wrap, :type, :default_value, :value, :validity, :validation_message]), :int => ([:cols, :max_length, :rows, :text_length, :selection_start, :selection_end]), :html_element => ([:form]), :list => ([:labels]), :bool => ([:autofocus, :disabled, :read_only, :required, :will_validate])) end class TableDataCell < TableCell identifier(:tag_name => "td") container_method(:td) collection_method(:tds) # do nothing end class Canvas < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "canvas") container_method(:canvas) collection_method(:canvas) attributes(:int => ([:width, :height])) end class BR < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "br") container_method(:br) collection_method(:brs) # do nothing end class Title < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "title") container_method(:title) collection_method(:titles) attributes(:string => ([:text])) end class Meter < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "meter") container_method(:meter) collection_method(:meters) attributes(:float => ([:value, :min, :max, :low, :high, :optimum])) end class Heading < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "h1") container_method(:h1) collection_method(:h1s) # do nothing end class Base < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "base") container_method(:base) collection_method(:bases) attributes(:string => ([:href, :target])) end class Unknown < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "unknown") container_method(:unknown) collection_method(:unknowns) # do nothing end class Select < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "select") container_method(:select) collection_method(:selects) attributes(:string => ([:name, :type, :value, :validity, :validation_message]), :int => ([:size, :length, :selected_index]), :html_element => ([:form]), :list => ([:labels]), :html_collection => ([:options, :selected_options]), :bool => ([:autofocus, :disabled, :multiple, :will_validate])) end class Label < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "label") container_method(:label) collection_method(:labels) attributes(:string => ([:html_for]), :html_element => ([:form, :control])) end class Keygen < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "keygen") container_method(:keygen) collection_method(:keygens) attributes(:string => ([:challenge, :keytype, :name, :type, :validity, :validation_message]), :html_element => ([:form]), :list => ([:labels]), :bool => ([:autofocus, :disabled, :will_validate])) end class FieldSet < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "fieldset") container_method(:fieldset) collection_method(:fieldsets) attributes(:string => ([:name, :type, :validity, :validation_message]), :html_element => ([:form]), :html_collection => ([:elements]), :bool => ([:disabled, :will_validate])) end class Source < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "source") container_method(:source) collection_method(:sources) attributes(:string => ([:src, :type, :media])) end class Span < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "span") container_method(:span) collection_method(:spans) # do nothing end class OList < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "ol") container_method(:ol) collection_method(:ols) attributes(:int => ([:start]), :bool => ([:reversed])) end end# from extras: # Autogenerated from the HTML5 specification. Edits may be lost. module Watir class Thead < TableSection identifier(:tag_name => "thead") container_method(:thead) collection_method(:theads) # do nothing end class Dd < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "dd") container_method(:dd) collection_method(:dds) # do nothing end class Address < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "address") container_method(:address) collection_method(:address) # do nothing end class Nav < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "nav") container_method(:nav) collection_method(:navs) # do nothing end class TFoot < TableSection identifier(:tag_name => "tfoot") container_method(:tfoot) collection_method(:tfoots) # do nothing end class Sub < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "sub") container_method(:sub) collection_method(:subs) # do nothing end class Sup < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "sup") container_method(:sup) collection_method(:sups) # do nothing end class Bdo < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "bdo") container_method(:bdo) collection_method(:bdos) # do nothing end class Rp < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "rp") container_method(:rp) collection_method(:rps) # do nothing end class Rt < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "rt") container_method(:rt) collection_method(:rts) # do nothing end class Mark < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "mark") container_method(:mark) collection_method(:marks) # do nothing end class Kbd < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "kbd") container_method(:kbd) collection_method(:kbds) # do nothing end class Dfn < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "dfn") container_method(:dfn) collection_method(:dfns) # do nothing end class Cite < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "cite") container_method(:cite) collection_method(:cites) # do nothing end class Ins < Mod identifier(:tag_name => "ins") container_method(:ins) collection_method(:ins) # do nothing end class B < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "b") container_method(:b) collection_method(:bs) # do nothing end class Noscript < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "noscript") container_method(:noscript) collection_method(:noscripts) # do nothing end class Figure < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "figure") container_method(:figure) collection_method(:figures) # do nothing end class Code < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "code") container_method(:code) collection_method(:codes) # do nothing end class Q < Quote identifier(:tag_name => "q") container_method(:q) collection_method(:qs) # do nothing end class Strong < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "strong") container_method(:strong) collection_method(:strongs) # do nothing end class Header < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "header") container_method(:header) collection_method(:headers) # do nothing end class Hgroup < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "hgroup") container_method(:hgroup) collection_method(:hgroups) # do nothing end class Aside < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "aside") container_method(:aside) collection_method(:asides) # do nothing end class Samp < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "samp") container_method(:samp) collection_method(:samps) # do nothing end class Section < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "section") container_method(:section) collection_method(:sections) # do nothing end class Dt < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "dt") container_method(:dt) collection_method(:dts) # do nothing end class Col < TableCol identifier(:tag_name => "col") container_method(:col) collection_method(:cols) # do nothing end class I < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "i") container_method(:i) collection_method(:is) # do nothing end class Var < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "var") container_method(:var) collection_method(:vars) # do nothing end class Abbr < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "abbr") container_method(:abbr) collection_method(:abbrs) # do nothing end class Small < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "small") container_method(:small) collection_method(:smalls) # do nothing end class Footer < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "footer") container_method(:footer) collection_method(:footers) # do nothing end class Ruby < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "ruby") container_method(:ruby) collection_method(:rubys) # do nothing end class Article < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "article") container_method(:article) collection_method(:articles) # do nothing end class Del < Mod identifier(:tag_name => "del") container_method(:del) collection_method(:dels) # do nothing end class Em < HTMLElement identifier(:tag_name => "em") container_method(:em) collection_method(:ems) # do nothing end end