require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'tailor/critic' describe Tailor::Critic do before { Tailor::Logger.stub(:log) } describe "#check_file" do let(:lexer) { double "Lexer" } let(:ruler) { double "Ruler" } let(:style) { double "Style", each: nil } let(:file_name) { "this_file.rb" } before do subject.stub(:init_rulers) end it "lexes the file" do lexer.should_receive(:lex) lexer.stub(:check_added_newline) Tailor::Lexer.should_receive(:new).with(file_name).and_return lexer subject.stub_chain(:problems, :[]=) subject.stub_chain(:problems, :[]) subject.check_file(file_name, style) end it "adds problems for the file to the main list of problems" do lexer.stub(:lex) lexer.stub(:check_added_newline) Tailor::Lexer.stub(:new).and_return lexer subject.problems.should_receive(:[]=).with(file_name, []) subject.check_file(file_name, style) end end describe "#problems" do specify { subject.problems.should be_a Hash } specify { subject.problems.should be_empty } end describe "#problem_count" do context "#problems is empty" do it "returns 0" do subject.instance_variable_set(:@problems, {}) subject.problem_count.should == 0 end end context "#problems contains valid values" do it "adds the number of each problem together" do probs = { one: { type: :indentation, line: 1, message: "" }, two: { type: :indentation, line: 2, message: "" }, thre: { type: :indentation, line: 27, message: "" } } subject.instance_variable_set(:@problems, probs) subject.problem_count.should == 3 end end end end