require "spec_helper" describe Danthes do before(:each) do Danthes.startup end let(:config) { Danthes.config } it "defaults server to nil" do config[:server].should be_nil end it "defaults signature_expiration to nil" do config[:signature_expiration].should be_nil end it "defaults subscription timestamp to current time in milliseconds" do time = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(time) Danthes.subscription[:timestamp].should eq((time.to_f * 1000).round) end it "loads a simple configuration file via load_config" do Danthes.env = 'production' Danthes.load_config("spec/fixtures/danthes.yml") config[:server].should eq("") config[:secret_token].should eq("PRODUCTION_SECRET_TOKEN") config[:signature_expiration].should eq(600) config[:adapter].should eq('thin') end context "when redis config exists" do before do Danthes.env = 'test' Danthes.load_redis_config("spec/fixtures/danthes_redis.yml") end it "passes redis config to faye engine options" do config[:engine][:type].should eq Faye::Redis config[:engine][:host].should eq 'redis_host' config[:engine][:port].should eq 'redis_port' config[:engine][:password].should eq 'redis_password' config[:engine][:database].should eq 'redis_database' config[:engine][:namespace].should eq '/namespace' end it "should pass redis config and default options to faye" do Faye::RackAdapter.should_receive(:new) do |options| options[:engine].should eq Danthes.config[:engine] options[:mount].should eq '/faye' end Danthes.faye_app end end context "when redis config does not exist" do it "should not have :engine inside of config hash" do config.should_not include :engine end it "should have mount point" do config[:mount].should eq '/faye' end end it "raises an exception if an invalid environment is passed to load_config" do lambda { Danthes.load_config("spec/fixtures/danthes.yml", 'foo') }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it "includes channel, server, and custom time in subscription" do Danthes.config[:server] = "server" Danthes.config[:mount] = '/faye' subscription = Danthes.subscription(:timestamp => 123, :channel => "hello") subscription[:timestamp].should eq(123) subscription[:channel].should eq("hello") subscription[:server].should eq("server/faye") end it "returns full server url from server and mount configs" do Danthes.config[:server] = "" Danthes.config[:mount] = '/faye' Danthes.server_url.should == '' end it "does a sha1 digest of channel, timestamp, and secret token" do Danthes.config[:secret_token] = "token" subscription = Danthes.subscription(:timestamp => 123, :channel => "channel") subscription[:signature].should eq(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("tokenchannel123")) end it "formats a message hash given a channel and a string for eval" do Danthes.config[:secret_token] = "token" Danthes.message("chan", "foo").should eq( :ext => {:danthes_token => "token"}, :channel => "chan", :data => { :channel => "chan", :eval => "foo" } ) end it "formats a message hash given a channel and a hash" do Danthes.config[:secret_token] = "token" Danthes.message("chan", :foo => "bar").should eq( :ext => {:danthes_token => "token"}, :channel => "chan", :data => { :channel => "chan", :data => {:foo => "bar"} } ) end it "publish message as json to server using Net::HTTP" do Danthes.config[:server] = "http://localhost" Danthes.config[:mount] = '/faye/path' message = 'foo' faye = stub_request(:post, "http://localhost/faye/path"). with(:body => {"message"=>"\"foo\""}, :headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) Danthes.publish_message(message) faye.should have_been_made.once end it "it should use HTTPS if the server URL says so" do Danthes.config[:server] = "https://localhost" Danthes.config[:mount] = '/faye/path' http = mock(:http).as_null_object Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).and_return(http) http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) Danthes.publish_message('foo') end it "it should not use HTTPS if the server URL says not to" do Danthes.config[:server] = "http://localhost" http = mock(:http).as_null_object Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).and_return(http) http.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(false) Danthes.publish_message('foo') end it "raises an exception if no server is specified when calling publish_message" do lambda { Danthes.publish_message("foo") }.should raise_error(Danthes::Error) end it "publish_to passes message to publish_message call" do Danthes.should_receive(:message).with("chan", "foo").and_return("message") Danthes.should_receive(:publish_message).with("message").and_return(:result) Danthes.publish_to("chan", "foo").should eq(:result) end it "has a Faye rack app instance" do Danthes.faye_app.should be_kind_of(Faye::RackAdapter) end it "says signature has expired when time passed in is greater than expiration" do Danthes.config[:signature_expiration] = 30*60 time = Danthes.subscription[:timestamp] - 31*60*1000 Danthes.signature_expired?(time).should be_true end it "says signature has not expired when time passed in is less than expiration" do Danthes.config[:signature_expiration] = 30*60 time = Danthes.subscription[:timestamp] - 29*60*1000 Danthes.signature_expired?(time).should be_false end it "says signature has not expired when expiration is nil" do Danthes.config[:signature_expiration] = nil Danthes.signature_expired?(0).should be_false end end