/** * WebSocket with graceful degradation - jQuery plugin * @author David Lindkvist * @version 0.1 * * Returns an object implementing the WebSocket API. * * If browser supports WebSockets a native WebSocket instance is returned. * If not, a simulated half-duplex implementation is returned which uses polling * over HTTP to retrieve new messages * * OPTIONS * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * {Number} fallbackOpenDelay number of ms to delay simulated open * event for fallback * {Number} fallbackPollInterval number of ms between requests for * fallback polling * {Object} fallbackPollParams optional params to pass with each poll * requests * * EXAMPLES * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * var websocket = $.gracefulWebSocket("ws://"); * * var websocket = $.gracefulWebSocket({ * fallbackPollParams: { * "latestMessageID": function () { * return latestMessageID; * } * } * }); * */ (function ($) { $.extend({ gracefulWebSocket: function (url, options) { // Default properties this.defaults = { keepAlive: false, // not implemented - should ping server to keep socket open autoReconnect: false, // not implemented - should try to reconnect silently if socket is closed fallback: true, // not implemented - always use HTTP fallback if native browser support is missing fallbackSendURL: url.replace('ws:', 'http:').replace('wss:', 'https:'), fallbackSendMethod: 'POST', fallbackPollURL: url.replace('ws:', 'http:').replace('wss:', 'https:'), fallbackPollMethod: 'GET', fallbackOpenDelay: 100, // number of ms to delay simulated open event fallbackPollInterval: 3000, // number of ms between poll requests fallbackPollParams: {} // optional params to pass with poll requests }; // Override defaults with user properties var opts = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options); /** * Creates a fallback object implementing the WebSocket interface */ function FallbackSocket() { // WebSocket interface constants const CONNECTING = 0; const OPEN = 1; const CLOSING = 2; const CLOSED = 3; var pollInterval; var openTimout; // create WebSocket object var fws = { // ready state readyState: CONNECTING, bufferedAmount: 0, send: function (data) { var success = true; $.ajax({ async: false, // send synchronously type: opts.fallbackSendMethod, url: opts.fallbackSendURL + '?' + $.param( getFallbackParams() ), data: data, dataType: 'text', contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", success: pollSuccess, error: function (xhr) { success = false; $(fws).triggerHandler('error'); } }); return success; }, close: function () { clearTimeout(openTimout); clearInterval(pollInterval); this.readyState = CLOSED; $(fws).triggerHandler('close'); }, onopen: function () {}, onmessage: function () {}, onerror: function () {}, onclose: function () {}, previousRequest: null, currentRequest: null }; function getFallbackParams() { // update timestamp of previous and current poll request fws.previousRequest = fws.currentRequest; fws.currentRequest = new Date().getTime(); // extend default params with plugin options return $.extend({"previousRequest": fws.previousRequest, "currentRequest": fws.currentRequest}, opts.fallbackPollParams); } /** * @param {Object} data */ function pollSuccess(data) { // trigger onmessage var messageEvent = {"data" : data}; fws.onmessage(messageEvent); } function poll() { $.ajax({ type: opts.fallbackPollMethod, url: opts.fallbackPollURL, dataType: 'text', data: getFallbackParams(), success: pollSuccess, error: function (xhr) { $(fws).triggerHandler('error'); } }); } // simulate open event and start polling openTimout = setTimeout(function () { fws.readyState = OPEN; //fws.currentRequest = new Date().getTime(); $(fws).triggerHandler('open'); poll(); pollInterval = setInterval(poll, opts.fallbackPollInterval); }, opts.fallbackOpenDelay); // return socket impl return fws; } // create a new websocket or fallback var ws = window.WebSocket ? new WebSocket(url) : new FallbackSocket(); $(window).unload(function () { ws.close(); ws = null }); return ws; } }); })(jQuery);