describe "Fortitude staticization behavior", :type => :system do it "should allow making a method static, and it should not change behavior ever" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do def content p :class => 'foo' do text "bar: #{$global_value}" end p "baz" end static :content end expect(render(wc)).to eq('
bar: 12345
') $global_value = 23456 expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 12345
') end it "should allow making a method static twice, and it should not cause problems" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do def content p :class => 'foo' do text "bar: #{$global_value}" end p "baz" end static :content static :content end expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 12345
') $global_value = 23456 expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 12345
') end it "should update the static definition of a method if static is called again" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do def content p :class => 'foo' do text "bar: #{$global_value}" end p "baz" end static :content end expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 12345
') $global_value = 23456 expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 12345
') wc.class_eval { static :content } expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 23456
') $global_value = 34567 expect(render(wc)).to eq('bar: 23456
') end it "should allow you to yield from a method that's made static" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do def content text "content before:#{$global_value}" foo do text "yield inside:#{$global_value}" end text "content after:#{$global_value}" end def foo text "foo before:#{$global_value}" yield text "foo after:#{$global_value}" end static :foo end expect(render(wc)).to eq('content before:12345foo before:12345yield inside:12345foo after:12345content after:12345') $global_value = 23456 expect(render(wc)).to eq('content before:23456foo before:12345yield inside:23456foo after:12345content after:23456') $global_value = 34567 expect(render(wc)).to eq('content before:34567foo before:12345yield inside:34567foo after:12345content after:34567') end it "should not allow you to yield more than once from a method that's made static" do wc = widget_class do def content foo do text "yo" end end def foo text "one" yield text "two" yield text "three" end end expect { wc.class_eval { static :foo }; render(wc) }.to raise_error(/yields more than once/i) end it "should raise an error if you try to access a variable from within a method that's being made static" do wc = widget_class do needs :foo => 12345 def content bar end def bar text "foo is: #{foo}" end end e = capture_exception(Fortitude::Errors::DynamicAccessFromStaticMethod) { wc.class_eval { static :bar }; render(wc) } expect(e.widget.class).to be(wc) expect(e.static_method_name).to eq(:bar) expect(e.method_called).to eq(:foo) end def check_dynamic_raises(base_class, method_called, &block) subclass = subclass.send(:define_method, :bar, &block) e = capture_exception(Fortitude::Errors::DynamicAccessFromStaticMethod) { subclass.static :bar; render(subclass) } expect(e.widget.class).to be(subclass) expect(e.static_method_name).to eq(:bar) expect(e.method_called).to eq(method_called) end it "should raise an error if you try to access dynamic data in other ways from within a method that's being made static" do base_class = widget_class do needs :foo => 12345 def content bar end end check_dynamic_raises(base_class, :foo) { foo } check_dynamic_raises(base_class, :assigns) { assigns } check_dynamic_raises(base_class, :shared_variables) { shared_variables } end it "should allow static-izing a widget that has required needs" do wc = widget_class do needs :foo def content text "foo: #{foo}" bar end def bar text "bar!" end static :bar end expect(render( => 12345))).to eq("foo: 12345bar!") expect(render( => 23456))).to eq("foo: 23456bar!") end it "should allow disabling locale support" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do def initialize(locale) @locale = locale end def widget_locale @locale end def content foo end def foo text "locale: #{widget_locale}, #{$global_value}" end static :foo, :locale_support => false end expect(render( eq("locale: en, 12345") $global_value = 23456 expect(render( eq("locale: en, 12345") expect(render( eq("locale: en, 12345") end describe "helper support" do before :each do @helpers_class = do def foo(x) "foo #{x} foo!" end end @helpers_object = @wc = widget_class do def content text "it is: #{foo('bar')}" end end end def do_render(widget_or_class, options = { }) render(widget_or_class, { :rendering_context => rc(:helpers_object => @helpers_object) }.merge(options)) end it "should allow static methods to access helpers by default" do expect(do_render(@wc)).to eq("it is: foo bar foo!") @wc.static :content expect(do_render(@wc)).to eq("it is: foo bar foo!") expect(do_render(@wc)).to eq("it is: foo bar foo!") end end describe "around_content support" do before :each do $global_value = 12345 @wc = widget_class do around_content :ac def ac text "before #{$global_value}" yield text "after #{$global_value}" end def content text "this is content" sub end def sub text "this is sub #{$global_value}" end end end it "should not run around_content filters around a static method, if that method is not #content" do @wc.static :sub expect(render(@wc)).to eq("before 12345this is contentthis is sub 12345after 12345") $global_value = 23456 expect(render(@wc)).to eq("before 23456this is contentthis is sub 12345after 23456") end it "should run around_content filters around a static method, if that method is #content" do @wc.static :content expect(render(@wc)).to eq("before 12345this is contentthis is sub 12345after 12345") $global_value = 23456 expect(render(@wc)).to eq("before 23456this is contentthis is sub 12345after 23456") end end it "should still run the proper localized content methods even if #content, or one of them, is static" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do use_localized_content_methods true def initialize(locale) self.widget_locale = locale super({ }) end def localized_content_en text "hullo! #{$global_value}" end def localized_content_fr text "bonjour! #{$global_value}" end def content text "saluton! #{$global_value}" end attr_accessor :widget_locale end expect(render( eq("saluton! 12345") expect(render( eq("hullo! 12345") expect(render( eq("bonjour! 12345") wc.static :localized_content_fr expect(render( eq("bonjour! 12345") $global_value = 23456 expect(render( eq("saluton! 23456") expect(render( eq("hullo! 23456") expect(render( eq("bonjour! 12345") wc.static :content expect(render( eq("saluton! 23456") $global_value = 34567 expect(render( eq("saluton! 23456") expect(render( eq("hullo! 34567") expect(render( eq("bonjour! 12345") end describe "localization support" do it "should allow staticized methods to have different output per-locale" do $global_value = 12345 wc = widget_class do def initialize(locale) @locale = locale end def widget_locale @locale end def content text "this is content in #{widget_locale} language #{$global_value}!" end end expect(render( eq("this is content in language 12345!") expect(render("en"))).to eq("this is content in en language 12345!") expect(render("fr"))).to eq("this is content in fr language 12345!") $global_value = 23456 wc.static :content expect(render( eq("this is content in language 23456!") expect(render("en"))).to eq("this is content in en language 23456!") expect(render("fr"))).to eq("this is content in fr language 23456!") $global_value = 34567 expect(render( eq("this is content in language 23456!") expect(render("en"))).to eq("this is content in en language 23456!") expect(render("fr"))).to eq("this is content in fr language 23456!") end end end