module KeywordMatcher class Prophet attr_reader :phrase PRECISION = 0.5 SPLIT = 0.2 SEPARATOR = %r{[\s\(\)\/*:"'\\\/\$\.,=]+} MEASURES = 'кг|г|л|мл|уп|ед|шт|мг|пак'.freeze def initialize(phrase) @phrase = phrase end def explode prepare .split(SEPARATOR) .map(&:strip) .map(&:downcase) .reject { |w| w =~ /\d{5,}/ } .reject(&:blank?) end def prepare phrase.downcase .gsub(/(\p{Ll})(\d+\S)/, '\1 \2') # split text from digits .gsub(/%([\p{L}\d])/, '% \1') # add space after percents .gsub(/(\d)[\.,](\d)/, '\1-\2') # replace separator between digits from , or . to - .gsub(/(\d)[\.,\s]+(#{MEASURES})\.?/, '\1\2') # replace gaps between numbers and measures .gsub(/(\p{Ll})(\p{Lu})/, '\1 \2') # split camelcase string .gsub(/(\d)-0+(#{MEASURES})/, '\1\2') # remove trailing zeroes after measures end end end