after = (ms, fn) -> setTimeout(fn, ms) jQuery ($) -> # Detect 3D support prefix = 'moz' if $.browser.mozilla prefix = 'webkit' if $.browser.webkit prefix = 'o' if $.browser.opera prefix = 'ms' if $.browser.msie detect3d = -> return true if return false unless window.matchMedia? result = matchMedia("all and (transform-3d)") return true if result.matches matchMedia("all and (-#{prefix}-transform-3d)").matches support3d = detect3d() $('body').addClass(if support3d then 'transform3d' else 'transform2d') # Open source corner animation if support3d corner = $('.open-source') shadow = corner.find('.shadow') translate = corner.find('.translate') rotator = corner.find('.rotator') duration = rotator.css('transition-duration') duration ||= rotator.css("-#{prefix}-transition-duration") duration = parseFloat(duration) * 1000 shadowing = -> if':animated') shadow.stop(true).animate(opacity: 0, (duration / 2), 'linear') else shadow.animate(opacity: 1, (duration / 2), 'linear'). animate(opacity: 0, (duration / 2), 'linear') corner.mouseenter -> shadowing() after duration, -> translate.addClass('show') if':hover') corner.mouseleave -> shadowing() translate.removeClass('show') # FF backface-visibility fix if $.browser.mozilla back = corner.find('.text, .border') corner.mouseenter -> back.stop(true).delay(duration / 2).hide(1) corner.mouseleave -> back.stop(true).delay(duration / 2).show(1)