require 'spec_helper' describe 'Adding custom metadata fields', type: :feature do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } let(:admin) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_admin, exhibit: exhibit) } before do login_as(admin) end it 'works' do # Add visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_metadata_configuration_path exhibit click_on 'Add new field' fill_in 'Label', with: 'My new custom field' fill_in 'Short description', with: 'Helps to remind me what this field is for' click_on 'Save' expect(page).to have_content 'The custom field was created.' within '#exhibit-specific-fields' do expect(page).to have_selector '.field-label', text: 'My new custom field' expect(page).to have_selector '.field-description', text: 'Helps to remind me what this field is for' # Edit click_link 'Edit' end # on the edit form expect(find_field('Label').value).to eq 'My new custom field' expect(find_field('Short description').value).to eq 'Helps to remind me what this field is for' fill_in 'Short description', with: 'A much better description' click_button 'Save changes' expect(page).to have_content 'The custom field was successfully updated.' within '#exhibit-specific-fields' do expect(page).to have_selector '.field-label', text: 'My new custom field' expect(page).to have_selector '.field-description', text: 'A much better description' # Destroy click_link 'Delete' end expect(page).to have_content 'The custom field was deleted.' end it 'has breadcrumbs' do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_metadata_configuration_path exhibit click_on 'Add new field' expect(page).to have_breadcrumbs 'Home', 'Configuration', 'Metadata', 'Add new field' end it 'lets the curator choose the type of field on create' do visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_metadata_configuration_path exhibit click_on 'Add new field' fill_in 'Label', with: 'My new custom field' choose 'Controlled vocabulary' click_on 'Save' expect(page).to have_content 'The custom field was created.' within '#exhibit-specific-fields' do # Edit click_link 'Edit' end expect(page).to have_checked_field 'Controlled vocabulary' expect(page).to have_unchecked_field 'Free text' visit spotlight.edit_exhibit_search_configuration_path exhibit expect(page).to have_content 'My new custom field' end end