# Mysql recipes namespace :mysql do desc <<-DESC Install mysql monit hooks. *db_port*: Mysql port. _Defaults to 3306_\n *mysql_pid_path*: Path to mysql pid file. _Defaults to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid_\n @set :mysql_pid_path, "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid"@\n *monit_conf_dir*: Destination for monitrc. _Defaults to "/etc/monit"_\n @set :monit_conf_dir, "/etc/monit"@\n DESC task :install_monit do # Settings fetch_or_default(:mysql_pid_path, "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid") fetch_or_default(:db_port, 3306) fetch_or_default(:monit_conf_dir, "/etc/monit") put template.load("mysql/mysql.monitrc.erb", binding), "/tmp/mysql.monitrc" run_via "install -o root /tmp/mysql.monitrc #{monit_conf_dir}/mysql.monitrc" end desc <<-DESC Create database, database user, and set grant permissions. *db_name*: Database name (application).\n *db_user*: Database user (application).\n *db_pass*: Database password (application).\n *mysql_grant_locations*: Grant locations. _Defaults to localhost_\n @set :grant_locations, [ "localhost", "" ]@\n *mysql_grant_priv_type*: Grant privilege types. _Defaults to ALL_\n @set :grant_priv_type, "ALL"@\n *mysql_admin_password*: Mysql admin password (to use to connect). Defaults to password prompt.\n @set :mysql_admin_password, prompt.password('Mysql admin password: '))@ DESC task :setup do # Settings fetch(:db_name) fetch(:db_user) fetch(:db_pass) fetch_or_default(:mysql_admin_password, prompt.password('Mysql admin password: ')) fetch_or_default(:mysql_grant_priv_type, "ALL") # Set grant locations to all servers in roles: :search, :db, :app unless exists?(:mysql_grant_locations) mysql_grant_locations = [ "localhost" ] role_names = [ :search, :db, :app ] role_names.each do |role_name| roles[role_name].each do |role| mysql_grant_locations << role.host end unless roles[role_name].blank? end set :mysql_grant_locations, mysql_grant_locations end put template.load("mysql/install_db.sql.erb"), "/tmp/install_db_#{application}.sql" run "mysql -u root -p#{mysql_admin_password} < /tmp/install_db_#{application}.sql" end end