#!/bin/env ruby require 'json' source = ARGV[0] home = File.expand_path('../..', __dir__) if not source puts 'Usage: ' Dir['../../docs/src/_examples/rails/*.md'].sort.each do |file| puts " #{$PROGRAM_NAME} #{file}" end exit 1 end # determine what to install based on the markdown source file name install = File.basename(source, '.md').gsub('_', ':').gsub('-', '') # extract instructions from markdown source source = IO.read(source) gen = %r{\./bin/rails generate .*}.match(source) html = /.*`(.*?)`.*?```(?:html|erb)\n(.*?)```/m.match(source) ruby = /.*`(.*?)`.*?```ruby\n(.*?)```/m.match(source) link = %r{<(http://localhost:3000/.*?)>}.match(source) # Create a rails app system 'rm -rf testrails' system 'rails new testrails' Dir.chdir 'testrails' system './bin/spring stop' # install ruby2js and dependencies add = ["gem 'ruby2js', path: #{home.inspect}, require: 'ruby2js/rails'"] add << "gem 'stimulus-rails'" if install.include? 'stimulus' IO.write 'Gemfile', "\n" + add.join("\n"), mode: 'a' system './bin/bundle install' system "./bin/rails ruby2js:install:#{install}" # install locally built ruby2js ruby2js = "#{home}/packages/ruby2js" version = JSON.parse(IO.read "#{ruby2js}/package.json")['version'] mod = Dir["#{ruby2js}/ruby2js-ruby2js-*#{version}.tgz"].first system "yarn add #{mod}" if mod # install locally built webpack-loader loader = "#{home}/packages/webpack-loader" version = JSON.parse(IO.read "#{loader}/package.json")['version'] mod = Dir["#{loader}/ruby2js-webpack-loader-*#{version}.tgz"].first system "yarn add #{mod}" if mod # create ruby and html sources per markdown system gen[0] IO.write html[1], html[2], mode: 'a+' if html IO.write ruby[1], ruby[2], mode: 'w' if ruby File.unlink ruby[1].chomp('.rb') if File.exist? ruby[1].chomp('.rb') # launch browser once server is up and running require 'net/http' Thread.new do port = link[1][/:(\d+)/, 1].to_i # wait for server to start 60.times do sleep 0.5 begin status = Net::HTTP.get_response('','/',port).code break if %(200 404 500).include? status rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT end end # launch browser if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ system "start #{link[1]}" elsif RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ system "open #{link[1]}" elsif RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux|bsd/ if ENV['WSLENV'] and not `which wslview`.empty? system "wslview #{link[1]}" else system "xdg-open #{link[1]}" end end end # start server system './bin/rails server'