require 'rspec' require 'spec_helper' require 'cloudinary' include Cloudinary describe Utils do it 'should parse integer range values' do expect(Utils.instance_eval { norm_range_value("200") }).to eq("200") end it "should parse float range values" do expect(Utils.instance_eval { norm_range_value("200.0") }).to eq("200.0"), "parse a float" end it "should parse a percent range value" do expect(Utils.instance_eval { norm_range_value("20p") }).to eq("20p") end describe "json_array_param" do let (:data) {{:one => 1, :two => 2, "three" => 3}} let (:data_s) {"{\"one\":1,\"two\":2,\"three\":3}"} let (:data2) {{:foo => "bar"}} let (:data2_s) {"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"} it "should convert a hash to json array" do result = Utils.json_array_param(data) expect(result).to match(/^\[.+\]$/) end it "should convert an array of hash to json array" do result = Utils.json_array_param([data, data2]) expect(result).to eql("[#{data_s},#{data2_s}]") end it "should convert a json string to json array string" do result = Utils.json_array_param(data_s) expect(result).to eql("[#{data_s}]") end it "should accept a JSON array string and return it" do result = Utils.json_array_param("[#{data_s},#{data2_s}]") expect(result).to eql("[#{data_s},#{data2_s}]") end it "should throw an error if input string is not valid json string" do expect{Utils.json_array_param("I'm not a JSON object!")}.to raise_error(JSON::ParserError) end it "should support a block" do hash = {:block => "works"} hash_s = '{"block":"works"}' result = Utils.json_array_param(data) do |array| array[0]['foo'] = 'foobar' array.push(hash) end expect(result).to include(hash_s) expect(result).to include('foobar') end end describe 'is_remote_url' do it 'should identify remote URLs correctly' do [ "", "", "", "s3://", "gs://cloudinary/images/old_logo.png", "data:image/gif;charset=utf8;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7", "data:image/gif;param1=value1;param2=value2;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" ].each do |url| expect(Cloudinary::Utils.is_remote?(url)).to eq(true), url end end end describe "resource_type per format" do it "should return the correct resource_type per format" do format_to_resource_type = { "jpg" => "image", "mp4" => "video", "txt" => "raw", "mp3" => "video", } format_to_resource_type.each do |format, resource_type| expect(Cloudinary::Utils.resource_type_for_format(format)).to eq(resource_type) end end end end