require 'plist4r/plist_type' module Plist4r # For documentation on the Info.plist keys, and their values, see: # class PlistType::Info < PlistType ValidKeysCoreFoundation = { :string => %w[ CFAppleHelpAnchor CFBundleDevelopmentRegion CFBundleDisplayName CFBundleExecutable CFBundleGetInfoString CFBundleHelpBookFolder CFBundleHelpBookName CFBundleIconFile CFBundleIdentifier CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion CFBundleName CFBundlePackageType CFBundleShortVersionString CFBundleSignature CFBundleVersion CFPlugInDynamicRegistration CFPlugInDynamicRegisterFunction CFPlugInUnloadFunction ], :bool => %w[ CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations ], :array_of_strings => %w[ CFBundleIconFiles CFBundleLocalizations ], :array_of_hashes => %w[ CFBundleDocumentTypes ], :array => %w[ CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleURLTypes ], :hash_of_strings => %w[ CFPlugInFactories ], :hash_of_arrays_of_strings => %w[ CFPlugInTypes ], } ValidKeysLaunchServices = { :string => %w[ LSMinimumSystemVersion LSUIElement LSVisibleInClassic MinimumOSVersion ], :bool => %w[ LSBackgroundOnly LSFileQuarantineEnabled LSGetAppDiedEvents LSMultipleInstancesProhibited LSRequiresIPhoneOS LSRequiresNativeExecution ], :integer => %w[ LSUIPresentationMode ], :array_of_strings => %w[ LSArchitecturePriority LSFileQuarantineExcludedPathPatterns ], :hash_of_strings => %w[ LSEnvironment LSMinimumSystemVersionByArchitecture ], } ValidKeysCocoa = { :string => %w[ NSDockTilePlugIn NSHumanReadableCopyright NSJavaRoot NSMainNibFile NSPersistentStoreTypeKey NSPrefPaneIconFile NSPrefPaneIconLabel NSPrincipalClass ], :bool => %w[ NSSupportsSuddenTermination ], :bool_or_string => %w[ NSAppleScriptEnabled NSJavaNeeded ], :array_of_strings => %w[ NSJavaPath ], :array_of_hashes => %w[ NSServices UTExportedTypeDeclarations UTImportedTypeDeclarations ], } ValidKeysMacOsx = { :string => %w[ APInstallerURL ATSApplicationFontsPath ], :bool => %w[ CSResourcesFileMapped QuartzGLEnable ], :array_of_strings => %w[ APFiles ] } ValidKeysUiKit = { :string => %w[ UIInterfaceOrientation UILaunchImageFile UIStatusBarStyle ], :bool => %w[ UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend UIFileSharingEnabled UIPrerenderedIcon UIRequiresPersistentWiFi UIStatusBarHidden UIViewEdgeAntialiasing UIViewGroupOpacity ], :array_of_strings => %w[ UIAppFonts UIBackgroundModes UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols UISupportedInterfaceOrientations ], :array_or_integer => %w[ UIDeviceFamily ], :array_or_hash => %w[ UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities ], } # A Hash Array of the supported plist keys for this type. These are plist keys which belong to the # PlistType for Info plists. Each CamelCased key name has a corresponding set_or_return method call. # For example "CFBundleIdentifier" => c_f_bundle_identifier(value). For more information please see {file:PlistKeyNames} # @see Plist4r::DataMethods ValidKeys = {}.merge_array_of_hashes_of_arrays [ ValidKeysCoreFoundation, ValidKeysLaunchServices, ValidKeysCocoa, ValidKeysMacOsx, ValidKeysUiKit ] end end