RSpec.shared_examples_for 'search_with' do |operation_class, options={}| name = options.fetch(:name) context name.to_s do subject(:with_operator) do base_class.search_with_operator_by_name[name] end it { be_a operation_class } options.each do |key, value| # skip :name since it use used to look up operator, so it's already been checked or with_operator would be `nil` unless key == :name it "has #{key.inspect} of #{value.inspect}" do expect(with_operator.send(key)).to eq(value) end end end context 'help' do subject(:help) do end context 'with en locale' do around(:each) do |example| I18n.with_locale(:en) do end end it 'should have translation' do expect(help).not_to include('translation missing') end end end end end