JSON Array

JSON Array — a JSON array representation


JsonArray *         json_array_new                      (void);
JsonArray *         json_array_sized_new                (guint n_elements);
JsonArray *         json_array_ref                      (JsonArray *array);
void                json_array_unref                    (JsonArray *array);

void                json_array_add_element              (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonNode *node);
JsonNode *          json_array_get_element              (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
JsonNode *          json_array_dup_element              (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
GList *             json_array_get_elements             (JsonArray *array);
guint               json_array_get_length               (JsonArray *array);
void                json_array_remove_element           (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                (*JsonArrayForeach)                 (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_,
                                                         JsonNode *element_node,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                json_array_foreach_element          (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonArrayForeach func,
                                                         gpointer data);

void                json_array_add_array_element        (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonArray *value);
JsonArray *         json_array_get_array_element        (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                json_array_add_boolean_element      (JsonArray *array,
                                                         gboolean value);
gboolean            json_array_get_boolean_element      (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                json_array_add_double_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         gdouble value);
gdouble             json_array_get_double_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                json_array_add_int_element          (JsonArray *array,
                                                         gint64 value);
gint64              json_array_get_int_element          (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                json_array_add_null_element         (JsonArray *array);
gboolean            json_array_get_null_element         (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                json_array_add_object_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonObject *value);
JsonObject *        json_array_get_object_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);
void                json_array_add_string_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         const gchar *value);
const gchar *       json_array_get_string_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);


JsonArray is the representation of the array type inside JSON. It contains JsonNodes, which may contain fundamental types, other arrays or objects.

Since arrays can be expensive, they are reference counted. You can control the lifetime of a JsonArray using json_array_ref() and json_array_unref().

To append an element, use json_array_add_element(). To extract an element at a given index, use json_array_get_element(). To retrieve the entire array in list form, use json_array_get_elements(). To retrieve the length of the array, use json_array_get_length().



typedef struct _JsonArray JsonArray;

A JSON array type. The contents of the JsonArray structure are private and should only be accessed by the provided API

json_array_new ()

JsonArray *         json_array_new                      (void);

Creates a new JsonArray.

Returns :

the newly created JsonArray

json_array_sized_new ()

JsonArray *         json_array_sized_new                (guint n_elements);

Creates a new JsonArray with n_elements slots already allocated.

n_elements :

number of slots to pre-allocate

Returns :

the newly created JsonArray

json_array_ref ()

JsonArray *         json_array_ref                      (JsonArray *array);

Increase by one the reference count of a JsonArray.

array :

a JsonArray

Returns :

the passed JsonArray, with the reference count increased by one.

json_array_unref ()

void                json_array_unref                    (JsonArray *array);

Decreases by one the reference count of a JsonArray. If the reference count reaches zero, the array is destroyed and all its allocated resources are freed.

array :

a JsonArray

json_array_add_element ()

void                json_array_add_element              (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonNode *node);

Appends node inside array. The array will take ownership of the JsonNode.

array :

a JsonArray

node :

a JsonNode. [transfer full]

json_array_get_element ()

JsonNode *          json_array_get_element              (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Retrieves the JsonNode containing the value of the element at index_ inside a JsonArray.

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

a pointer to the JsonNode at the requested index. [transfer none]

json_array_dup_element ()

JsonNode *          json_array_dup_element              (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Retrieves a copy of the JsonNode containing the value of the element at index_ inside a JsonArray

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

a copy of the JsonNode at the requested index. Use json_node_free() when done. [transfer full]

Since 0.6

json_array_get_elements ()

GList *             json_array_get_elements             (JsonArray *array);

Gets the elements of a JsonArray as a list of JsonNodes.

array :

a JsonArray

Returns :

a GList containing the elements of the array. The contents of the list are owned by the array and should never be modified or freed. Use g_list_free() on the returned list when done using it. [element-type JsonNode][transfer container]

json_array_get_length ()

guint               json_array_get_length               (JsonArray *array);

Retrieves the length of a JsonArray

array :

a JsonArray

Returns :

the length of the array

json_array_remove_element ()

void                json_array_remove_element           (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Removes the JsonNode inside array at index_ freeing its allocated resources.

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the position of the element to be removed

JsonArrayForeach ()

void                (*JsonArrayForeach)                 (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_,
                                                         JsonNode *element_node,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

The function to be passed to json_array_foreach_element(). You should not add or remove elements to and from array within this function. It is safe to change the value of element_node.

array :

the iterated JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element

element_node :

a JsonNode containing the value at index_

user_data :

data passed to the function

Since 0.8

json_array_foreach_element ()

void                json_array_foreach_element          (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonArrayForeach func,
                                                         gpointer data);

Iterates over all elements of array and calls func on each one of them.

It is safe to change the value of a JsonNode of the array from within the iterator func, but it is not safe to add or remove elements from the array.

array :

a JsonArray

func :

the function to be called on each element. [scope call]

data :

data to be passed to the function. [closure]

Since 0.8

json_array_add_array_element ()

void                json_array_add_array_element        (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonArray *value);

Conveniently adds an array into array. The array takes ownership of the newly added JsonArray

See also: json_array_add_element(), json_node_take_array()

array :

a JsonArray

value :

a JsonArray. [allow-none][transfer full]

Since 0.8

json_array_get_array_element ()

JsonArray *         json_array_get_array_element        (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves the array from the element at index_ inside array

See also: json_array_get_element(), json_node_get_array()

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

the array. [transfer none]

Since 0.8

json_array_add_boolean_element ()

void                json_array_add_boolean_element      (JsonArray *array,
                                                         gboolean value);

Conveniently adds a boolean value into array

See also: json_array_add_element(), json_node_set_boolean()

array :

a JsonArray

value :

a boolean value

Since 0.8

json_array_get_boolean_element ()

gboolean            json_array_get_boolean_element      (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves the boolean value of the element at index_ inside array

See also: json_array_get_element(), json_node_get_boolean()

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

the integer value

Since 0.8

json_array_add_double_element ()

void                json_array_add_double_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         gdouble value);

Conveniently adds a floating point value into array

See also: json_array_add_element(), json_node_set_double()

array :

a JsonArray

value :

a floating point value

Since 0.8

json_array_get_double_element ()

gdouble             json_array_get_double_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves the floating point value of the element at index_ inside array

See also: json_array_get_element(), json_node_get_double()

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

the floating point value

Since 0.8

json_array_add_int_element ()

void                json_array_add_int_element          (JsonArray *array,
                                                         gint64 value);

Conveniently adds an integer value into array

See also: json_array_add_element(), json_node_set_int()

array :

a JsonArray

value :

an integer value

Since 0.8

json_array_get_int_element ()

gint64              json_array_get_int_element          (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves the integer value of the element at index_ inside array

See also: json_array_get_element(), json_node_get_int()

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

the integer value

Since 0.8

json_array_add_null_element ()

void                json_array_add_null_element         (JsonArray *array);

Conveniently adds a null element into array

See also: json_array_add_element(), JSON_NODE_NULL

array :

a JsonArray

Since 0.8

json_array_get_null_element ()

gboolean            json_array_get_null_element         (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves whether the element at index_ is set to null

See also: json_array_get_element(), JSON_NODE_TYPE(), JSON_NODE_NULL

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

TRUE if the element is null

Since 0.8

json_array_add_object_element ()

void                json_array_add_object_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         JsonObject *value);

Conveniently adds an object into array. The array takes ownership of the newly added JsonObject

See also: json_array_add_element(), json_node_take_object()

array :

a JsonArray

value :

a JsonObject. [transfer full]

Since 0.8

json_array_get_object_element ()

JsonObject *        json_array_get_object_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves the object from the element at index_ inside array

See also: json_array_get_element(), json_node_get_object()

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

the object. [transfer none]

Since 0.8

json_array_add_string_element ()

void                json_array_add_string_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Conveniently adds a string value into array

See also: json_array_add_element(), json_node_set_string()

array :

a JsonArray

value :

a string value

Since 0.8

json_array_get_string_element ()

const gchar *       json_array_get_string_element       (JsonArray *array,
                                                         guint index_);

Conveniently retrieves the string value of the element at index_ inside array

See also: json_array_get_element(), json_node_get_string()

array :

a JsonArray

index_ :

the index of the element to retrieve

Returns :

the string value; the returned string is owned by the JsonArray and should not be modified or freed

Since 0.8