= Messagebus Ruby API == Installation gem install messagebus_ruby_api == Basic Use === Start by requiring MessabusApi: require 'messagebus_ruby_api' === Then create an instance of the Messagebus class with your account information client = MessagebusApi::Messagebus.new("") === Sending a single message ==== Create Required Parameters params = { :toEmail => 'apitest1@messagebus.com', :toName => 'EmailUser', :fromEmail => 'api@messagebus.com', :fromName => 'API', :subject => 'Unit Test Message', :customHeaders => ["sender"=>"apitest1@messagebus.com"], :plaintextBody => 'This message is only a test sent by the Ruby MessageBus client library.', :htmlBody => "This message is only a test sent by the Ruby MessageBus client library.", :tags => ['RUBY'] } ==== Send the message client.add_message(params) == Examples The provided examples illustrate how to: - send a single email message in the simplest way - send one or more emails (where the email body is passed with the api call) - send one or more templated emails (where a key referencing a previously stored email body is passed with the api call) - create a mailing list, add and delete mailing list entries and list the existing mailing lists - list recent email unsubscribes - list recent email statistics - list recent delivery errors == SSL Certificates If you encounter SSL certificate problems, use the cacert_info() method to specify a cacert.pem file (remember to specify the full path). The curl site has an up to date version of the file: http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem == Older Versions If you are using the old api with the text OK: responses, please be sure to get the 'v1' branch If you are using the old api with the 'body' parameter (instead of the new 'plaintextBody' and 'htmlBody' parameters), please be sure to get the 'v0' branch == Tests To run the tests, issue the following command from the root of the project: bundle exec rspec spec/messagebus_ruby_api/client_spec.rb == More info Contact MessageBus if you have questions or problems (https://www.messagebus.com/contact)