require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Braintree::Subscription do def default_params { :add_ons => [], :discounts => [], :transactions => [] } end context "price" do it "accepts price as either a String or a BigDecimal" do Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:price => "12.34")).price.should == BigDecimal("12.34") Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:price => BigDecimal("12.34"))).price.should == BigDecimal("12.34") end it "blows up if price is not a string or BigDecimal" do expect { Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:price => 12.34)) }.to raise_error(/Argument must be a String or BigDecimal/) end end describe "self.find" do it "raises error if passed empty string" do expect do Braintree::Subscription.find("") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises error if passed empty string wth space" do expect do Braintree::Subscription.find(" ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises error if passed nil" do expect do Braintree::Subscription.find(nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not raise an error if subscription id does not respond to strip" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double(:get => {:subscription => default_params}) expect do Braintree::Subscription.find(8675309) end.to_not raise_error end end describe "" do it "only allows specified values for status" do lambda do do |search| "Hammer" end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "==" do it "returns true for subscriptions with the same id" do subscription1 = Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:id => "123")) subscription2 = Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:id => "123")) subscription1.should == subscription2 end it "returns false for subscriptions with different ids" do subscription1 = Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:id => "123")) subscription2 = Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:id => "not_123")) subscription1.should_not == subscription2 end it "returns false if not comparing to a subscription" do subscription = Braintree::Subscription._new(:gateway, default_params.merge(:id => "123")) subscription.should_not == "not a subscription" end end end