require 'csv' module ForemanTasks # Represents the cleanup mechanism for tasks class Cleaner def if options.key?(:filter) new(options).delete else [:after, :states].each do |invalid_option| if options.key?(invalid_option) raise "The option #{invalid_option} is not valid unless the filter specified" end end if cleanup_settings[:after] Foreman::Deprecation.deprecation_warning('1.18', _(':after setting in tasks cleanup section is deprecated, use :after in :rules section to set the value. to cleanup rules')) new(options.merge(:filter => '', :after => cleanup_settings[:after])).delete end with_periods = actions_with_default_cleanup with_periods.each do |action_class, period| new(options.merge(:filter => "label = #{}", :after => period)).delete end actions_by_rules(with_periods).each do |hash| new(options.merge(hash)).delete end end end def self.actions_with_default_cleanup actions_with_periods = {} if cleanup_settings[:actions] cleanup_settings[:actions].each do |action| action_class = action[:name].constantize actions_with_periods[action_class] = action[:after] rescue => e Foreman::Logging.exception("Error handling #{action} cleanup settings", e) end end ( - actions_with_periods.keys).each do |action_class| if action_class.respond_to?(:cleanup_after) actions_with_periods[action_class] = action_class.cleanup_after end end actions_with_periods end def self.cleanup_settings return @cleanup_settings if @cleanup_settings @cleanup_settings = SETTINGS[:'foreman-tasks'] && SETTINGS[:'foreman-tasks'][:cleanup] || {} end def self.actions_by_rules(actions_with_periods) disable_actions_with_periods = "label !^ (#{actions_with_periods.keys.join(', ')})" cleanup_settings.fetch(:rules, []).map do |hash| next if hash[:after].nil? conditions = [] conditions << disable_actions_with_periods unless hash[:override_actions] conditions << hash[:filter] if hash[:filter] hash[:states] = [] if hash[:states] == 'all' hash[:filter] = { |condition| "(#{condition})" }.join(' AND ') hash end.compact end attr_reader :filter, :after, :states, :verbose, :batch_size, :noop, :full_filter # @param filter [String] scoped search matching the tasks to be deleted # @param after [String|nil] delete the tasks after they are older # than the value: the number in string is expected # to be followed by time unit specification one of s,h,d,y for # seconds ago. If not specified, no implicit filtering on the date. def initialize(options = {}) default_options = { :after => '0s', :verbose => false, :batch_size => 1000, :noop => false, :states => ['stopped'], :backup_dir => } options = default_options.merge(options) Foreman::Logging.logger('foreman-tasks').info("Running foreman-tasks cleaner with options #{options.inspect}") @filter = options[:filter] @after = parse_time_interval(options[:after]) @states = options[:states] @verbose = options[:verbose] @batch_size = options[:batch_size] @noop = options[:noop] @backup_dir = options[:backup_dir] raise ArgumentError, 'filter not speficied' if @filter.nil? @full_filter = prepare_filter end # Delete the filtered tasks, including the dynflow execution plans def delete message = "deleting all tasks matching filter #{full_filter}" with_noop(ForemanTasks::Task.search_for(full_filter), 'tasks matching filter', message) do |source, name| with_batches(source, name) do |chunk| delete_tasks chunk delete_dynflow_plans chunk delete_remote_tasks(chunk) end end delete_orphaned_locks delete_orphaned_links delete_orphaned_dynflow_tasks end def tasks ForemanTasks::Task.search_for(full_filter).select('DISTINCT, foreman_tasks_tasks.type, foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id') end def delete_tasks(chunk) tasks = ForemanTasks::Task.where(:id => tasks_to_csv(tasks, @backup_dir, 'foreman_tasks.csv') if @backup_dir tasks.delete_all end def delete_remote_tasks(chunk) ForemanTasks::RemoteTask.where(:execution_plan_id => end def tasks_to_csv(dataset, backup_dir, file_name) with_backup_file(backup_dir, file_name) do |csv, appending| csv << ForemanTasks::Task.attribute_names.to_csv unless appending dataset.each do |row| csv << row.attributes.values.to_csv end end dataset end def with_backup_file(backup_dir, file_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_dir) unless csv_file = File.join(backup_dir, file_name) appending = File.exist?(csv_file), 'a') do |f| yield f, appending end end def delete_dynflow_plans(chunk) delete_dynflow_plans_by_uuid chunk.find_all { |task| task.is_a? Task::DynflowTask }.map(&:external_id) end def delete_dynflow_plans_by_uuid(uuids){ 'uuid' => uuids }, batch_size, @backup_dir) end def delete_orphaned_locks orphaned_locks = ForemanTasks::Lock.left_outer_joins(:task).where(:'' => nil) with_noop(orphaned_locks, 'orphaned task locks') do |source, name| with_batches(source, name) do |chunk| ForemanTasks::Lock.where(id: chunk.pluck(:id)).delete_all end end end def delete_orphaned_links orphaned_links = ForemanTasks::Link.left_outer_joins(:task).where(:'' => nil) with_noop(orphaned_links, 'orphaned task links') do |source, name| with_batches(source, name) do |chunk| ForemanTasks::Link.where(id: chunk.pluck(:id)).delete_all end end end def delete_orphaned_dynflow_tasks with_noop(orphaned_dynflow_tasks, 'orphaned execution plans') do |source, name| with_batches(source, name) do |chunk| delete_dynflow_plans_by_uuid chunk.select_map(:uuid) end end end # source must respond to :count and :limit def with_noop(source, name, noop_message = nil) if noop say '[noop] ' + noop_message if noop_message say "[noop] #{source.count} #{name} would be deleted" else yield source, name end end def with_batches(source, name) count = source.count if say("No #{name} found, skipping.") return end start_tracking_progress(name, count) while (chunk = source.limit(batch_size)).any? chunk_size = chunk.count yield chunk report_progress(chunk_size) end report_done(name) end def orphaned_dynflow_tasks dynflow_plan_uuid_attribute = "dynflow_execution_plans.uuid" if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL' # typecast the UUID attribute for Postgres dynflow_plan_uuid_attribute += "::varchar" end db = db.fetch("select dynflow_execution_plans.uuid from dynflow_execution_plans left join "\ "foreman_tasks_tasks on (#{dynflow_plan_uuid_attribute} = foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id) "\ "where IS NULL") end def prepare_filter filter_parts = [filter] filter_parts << %(started_at < "#{after.ago.to_s(:db)}") if after > 0 filter_parts << "state ^ (#{states.join(',')})" if states.any? { |segment| "(#{segment})" }.join(' AND ') end def start_tracking_progress(name, total = tasks.size) say "About to remove #{total} #{name}" @current = 0 @total = total say "#{@current}/#{@total}", false if verbose end def report_progress(count) @current += count say "#{@current}/#{@total}", false if verbose end def report_done(name) say "Deleted #{@current} #{name}" end def say(message, log = true) puts message Foreman::Logging.logger('foreman-tasks').info(message) if log end def parse_time_interval(string) matched_string = string.delete(' ').match(/\A(\d+)(\w)\Z/) unless matched_string raise ArgumentError, "String #{string} isn't an expected specification of time in format of \"{number}{time_unit}\"" end number = matched_string[1].to_i value = case matched_string[2] when 's' number.seconds when 'h' number.hours when 'd' number.days when 'y' number.years else raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected time unit in #{string}, expected one of [s,h,d,y]" end value end end end