namespace :detour do desc "Create a feature" task :create, [:feature] => :environment do |task, args| Detour::Feature.find_or_create_by_name! args[:feature] end desc "Destroy a feature" task :destroy, [:feature] => :environment do |task, args| feature = Detour::Feature.find_by_name! args[:feature] feature.destroy end desc "Activate a feature for a record" task :activate, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :flaggable_id] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name.constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type].constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_id] end record = klass.flaggable_find! record_locator Detour::Feature.add_record_to_feature record, args[:feature] end desc "Deactivate a feature for a record" task :deactivate, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :flaggable_id] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name.constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type].constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_id] end record = klass.flaggable_find! record_locator Detour::Feature.remove_record_from_feature record, args[:feature] end desc "Opt a record out of a feature" task :opt_out, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :flaggable_id] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name.constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type].constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_id] end record = klass.flaggable_find! record_locator Detour::Feature.opt_record_out_of_feature record, args[:feature] end desc "Remove an opt out of a record from a feature" task :un_opt_out, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :flaggable_id] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name.constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type].constantize record_locator = args[:flaggable_id] end record = klass.flaggable_find! record_locator Detour::Feature.un_opt_record_out_of_feature record, args[:feature] end desc "Activate a feature for a group" task :activate_group, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :group_name] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name group_name = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type] group_name = args[:group_name] end Detour::Feature.add_group_to_feature klass, group_name, args[:feature] end desc "Deactivate a feature for a group" task :deactivate_group, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :group_name] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name group_name = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type] group_name = args[:group_name] end Detour::Feature.remove_group_from_feature klass, group_name, args[:feature] end desc "Activate a feature for a percentage" task :activate_percentage, [:feature, :flaggable_type, :percentage] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name percentage = args[:flaggable_type] else klass = args[:flaggable_type] percentage = args[:percentage] end Detour::Feature.add_percentage_to_feature klass, percentage.to_i, args[:feature] end desc "Deactivate a feature for a percentage" task :deactivate_percentage, [:feature, :flaggable_type] => :environment do |task, args| if args.to_a.length < 3 && Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name klass = Detour::Feature.default_flaggable_class_name else klass = args[:flaggable_type] end Detour::Feature.remove_percentage_from_feature klass, args[:feature] end end