# Copyright (c) 2016 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team # This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. # =begin = Drawing Area GtkDrawingArea is a blank area where you can draw custom displays of various kinds. This demo has two drawing areas. The checkerboard area shows how you can just draw something; all you have to do is write a signal handler for expose_event, as shown here. The "scribble" area is a bit more advanced, and shows how to handle events such as button presses and mouse motion. Click the mouse and drag in the scribble area to draw squiggles. Resize the window to clear the area. =end class DrawingareaDemo def initialize(main_window) @window = Gtk::Window.new(:toplevel) @window.screen = main_window.screen @window.title = "Drawing Area" @window.border_width = 8 initialize_vbox create_the_checkerboard_area create_the_scribble_area end def run if !@window.visible? @window.show_all else @window.destroy end @window end private def initialize_vbox @vbox = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, 8) @vbox.border_width = 8 @window.add(@vbox) end def create_da_in_frame(text) label = Gtk::Label.new label.set_markup(text, :use_underline => true) @vbox.pack_start(label, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) frame = Gtk::Frame.new frame.shadow_type = :in @vbox.pack_start(frame, :expand => true, :fill => true, :padding => 0) da = Gtk::DrawingArea.new da.set_size_request(100, 100) frame.add(da) da end def checkerboard_draw(da, cr) check_size = 10 spacing = 2 # At the start of a draw handler, a clip region has been set on # the Cairo context, and the contents have been cleared to the # widget's background color. The docs for # gdk_window_begin_paint_region() give more details on how this # works. ycount = 0 xcount = 0 i = spacing while i < da.allocated_width j = spacing ycount = xcount % 2 # start with even/odd depending on row while j < da.allocated_height if ycount % 2 cr.set_source_rgb(0.45777, 0, 0.45777) else cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) end # if we are outside the clip, this will do nothing cr.rectangle(i, j, check_size, check_size) cr.fill j += check_size + spacing ++ycount end i += check_size + spacing ++xcount end end def create_the_checkerboard_area da = create_da_in_frame("<u>Checkerboard pattern</u>") da.signal_connect "draw" do |widget, cr| checkerboard_draw(widget, cr) end end def scribble_configure_event(da) @surface.destroy if @surface @surface = da.window.create_similar_surface(Cairo::CONTENT_COLOR, da.allocated_width, da.allocated_height) # initialize the surface to white cr = Cairo::Context.new(@surface) cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) cr.paint cr.destroy # we have handled the configure event, no need to further processing true end def scribble_draw(cr) # Redraw the screen from the surface cr.set_source(@surface, 0, 0) cr.paint false end def draw_brush(widget, x, y) cr = Cairo::Context.new(@surface) cr.rectangle(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6) cr.fill cr.destroy widget.queue_draw_area(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6) end def scribble_button_press_event(da, event) return false unless @surface draw_brush(da, event.x, event.y) if event.button == Gdk::BUTTON_PRIMARY true end def scribble_motion_notify_event(da, event) return false unless @surface _window, x, y, state = event.window.get_device_position(event.device) if (state & Gdk::EventMask::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK.to_i).nonzero? draw_brush(da, x, y) end true end def create_the_scribble_area da = create_da_in_frame("<u>Scribble area</u>") da.signal_connect "draw" do |_widget, cr| scribble_draw(cr) end da.signal_connect "configure-event" do |widget| scribble_configure_event(widget) end da.signal_connect "motion-notify-event" do |widget, event| scribble_motion_notify_event(widget, event) end da.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |widget, event| scribble_button_press_event(widget, event) end # da.events |= (Gdk::EventMask::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | # Gdk::EventMask::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | # Gdk::EventMask::POINTER_MOTION_MASK | # Gdk::EventMask::POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK) da.add_events([:leave_notify_mask, :button_press_mask, :pointer_motion_mask, :pointer_motion_hint_mask]) end end