module Paperclip module Storage module Cloudinary # You can download your configuration directly from Cloudinary to # start using this gem immediately: # # def self.extended base begin require 'cloudinary' rescue LoadError => e e.message << ' (You may need to install the cloudinary gem)' raise e end end def flush_writes @queued_for_write.each do |style_name, file| defaults = { public_id: public_id(style_name), use_filename: true, unique_filename: false, overwrite: true, invalidate: true } upload_opts = @options[:cloudinary_upload_options] || {} default_opts = upload_opts[:default] || {} style_opts = upload_opts[:styles].try(:[], style_name) || {} options = {} [default_opts, style_opts].each do |opts| options.deep_merge!(opts) do |key, existing_value, new_value| new_value.try(:call, style_name, self) || new_value end end options.merge! defaults ::Cloudinary::Uploader.upload file, options end after_flush_writes @queued_for_write.clear end def flush_deletes @queued_for_delete.each do |path| ::Cloudinary::Uploader.destroy path[0..-(File.extname(path).length + 1)] end @queued_for_delete.clear end def copy_to_local_file style, local_dest_path, 'wb') do |file| file.write end end def exists? style = default_style ::Cloudinary::Uploader.exists? path(style) end def url style_or_options = default_style, options = {} if style_or_options.is_a?(Hash) options.merge! style_or_options style = default_style else style = style_or_options end inline_opts = options[:cloudinary] || {} ::Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_url path(style), cloudinary_url_options(style, inline_opts) end def public_id style s = path style s[0..-(File.extname(s).length + 1)] end def cloud_name cloudinary_credentials[:cloud_name] end def api_key cloudinary_credentials[:api_key] end def api_secret cloudinary_credentials[:api_secret] end def cloudinary_credentials @cloudinary_credentials ||= parse_credentials(@options[:cloudinary_credentials] || Rails.root.join("config/cloudinary.yml")) @cloudinary_credentials end def parse_credentials creds creds = creds.respond_to?('call') ? : creds creds = find_credentials(creds).stringify_keys env = Object.const_defined?(:Rails) ? Rails.env : nil (creds[env] || creds).symbolize_keys end private def cloudinary_url_options style_name, inline_opts={} url_opts = @options[:cloudinary_url_options] || {} default_opts = url_opts[:default] || {} style_opts = url_opts[:styles].try(:[], style_name) || {} options = {} [default_opts, style_opts, inline_opts].each do |opts| options.deep_merge!(opts) do |key, existing_value, new_value| new_value.try(:call, style_name, self) || new_value end end options.merge! default_opts options end def find_credentials creds case creds when File YAML::load( when String, Pathname YAML::load( when Hash creds when NilClass {} else raise ArgumentError, "Credentials given are not a path, file, proc, or hash." end end end end end