# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' require 'securerandom' module Mongoid module Locker class << self # Available parameters for +Mongoid::Locker+ module, a class where the module is included and it's instances. MODULE_METHODS = %i[ locking_name_field locked_at_field maximum_backoff lock_timeout locker_write_concern backoff_algorithm locking_name_generator ].freeze attr_accessor(*MODULE_METHODS) # Generates secure random string of +name#attempt+ format. # # @example # Mongoid::Locker.secure_locking_name(doc, { attempt: 1 }) # #=> "zLmulhOy9yn_NE886OWNYw#1" # # @param doc [Mongoid::Document] # @param opts [Hash] (see #with_lock) # @return [String] def secure_locking_name(_doc, opts) "#{SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64}##{opts[:attempt]}" end # Returns random number of seconds depend on passed options. # # @example # Mongoid::Locker.exponential_backoff(doc, { attempt: 0 }) # #=> 1.2280675023095662 # Mongoid::Locker.exponential_backoff(doc, { attempt: 1 }) # #=> 2.901641863236713 # Mongoid::Locker.exponential_backoff(doc, { attempt: 2 }) # #=> 4.375030664612267 # # @param _doc [Mongoid::Document] # @param opts [Hash] (see #with_lock) # @return [Float] def exponential_backoff(_doc, opts) 2**opts[:attempt] + rand end # Returns time in seconds remaining to complete the lock of the provided document. Makes requests to the database. # # @example # Mongoid::Locker.locked_at_backoff(doc, opts) # #=> 2.32422359 # # @param doc [Mongoid::Document] # @param opts [Hash] (see #with_lock) # @return [Float | Integer] # @return [0] if the provided document is not locked def locked_at_backoff(doc, opts) return doc.maximum_backoff if opts[:attempt] * doc.lock_timeout >= doc.maximum_backoff locked_at = Wrapper.locked_at(doc).to_f return 0 unless locked_at > 0 current_time = Wrapper.current_mongodb_time(doc.class).to_f delay = doc.lock_timeout - (current_time - locked_at) delay < 0 ? 0 : delay + rand end # Sets configuration using a block. # # @example # Mongoid::Locker.configure do |config| # config.locking_name_field = :locking_name # config.locked_at_field = :locked_at # config.lock_timeout = 5 # config.locker_write_concern = { w: 1 } # config.maximum_backoff = 60.0 # config.backoff_algorithm = :exponential_backoff # config.locking_name_generator = :secure_locking_name # end def configure yield(self) if block_given? end # Resets to default configuration. # # @example # Mongoid::Locker.reset! def reset! # The parameters used by default. self.locking_name_field = :locking_name self.locked_at_field = :locked_at self.lock_timeout = 5 self.locker_write_concern = { w: 1 } self.maximum_backoff = 60.0 self.backoff_algorithm = :exponential_backoff self.locking_name_generator = :secure_locking_name end # @api private def included(klass) klass.extend(Forwardable) unless klass.ancestors.include?(Forwardable) klass.extend ClassMethods klass.singleton_class.instance_eval { attr_accessor(*MODULE_METHODS) } klass.locking_name_field = locking_name_field klass.locked_at_field = locked_at_field klass.lock_timeout = lock_timeout klass.locker_write_concern = locker_write_concern klass.maximum_backoff = maximum_backoff klass.backoff_algorithm = backoff_algorithm klass.locking_name_generator = locking_name_generator klass.def_delegators(klass, *MODULE_METHODS) klass.singleton_class.delegate(*(methods(false) - MODULE_METHODS.flat_map { |method| [method, "#{method}=".to_sym] } - %i[included reset! configure]), to: self) end end reset! module ClassMethods # A scope to retrieve all locked documents in the collection. # # @example # Account.count # #=> 1717 # Account.locked.count # #=> 17 # # @return [Mongoid::Criteria] def locked where( '$and': [ { locking_name_field => { '$exists': true, '$ne': nil } }, { locked_at_field => { '$gte': Time.now.utc - (lock_timeout * 1000) } } ] ) end # A scope to retrieve all unlocked documents in the collection. # # @example # Account.count # #=> 1717 # Account.unlocked.count # #=> 1700 # # @return [Mongoid::Criteria] def unlocked where( '$or': [ { '$or': [ { locking_name_field => { '$exists': false } }, { locked_at_field => { '$exists': false } } ] }, { '$or': [ { locking_name_field => { '$eq': nil } }, { locked_at_field => { '$eq': nil } } ] }, { locked_at_field => { '$lt': Time.now.utc - (lock_timeout * 1000) } } ] ) end # Unlock all locked documents in the collection. Sets locking_name_field and locked_at_field fields to nil. Returns number of unlocked documents. # # @example # Account.unlock_all # #=> 17 # Account.locked.unlock_all # #=> 0 # # @return [Integer] def unlock_all update_all('$set': { locking_name_field => nil, locked_at_field => nil }).modified_count end # Sets configuration for this class. # # @example # locker locking_name_field: :locker_locking_name, # locked_at_field: :locker_locked_at, # lock_timeout: 3, # locker_write_concern: { w: 1 }, # maximum_backoff: 30.0, # backoff_algorithm: :locked_at_backoff, # locking_name_generator: :custom_locking_name # # @param locking_name_field [Symbol] # @param locked_at_field [Symbol] # @param maximum_backoff [Float, Integer] # @param lock_timeout [Float, Integer] # @param locker_write_concern [Hash] # @param backoff_algorithm [Symbol] # @param locking_name_generator [Symbol] def locker(**params) invalid_parameters = params.keys - Mongoid::Locker.singleton_class.const_get('MODULE_METHODS') raise Mongoid::Locker::Errors::InvalidParameter.new(self.class, invalid_parameters.first) unless invalid_parameters.empty? params.each_pair do |key, value| send("#{key}=", value) end end end # Returns whether the document is currently locked in the database or not. # # @example # document.locked? # #=> false # # @return [Boolean] true if locked, false otherwise def locked? persisted? && self.class.where(_id: id).locked.limit(1).count == 1 end # Returns whether the current instance has the lock or not. # # @example # document.has_lock? # #=> false # # @return [Boolean] true if locked, false otherwise def has_lock? @has_lock || false end # Executes the provided code once the document has been successfully locked. Otherwise, raises error after the number of retries to lock the document is exhausted or it is reached {ClassMethods#maximum_backoff} limit (depending what comes first). # # @example # document.with_lock(reload: true, retries: 3) do # document.quantity = 17 # document.save! # end # # @param [Hash] opts for the locking mechanism # @option opts [Fixnum] :retries (INFINITY) If the document is currently locked, the number of times to retry # @option opts [Boolean] :reload (true) After acquiring the lock, reload the document # @option opts [Integer] :attempt (0) Increment with each retry (not accepted by the method) # @option opts [String] :locking_name Generate with each retry (not accepted by the method) def with_lock(**opts) opts = opts.dup opts[:retries] ||= Float::INFINITY opts[:reload] = opts[:reload] != false acquire_lock(opts) if persisted? && (had_lock = !has_lock?) begin yield ensure unlock!(opts) if had_lock end end protected def acquire_lock(opts) opts[:attempt] = 0 loop do opts[:locking_name] = self.class.send(locking_name_generator, self, opts) return if lock!(opts) opts[:attempt] += 1 delay = self.class.send(backoff_algorithm, self, opts) raise Errors::DocumentCouldNotGetLock.new(self.class, id) if delay >= maximum_backoff || opts[:attempt] >= opts[:retries] sleep delay end end def lock!(opts) result = Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.find_and_lock(self, opts) if result if opts[:reload] reload else self[locking_name_field] = result[locking_name_field.to_s] self[locked_at_field] = result[locked_at_field.to_s] end @has_lock = true else @has_lock = false end end def unlock!(opts) Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.find_and_unlock(self, opts) unless destroyed? self[locking_name_field] = nil self[locked_at_field] = nil end @has_lock = false end end end