# frozen_string_literal: true # Ruby internal require 'json' # Project internal require 'tls_map/cli/cli' # External require 'rexml/document' module TLSmap class App # External tools output data extractor # # Output files from [SSLyze][1] (JSON), [sslscan2][2] (XML), [testssl.sh][3] (JSON), [ssllabs-scan][4] (JSON) # # [1]:https://github.com/nabla-c0d3/sslyze # [2]:https://github.com/rbsec/sslscan # [3]:https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh # [4]:https://github.com/ssllabs/ssllabs-scan # # Example of commands: # # - `sslyze --json_out=example.org.json example.org` # - `sslscan2 --show-cipher-ids --xml=example.org.xml example.org` # - `--show-cipher-ids` is mandatory else ciphers are not saved to the output # - `testssl --jsonfile-pretty example.org.json --mapping no-openssl --cipher-per-proto example.org` # - json-pretty is the only supported format, default json or csv, html won't work # - `ssllabs-scan --quiet example.org > example.org.json` # - The default output is the only supported format, using `-json-flat` won't work class Extractor # Get the list of ciphers extracted from the tool output file # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) attr_reader :ciphers # Initialize {TLSmap::App::Extractor} instance def initialize @ciphers = [] end # Return only the SSL 2.0 ciphers # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def ssl20 @ciphers['SSL2.0'] end # Return only the SSL 3.0 ciphers # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def ssl30 @ciphers['SSL3.0'] end # Return only the TLS 1.0 ciphers # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def tls10 @ciphers['TLS1.0'] end # Return only the TLS 1.1 ciphers # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def tls11 @ciphers['TLS1.1'] end # Return only the TLS 1.2 ciphers # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def tls12 @ciphers['TLS1.2'] end # Return only the TLS 1.3 ciphers # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def tls13 @ciphers['TLS1.3'] end # Extract the ciphers from the tool output file # @param tool [String] Possible values: `sslyze`, `sslscan2`, `testssl`, `ssllabs-scan` # @param file [String] Path of the tool output file, beware of the format expected. See {TLSmap::App::Extractor} # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def parse(tool, file) # Convert string to class @ciphers = Object.const_get("TLSmap::App::Extractor::#{normalize(tool)}").parse(file) rescue StandardError warn helper(tool) end # Commands for {helper} CMD = { 'sslyze' => 'sslyze --json_out=example.org.json example.org', 'sslscan2' => 'sslscan2 --show-cipher-ids --xml=example.org.xml example.org', 'testssl' => 'testssl --jsonfile-pretty example.org.json --mapping no-openssl --cipher-per-proto example.org', 'ssllabs-scan' => 'ssllabs-scan --quiet example.org > example.org.json' }.freeze # Get the external tool command used to generate the expected result format # @param tool [String] Possible values: `sslyze`, `sslscan2`, `testssl`, `ssllabs-scan` # @return [String] external tool command used to generate the expected result format used in input of the extract # command (CLI) / {parse} method (library) def helper(tool) intro = 'You may not be provinding the right format.' outro = 'See https://noraj.github.io/tls-map/yard/TLSmap/App/Extractor' "#{intro}\nUse this command: #{CMD[tool]}\n#{outro}" end # Convert cmdline tool name to Class name def normalize(tool) tool.split('-').map(&:capitalize).join end protected :normalize, :helper private_constant :CMD # Parsing SSLyze class Sslyze class << self # Extract the ciphers from the sslyze output file # @param file [String] Path of the sslyze output file, beware of the format expected. # See {TLSmap::App::Extractor} # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def parse(file) data = Utils.json_load_file(file) extract_cipher(data) end # Extract the ciphers from the sslyze output file # @param json_data [Hash] Ruby hash of the parsed JSON # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def extract_cipher(json_data) ciphers = json_data['server_scan_results'][0]['scan_commands_results'] raw = { 'SSL2.0' => ciphers['ssl_2_0_cipher_suites']['accepted_cipher_suites'], 'SSL3.0' => ciphers['ssl_3_0_cipher_suites']['accepted_cipher_suites'], 'TLS1.0' => ciphers['tls_1_0_cipher_suites']['accepted_cipher_suites'], 'TLS1.1' => ciphers['tls_1_1_cipher_suites']['accepted_cipher_suites'], 'TLS1.2' => ciphers['tls_1_2_cipher_suites']['accepted_cipher_suites'], 'TLS1.3' => ciphers['tls_1_3_cipher_suites']['accepted_cipher_suites'] } raw.transform_values { |v| v.empty? ? v : v.map { |x| x['cipher_suite']['name'] } } end protected :extract_cipher end end # Parsing sslscan2 class Sslscan2 class << self # Extract the ciphers from the sslscan2 output file # @param file [String] Path of the sslscan2 output file, beware of the format expected. # See {TLSmap::App::Extractor} # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def parse(file, online = false) doc = REXML::Document.new(File.new(file)) extract_cipher(doc, online) end # Extract the ciphers from the sslscan2 output file # @param xml_doc [REXML::Document] XML document as returned by `REXML::Document` # @param online By default use the offline mode with {TLSmap::CLI} for better performance. # Online mode will use {TLSmap::App} and fetch upstream resources to get latest updates but is a lot slower. # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def extract_cipher(xml_doc, online = false) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength raw = { 'SSL2.0' => [], 'SSL3.0' => [], 'TLS1.0' => [], 'TLS1.1' => [], 'TLS1.2' => [], 'TLS1.3' => [] } tm = online ? TLSmap::App.new : TLSmap::CLI.new xml_doc.root.each_element('//cipher') do |node| sslv = node.attributes['sslversion'].gsub('v', '') cipher = tm.search(:codepoint, node.attributes['id'][2..], :iana)[:iana] raw[sslv].push(cipher) end raw end protected :extract_cipher end end # Parsing testssl.sh class Testssl class << self # Extract the ciphers from the testssl output file # @param file [String] Path of the testssl output file, beware of the format expected. # See {TLSmap::App::Extractor} # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def parse(file) data = Utils.json_load_file(file) extract_cipher(data) end # Extract the ciphers from the testssl output file # @param json_data [Hash] Ruby hash of the parsed JSON # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def extract_cipher(json_data) cipher = json_data['scanResult'][0]['cipherTests'] raw = { 'SSL2.0' => [], 'SSL3.0' => [], 'TLS1.0' => [], 'TLS1.1' => [], 'TLS1.2' => [], 'TLS1.3' => [] } cipher.each do |node| raw[id2prot(node['id'])].push(finding2cipher(node['finding'])) end raw end # Convert testssl protocol id to protocol name in TLSmap format # @param id [String] testssl protocol id # @return [String] protocol name in TLSmap format def id2prot(id) prot = { 'ssl2' => 'SSL2.0', 'ssl3' => 'SSL3.0', 'tls1' => 'TLS1.0', 'tls1_1' => 'TLS1.1', 'tls1_2' => 'TLS1.2', 'tls1_3' => 'TLS1.3' } protv = id.match(/cipher-(\w+)_x\w+/).captures[0] prot[protv] end # Extract the cipher name from testssl finding # @param finding [String] testssl finding # @return [String] cipher name (IANA names) def finding2cipher(finding) /\s(\w+_\w+)\s/.match(finding).captures[0] end protected :extract_cipher, :id2prot, :finding2cipher end end # Parsing ssllabs-scan class SsllabsScan class << self # Extract the ciphers from the ssllabs-scan output file # @param file [String] Path of the ssllabs-scan output file, beware of the format expected. # See {TLSmap::App::Extractor} # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def parse(file) data = Utils.json_load_file(file) extract_cipher(data) end # Extract the ciphers from the ssllabs-scan output file # @param json_data [Hash] Ruby hash of the parsed JSON # @return [Array] Cipher array (IANA names) def extract_cipher(json_data) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength raw = { 'SSL2.0' => [], 'SSL3.0' => [], 'TLS1.0' => [], 'TLS1.1' => [], 'TLS1.2' => [], 'TLS1.3' => [] } json_data[0]['endpoints'].each do |endpoint| endpoint['details']['suites'].each do |suite| suite['list'].each do |cipher| raw[id2prot(suite['protocol'])].push(cipher['name']) end end end raw.transform_values(&:uniq) end # Convert ssllabs-scan protocol id to protocol name in TLSmap format # @param id [String] ssllabs-scan protocol id # @return [String] protocol name in TLSmap format def id2prot(id) prot = { 512 => 'SSL2.0', 768 => 'SSL3.0', 769 => 'TLS1.0', 770 => 'TLS1.1', 771 => 'TLS1.2', 772 => 'TLS1.3' } prot[id] end protected :extract_cipher, :id2prot end end end end end