Description: This generator will install all the necessary configuration and migration files for the devise_token_auth gem. See for more information. Arguments: USER_CLASS # The name of the class to use for user authentication. Default is # 'User' MOUNT_PATH # The path at which to mount the authentication routes. Default is # 'auth'. More detail documentation is here: # Example: rails generate devise_token_auth:install User auth This will create: config/initializers/devise_token_auth.rb db/migrate/<%="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") %>_create_devise_token_auth_create_users.rb app/models/user.rb If 'app/models/user.rb' already exists, the following line will be inserted after the class definition: include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User The following line will be inserted into your application controller at app/controllers/application_controller.rb: include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken The following line will be inserted at the top of 'config/routes.rb' if it does not already exist: mount_devise_token_auth_for "User", at: 'auth'