#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_common")) require 'bindata/bits' require 'bindata/int' require 'bindata/float' require 'bindata/registry' describe BinData::Registry do A = Class.new B = Class.new C = Class.new D = Class.new let(:r) { BinData::Registry.new } it "should determine if a name is registered" do r.register('A', A) r.is_registered?('a').should be_true end it "should determine if a name is not registered" do lambda { r.is_registered?('xyz') }.should raise_error(BinData::UnRegisteredTypeError) end it "should lookup registered names" do r.register('ASubClass', A) r.register('AnotherSubClass', B) r.lookup('a_sub_class').should == A r.lookup('another_sub_class').should == B end it "should not lookup unregistered names" do lambda { r.lookup('a_non_existent_sub_class') }.should raise_error(BinData::UnRegisteredTypeError) end it "should allow overriding of registered classes" do r.register('A', A) r.register('A', B) r.lookup('a').should == B end it "should convert CamelCase to underscores" do r.underscore_name('CamelCase').should == 'camel_case' end it "should convert adjacent caps camelCase to underscores" do r.underscore_name('XYZCamelCase').should == 'xyz_camel_case' end it "should ignore the outer nestings of classes" do r.underscore_name('A::B::C').should == 'c' end end describe BinData::Registry, "with numerics" do let(:r) { BinData::RegisteredClasses } it "should lookup integers with endian" do r.lookup("int24", :big).to_s.should == "BinData::Int24be" r.lookup("int24", :little).to_s.should == "BinData::Int24le" r.lookup("uint24", :big).to_s.should == "BinData::Uint24be" r.lookup("uint24", :little).to_s.should == "BinData::Uint24le" end it "should not lookup integers without endian" do lambda { r.lookup("int24") }.should raise_error(BinData::UnRegisteredTypeError) end it "should not lookup non byte based integers" do lambda { r.lookup("int3") }.should raise_error(BinData::UnRegisteredTypeError) lambda { r.lookup("int3", :big) }.should raise_error(BinData::UnRegisteredTypeError) lambda { r.lookup("int3", :little) }.should raise_error(BinData::UnRegisteredTypeError) end it "should lookup floats with endian" do r.lookup("float", :big).to_s.should == "BinData::FloatBe" r.lookup("float", :little).to_s.should == "BinData::FloatLe" r.lookup("double", :big).to_s.should == "BinData::DoubleBe" r.lookup("double", :little).to_s.should == "BinData::DoubleLe" end it "should lookup bits" do r.lookup("bit5").to_s.should == "BinData::Bit5" r.lookup("bit6le").to_s.should == "BinData::Bit6le" end it "should lookup bits by ignoring endian" do r.lookup("bit2", :big).to_s.should == "BinData::Bit2" r.lookup("bit3le", :big).to_s.should == "BinData::Bit3le" r.lookup("bit2", :little).to_s.should == "BinData::Bit2" r.lookup("bit3le", :little).to_s.should == "BinData::Bit3le" end end