require 'json' require 'thor/group' require 'base64' module Fontrobot class Generator < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions desc 'Generates webfonts from given directory of vectors.' argument :input, :type => :string class_option :output, :aliases => '-o' class_option :name, :aliases => '-n' class_option :font_path, :aliases => '-f' class_option :order, :aliases => '-r' # 'Specify font order in css @font-face. Default: "eot,ttf,woff,svg"' class_option :inline, :aliases => '-i' # 'Inline font as data-uri in @font-face. Default: none. Format: "eot,ttf,woff,svg"' class_option :nohash, :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :debug, :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :html, :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :scss, :type => :boolean, :default => false def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) end def verify_fontforge if `which fontforge` == '' raise Thor::Error, 'Please install fontforge first.' end end def verify_input_dir if ! raise Thor::Error, "#{input} doesn't exist or isn't a directory." elsif Dir[File.join(input, '*.{svg,eps}')].empty? raise Thor::Error, "#{input} doesn't contain any vectors (*.svg or *.eps files)." end end def verify_or_create_output_dir @output = options.output.nil? ? File.join(File.dirname(input), 'fontrobot') : options.output empty_directory(@output) unless end def normalize_name @name = if\W/, '-').downcase else 'fontrobot' end end def cleanup_output_dir # simpler: how about we just delete everything in the dir? old_files = Dir[File.join(@output, '*')] old_files.each {|file| remove_file file } end def generate gem_file_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) name = ? ' --name ' + @name : '' nohash = options.nohash ? ' --nohash' : '' # suppress fontforge message # TODO get font name and classes from script (without showing fontforge message) cmd = "fontforge -script #{gem_file_path}/scripts/ #{input} #{@output + name + nohash}" unless options.debug cmd += " > /dev/null 2>&1" end `#{cmd}` end def show_paths file = Dir[File.join(@output, @name + '*.ttf')].first @path = file.chomp('.ttf') ['woff','ttf','eot','svg'].each do |type| say_status(:create, @path + '.' + type) end end def fontface_sources order = (options.order) ? options.order.split(",") : ['eot','ttf','woff','svg'] inline = (options.inline) ? options.inline.split(",") : [] reorder = {} longtype = { 'woff' => 'woff', 'ttf' => 'truetype', 'eot' => 'embedded-opentype', 'svg' => 'svg' } if(!options.font_path.nil?) font_path = (options.font_path) ? options.font_path : '' @path = File.join(font_path, File.basename(@path)) else @path = File.basename(@path) end @fontface = { :eot => "url(\"#{@path}.eot?#iefix\") format(\"embedded-opentype\")", :woff => "url(\"#{@path}.woff\") format(\"woff\")", :ttf => "url(\"#{@path}.ttf\") format(\"truetype\")", :svg => "url(\"#{@path}.svg##{@name}\") format(\"svg\")" } # reorder the fontface hash order.each do |type| if(inline.include?(type)) fontpath = File.expand_path(File.join(@output, File.basename(@path)+"."+type)) contents = encoded_contents = Base64.encode64(contents).gsub(/\n/, '') # encode and remove newlines, 1.8.7 compat fontstring = "url(data:application/x-font-#{type};charset=utf-8;base64," + encoded_contents +") format('#{longtype[type]}')" else fontstring = @fontface[type.to_sym] end reorder[type.to_sym] = fontstring end @fonturls ={|k,v| v }.join(",\n"); end def create_stylesheet say_status(:create, 'creating stylesheet') extension = (options.scss) ? '.scss' : '.css' files = Dir[File.join(input, '*.{svg,eps}')] @classes = {|file| File.basename(file)[0..-5].gsub(/\W/, '-').downcase } template('templates/fontrobot.css', File.join(@output, "fontrobot#{extension}")) template('templates/fontrobot-ie7.css', File.join(@output, "fontrobot-ie7#{extension}")) template('templates/test.html', File.join(@output, 'test.html')) if options.html end end end