
### See the schema ![Schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/master/public/screenshots/v0.1.6/1_schema.png) ### Create a model ![Models](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/master/public/screenshots/v0.1.6/2_models_1.png) ### Create a many to many relation ![Relations](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/master/public/screenshots/v0.1.6/3_relations.png) ### Create a migration ![Migrations](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/master/public/screenshots/v0.1.6/4_migrations.png) ## INSTALL Only tested with Rails 4.2 and Rails 5.1 (should work with any Rails 4.2+ application). Only tested with PostgreSQL. Add to your `Gemfile` file: ```ruby group :development do gem "localtower" end ``` If you want the latest master branch, add to your `Gemfile` file following: ```ruby group :development do gem "localtower", github: "damln/localtower" end ``` Run command in your terminal: ```bash bundle install ``` Add to your `config/routes.rb`: ```ruby MyApp::Application.routes.draw do if Rails.env.development? and defined?(Localtower) mount Localtower::Engine, at: "localtower" end # Your other routes here: # ... end ``` ## Usage Open your browser at [http://localhost:3000/localtower](http://localhost:3000/localtower). ## Logger Usage (Capture plugin) You can put this line anywhere in your code: Localtower::Plugins::Capture.new(self, binding).save For example: def my_method user = User.find(1) some_data = {foo: "bar"} Localtower::Plugins::Capture.new(self, binding).save end Then go to the Localtower intercave here: [http://localhost:3000/localtower/logs](http://localhost:3000/localtower/logs) and you will see the variables `user` and `some_data` in the UI. ### Notes for the Capture plugin: The value for each variable will try to call `.to_json`. If you have a huge collection of models likes `@users` you will see all the collection as an Array. ## RSpec and Contribute If you want to contribute to the gem: Create a `spec/dummy/.env` file with the credentials to your PostgreSQL Database. It should look like this: ``` LOCALTOWER_PG_USERNAME="admin" LOCALTOWER_PG_PASSWORD="root_or_smething" ``` Run the spec: ```bash bundle install bundle exec rspec spec/ ``` Notes: Tests are currently very slow because this is testing rails commands so it boots the framework for each test. Zeus or spring should be introduced. ## Contribute Thanks for reporting issues, I'll do my best. [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-93841935-1/github-readme?pixel)](https://github.com/damln/localtower) ## Deploy rm *.gem | gem build localtower.gemspec | gem push localtower-*.gem