module Wrapbox module LogFetcher class Awslogs STOP_WAIT_TIMELIMIT = 10 def initialize(log_group:, log_stream_prefix:, filter_pattern: nil, region: nil, access_key_id: nil, secret_access_key: nil, timestamp_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N", delay: 2, **options) begin require 'aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Require aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs gem" exit 1 end @log_group = log_group @log_stream_prefix = log_stream_prefix @filter_pattern = filter_pattern @region = region @access_key_id = access_key_id @secret_access_key = secret_access_key @timestamp_format = timestamp_format @delay = delay @options = options.reject { |_, v| v.nil? } @displayed_log_stream_names = {} @displayed_log_stream_number = 0 @displayed_event_ids = {} end def run(task:) @loop_thread = Thread.start do # It smees that task.contaienrs is empty # if capacity_provider_strategy is specified and there are no remaining capacity while task.containers.empty? Wrapbox.logger.warn("The task has no containers, so fetch it again") sleep 10 task = ecs_client.describe_tasks(cluster: task.cluster_arn, tasks: [task.task_arn]).tasks.first end main_loop(task) end end def stop @stop = true @loop_thread&.join(STOP_WAIT_TIMELIMIT) end def main_loop(task) task_id = task.task_arn.split("/").last log_stream_names = do |container| [@log_stream_prefix,, task_id].join("/") end filter_log_opts = { log_group_name: @log_group, log_stream_names: log_stream_names, filter_pattern: @filter_pattern, }.compact @max_timestamp = (( - 120) * 1000).round until @stop do filter_log_opts[:start_time] = @max_timestamp + 1 begin client.filter_log_events(filter_log_opts).each do |r| do |ev| next if @displayed_event_ids.member?(ev.event_id) display_message(ev) @displayed_event_ids[ev.event_id] = ev.timestamp @max_timestamp = ev.timestamp if @max_timestamp < ev.timestamp end end @displayed_event_ids.each do |event_id, ts| if ts < ( - 600) * 1000 @displayed_event_ids.delete(event_id) end end rescue Aws::CloudWatchLogs::Errors::ResourceNotFoundException # Ignore the error because it is an error like "The specified log stream does not exist.", # which occurs when the log stream hasn't been created yet, that is, the task hasn't started yet. rescue Aws::CloudWatchLogs::Errors::ThrottlingException Wrapbox.logger.warn("Failed to fetch logs due to Aws::CloudWatchLogs::Errors::ThrottlingException") end sleep @delay end end COLOR_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [33, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36] def display_message(ev, output: $stdout) num = @displayed_log_stream_names.fetch(ev.log_stream_name) do |key| current = @displayed_log_stream_number @displayed_log_stream_names[key] = current @displayed_log_stream_number += 1 current end sequence_number = COLOR_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[num % COLOR_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES.length] time = / 1000.0) output.puts("\e[#{sequence_number}m#{time.strftime(@timestamp_format)} #{ev.log_stream_name}\e[0m #{ev.message}") end private def client return @client if @client options = { region: @region, access_key_id: @access_key_id, secret_access_key: @secret_access_key, }.compact @client =**options) end end end end