require 'puppet/indirector/face' Puppet::Indirector::Face.define(:catalog, '0.0.1') do copyright "Puppet Inc.", 2011 license "Apache 2 license; see COPYING" summary _("Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.") description <<-'EOT' This subcommand deals with catalogs, which are compiled per-node artifacts generated from a set of Puppet manifests. By default, it interacts with the compiling subsystem and compiles a catalog using the default manifest and `certname`, but you can change the source of the catalog with the `--terminus` option. You can also choose to print any catalog in 'dot' format (for easy graph viewing with OmniGraffle or Graphviz) with '--render-as dot'. EOT short_description <<-'EOT' This subcommand deals with catalogs, which are compiled per-node artifacts generated from a set of Puppet manifests. By default, it interacts with the compiling subsystem and compiles a catalog using the default manifest and `certname`; use the `--terminus` option to change the source of the catalog. EOT deactivate_action(:destroy) deactivate_action(:search) find = get_action(:find) find.summary "Retrieve the catalog for the node from which the command is run." find.arguments "" find.returns <<-'EOT' A serialized catalog. When used from the Ruby API, returns a Puppet::Resource::Catalog object. EOT action(:apply) do summary "Find and apply a catalog." description <<-'EOT' Finds and applies a catalog. This action takes no arguments, but the source of the catalog can be managed with the `--terminus` option. EOT returns <<-'EOT' Nothing. When used from the Ruby API, returns a Puppet::Transaction::Report object. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Apply the locally cached catalog: $ puppet catalog apply --terminus yaml Retrieve a catalog from the master and apply it, in one step: $ puppet catalog apply --terminus rest API example: # ... Puppet::Face[:catalog, '0.0.1'].download # (Termini are singletons; has a side effect of # setting the catalog terminus to yaml) report = Puppet::Face[:catalog, '0.0.1'].apply # ... EOT when_invoked do |options| catalog = Puppet::Face[:catalog, "0.0.1"].find(Puppet[:certname]) or raise "Could not find catalog for #{Puppet[:certname]}" catalog = catalog.to_ral report = report.configuration_version = catalog.version report.environment = Puppet[:environment] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(report) begin benchmark(:notice, "Finished catalog run in %{seconds} seconds") do catalog.apply(:report => report) end rescue => detail Puppet.log_exception(detail, "Failed to apply catalog: #{detail}") end report.finalize_report report end end action(:compile) do summary _("Compile a catalog.") description <<-'EOT' Compiles a catalog locally for a node, requiring access to modules, node classifier, etc. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Compile catalog for node 'mynode': $ puppet catalog compile mynode --codedir ... EOT returns <<-'EOT' A serialized catalog. EOT when_invoked do |*args| Puppet.settings.preferred_run_mode = :server Puppet::Face[:catalog, :current].find(*args) end end action(:download) do summary "Download this node's catalog from the puppet master server." description <<-'EOT' Retrieves a catalog from the puppet master and saves it to the local yaml cache. This action always contacts the puppet master and will ignore alternate termini. The saved catalog can be used in any subsequent catalog action by specifying '--terminus yaml' for that action. EOT returns "Nothing." notes <<-'EOT' When used from the Ruby API, this action has a side effect of leaving Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class set to yaml. The terminus must be explicitly re-set for subsequent catalog actions. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Retrieve and store a catalog: $ puppet catalog download API example: Puppet::Face[:plugin, '0.0.1'].download Puppet::Face[:facts, '0.0.1'].upload Puppet::Face[:catalog, '0.0.1'].download # ... EOT when_invoked do |options| Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class = :rest Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.cache_class = nil catalog = nil retrieval_duration = thinmark do catalog = Puppet::Face[:catalog, '0.0.1'].find(Puppet[:certname]) end catalog.retrieval_duration = retrieval_duration catalog.write_class_file Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class = :yaml Puppet::Face[:catalog, "0.0.1"].save(catalog) Puppet.notice "Saved catalog for #{Puppet[:certname]} to #{Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.terminus.path(Puppet[:certname])}" nil end end end