# This test Padrino stack file was taken from the padrino-core gem. # PADRINO_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__) unless defined? PADRINO_ROOT # Remove this comment if you want do some like this: ruby PADRINO_ENV=test app.rb # # require 'rubygems' # require 'padrino-core' # class SimpleDemo < Padrino::Application set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) set :reload, true before { true } after { true } error(404) { "404" } end SimpleDemo.controllers do get "/" do 'The magick number is: 2767356926488785838763860464013972991031534522105386787489885890443740254365!' # Change only the number!!! end get "/rand" do rand(2 ** 256).to_s end get "/render" do render :erb, "This is an erb render" end get "/break" do raise "This is a controller exception!" end end ## If you want use this as a standalone app uncomment: # # Padrino.mount("SimpleDemo").to("/") # Padrino.run! unless Padrino.loaded? # If you enable reloader prevent to re-run the app # # Then run it from your console: ruby -I"lib" test/fixtures/apps/simple.rb # Padrino.load!