en: validations: config: license.entity_format: needs to be a string license.token_format: needs to be either false or a string license.expires_on_format: needs to be a valid date missing: needs to be present client_id_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' group_id_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' concurrency_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 consumer_persistence_format: needs to be either true or false pause_timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 pause_max_timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 pause_with_exponential_backoff_format: needs to be either true or false strict_topics_namespacing_format: needs to be either true or false shutdown_timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 max_wait_time_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 max_wait_time_max_wait_time_vs_swarm_node_report_timeout: > cannot be more than 80% of internal.swarm.node_report_timeout. Decrease max_wait_time or increase node_report_timeout kafka_format: needs to be a filled hash key_must_be_a_symbol: All keys under the kafka settings scope need to be symbols max_timeout_vs_pause_max_timeout: pause_timeout must be less or equal to pause_max_timeout shutdown_timeout_vs_max_wait_time: shutdown_timeout must be more than max_wait_time oauth.token_provider_listener_format: 'must be false or respond to #on_oauthbearer_token_refresh' internal.processing.jobs_builder_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.jobs_queue_class_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.scheduler_class_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.coordinator_class_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.partitioner_class_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.strategy_selector_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.expansions_selector_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.executor_class_format: cannot be nil internal.processing.worker_job_call_wrapper_format: 'needs to be false or respond to #wrap' internal.active_job.dispatcher_format: cannot be nil internal.active_job.job_options_contract_format: cannot be nil internal.active_job.consumer_class_format: cannot be nil internal.status_format: needs to be present internal.process_format: needs to be present internal.tick_interval_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 1000 internal.supervision_sleep_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.forceful_exit_code_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 0 internal.routing.builder_format: needs to be present internal.routing.subscription_groups_builder_format: needs to be present internal.connection.manager_format: needs to be present internal.connection.conductor_format: needs to be present internal.connection.reset_backoff_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 1000 internal.connection.proxy.query_watermark_offsets.timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.query_watermark_offsets.max_attempts_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.query_watermark_offsets.wait_time_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.offsets_for_times.timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.offsets_for_times.max_attempts_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.offsets_for_times.wait_time_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.committed.timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.committed.max_attempts_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.committed.wait_time_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.commit.max_attempts_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.commit.wait_time_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.metadata.timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.metadata.max_attempts_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.connection.proxy.metadata.wait_time_format: needs to be an integer bigger than 0 internal.swarm.manager_format: cannot be nil internal.swarm.orphaned_exit_code_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 0 internal.swarm.pidfd_open_syscall_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 0 internal.swarm.pidfd_signal_syscall_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 0 internal.swarm.supervision_interval_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 1000 internal.swarm.liveness_interval_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 1000 internal.swarm.liveness_listener_format: cannot be nil internal.swarm.node_report_timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 1000 internal.swarm.node_restart_timeout_format: needs to be an integer bigger or equal to 1000 admin.kafka_format: needs to be a hash admin.group_id_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' admin.max_wait_time_format: 'needs to be an integer bigger than 0' admin.max_attempts_format: 'needs to be an integer bigger than 0' swarm.nodes_format: 'needs to be an integer bigger than 0' swarm.node_format: needs to be false or node instance server_cli_options: missing: needs to be present consumer_groups_inclusion: Unknown consumer group name subscription_groups_inclusion: Unknown subscription group name topics_inclusion: Unknown topic name topics_missing: No topics to subscribe to topic: kafka: needs to be a hash with kafka scope settings details missing: needs to be present max_messages_format: 'needs to be an integer bigger than 0' max_wait_time_format: 'needs to be an integer bigger than 0' name_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' deserializers_format: needs to be present consumer_format: needs to be present id_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' initial_offset_format: needs to be either earliest or latest subscription_group_details.name_format: must be a non-empty string manual_offset_management.active_format: needs to be either true or false manual_offset_management_must_be_enabled: cannot be disabled for ActiveJob topics inline_insights.active_format: needs to be either true or false consumer_active_job_missing: ActiveJob needs to be available dead_letter_queue.max_retries_format: needs to be equal or bigger than 0 dead_letter_queue.topic_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' dead_letter_queue.active_format: needs to be either true or false dead_letter_queue.independent_format: needs to be either true or false dead_letter_queue.transactional_format: needs to be either true or false dead_letter_queue.dispatch_method_format: 'needs to be either #produce_sync or #produce_async' dead_letter_queue.marking_method_format: 'needs to be either #mark_as_consumed or #mark_as_consumed!' dead_letter_queue.mark_after_dispatch_format: 'needs to be true, false or nil' active_format: needs to be either true or false eofed.active_format: needs to be either true or false eofed.kafka_enable: 'cannot be enabled without enable.partition.eof set to true' declaratives.partitions_format: needs to be more or equal to 1 declaratives.active_format: needs to be true declaratives.replication_factor_format: needs to be more or equal to 1 declaratives.details_format: needs to be a hash with only symbol keys inconsistent_namespacing: | needs to follow a consistent namespacing style using either dots (.) or underscores (_), but not both. This ensures proper Kafka metrics reporting and avoids name collisions. To disable this validation, set config.strict_topics_namespacing to false. deserializers.active_format: 'needs to be true' deserializers.payload_format: 'needs to respond to #call' deserializers.key_format: 'needs to respond to #call' deserializers.headers_format: 'needs to respond to #call' consumer_group: missing: needs to be present topics_names_not_unique: all topic names within a single consumer group must be unique topics_many_consumers_same_topic: 'topic within a single consumer group cannot have distinct consumers' id_format: 'needs to be a string with a Kafka accepted format' topics_format: needs to be a non-empty array topics_namespaced_names_not_unique: | all topic names within a single consumer group must be unique considering namespacing styles disable this validation by setting config.strict_topics_namespacing to false job_options: missing: needs to be present dispatch_method_format: needs to be either :produce_async or :produce_sync dispatch_many_method_format: needs to be either :produce_many_async or :produce_many_sync partitioner_format: 'needs to respond to #call' partition_key_type_format: 'needs to be either :key or :partition_key' producer_format: 'needs to respond to #call' test: missing: needs to be present id_format: needs to be a String