require 'fog' require 'yaml' require 'pry' require 'logger' require 'pp' class BuildCloud @config @log @infrastructure @mock def initialize( options ) @log = options[:logger] or STDERR ) @mock = options[:mock] or false # Parse the first config file. We'll merge the remainder (if any) into # this one, regardless of whether they're passed on the command line # or in the YAML for this file itself. first_config_file = options[:config].shift @config = YAML::load( first_config_file ) ) # include_files is going to be a list of files that we're going to # merge in to the first file. include_files = [] # Work out the full, standardised pathnames for any further files # specified on the command line. note that options[:config] only # contains the extra files at this point, as we shifted the first # one off the array earlier. # # IMPORTANT: relative paths given on the command line are considered # to be relative to $CWD. This decision is based on the principle of # least surprise, as that is how everything else works. cli_include_files = options[:config] cli_include_files.each do |inc| include_files << File.absolute_path( inc ) end # Now look in the :include key in the YAML of the first file for # either a single, or an array of files to include. Work out the # standardised paths for each of these files, and push them onto # the include_files array. # # IMPORTANT: relative paths given in the :include key in the YAML # are considered to be relative to the config file specified, not # $CWD. This is to ensure consistency of application and backwards # compatibility. If this were relative to $CWD, a relative path # specified in the file could have different meanings, and would end # up being unpredictable. if include_yaml = @config.delete(:include) if include_yaml.is_a?(Array) # the :include key is an array, we need to iterate over it include_yaml.each do |yml| include_files << File.expand_path( yml, File.dirname( File.absolute_path(first_config_file) ) ) end else # the :include key is a scalar, so just standardise that path include_files.push( File.expand_path( include_yaml, File.dirname( File.absolute_path(first_config_file) ) ) ) end end include_files.each do |include_path| if File.exists?( include_path ) "Including YAML file #{include_path}" ) included_conf = YAML::load( include_path ) ) @config = @config.merge(included_conf) do |keys, oldval, newval| # we're iterating over elements that are in both the # config we've parsed so far, and the new file. (newval.is_a?(Array) ? (oldval + newval).uniq : newval) # oldval is from the existing config, newval is the incoming # value from this file. if newval is an array, merge it in with # what we already have, and make it unique. if newval is a # string, the new value takes precedence over what we have # already. # # edge cases: # 1. if we have a key :foo which is a scalar, and then a # :foo in a subsequent file which is an array (or v.v.) # then this will blow up. I think this is acceptable. # 2. if we have, eg. an instance, defined twice in # separate files, then the behaviour of uniq is to use # the entire hash as a test for uniqueness. Therefore # if the definition of those instances varies slightly, # the attempt to create those instances will likely fail. end end end @log.debug( @config.inspect ) new_config = recursive_interpolate_config(@config) @config = new_config @log.debug( @config.inspect ) connect_fog BuildCloud::dispatch.each_pair do |component, klass| if @config.has_key?(component) klass.load( @config[component], @fog_interfaces, @log ) end end end def pry binding.pry end def find( component, options ) if BuildCloud::dispatch.has_key?( component ) BuildCloud::dispatch[component].search(options) else [] end end def all objects = [] BuildCloud::create_order.each do |component| next unless BuildCloud::dispatch.has_key?( component ) objects.concat BuildCloud::dispatch[component].objects() end objects end private def self.dispatch { :vpcs => BuildCloud::VPC, :internet_gateways => BuildCloud::InternetGateway, :subnets => BuildCloud::Subnet, :route_tables => BuildCloud::RouteTable, :zones => BuildCloud::Zone, :security_groups => BuildCloud::SecurityGroup, :network_interfaces => BuildCloud::NetworkInterface, :routes => BuildCloud::Route, :launch_configurations => BuildCloud::LaunchConfiguration, :load_balancers => BuildCloud::LoadBalancer, :as_groups => BuildCloud::ASGroup, :r53_record_sets => BuildCloud::R53RecordSet, :rds_servers => BuildCloud::RDSServer, :db_subnet_groups => BuildCloud::DbSubnetGroup, :db_parameter_groups => BuildCloud::DbParameterGroup, :cache_subnet_groups => BuildCloud::CacheSubnetGroup, :cache_clusters => BuildCloud::CacheCluster, :cache_parameter_groups => BuildCloud::CacheParameterGroup, :iam_roles => BuildCloud::IAMRole, :iam_managed_policies => BuildCloud::IAMManagedPolicy, :iam_groups => BuildCloud::IAMGroup, :iam_users => BuildCloud::IAMUser, :s3_buckets => BuildCloud::S3Bucket, :instances => BuildCloud::Instance, :ebs_volumes => BuildCloud::EBSVolume, :dhcp_options_sets => BuildCloud::DHCPOptionsSet, :sqs_queues => BuildCloud::SQSQueue, } end def self.create_order [ :dhcp_options_sets, :vpcs, :internet_gateways, :iam_managed_policies, :iam_roles, :iam_users, :iam_groups, :subnets, :db_subnet_groups, :cache_subnet_groups, :route_tables, :zones, :security_groups, :network_interfaces, :routes, :db_parameter_groups, :rds_servers, :cache_parameter_groups, :cache_clusters, :launch_configurations, :load_balancers, :as_groups, :r53_record_sets, :s3_buckets, :sqs_queues, :ebs_volumes, :instances, ] end def type, options ) BuildCloud::dispatch[type].search(options) end def recursive_interpolate_config(h) # Work through the given config replacing all strings matching # %{..x..} by looking up ..x.. in the existing @config hash and # substituting the template with the value # # If ..x.. is of the form variable||default, if the given key is # not defined anywhere, the default will be used. case h when Hash Hash[ do |k, v| [ k, recursive_interpolate_config(v) ] end ] when Enumerable { |v| recursive_interpolate_config(v) } when String while /%\{(?[^\|\}]*)(?:\|{2}(?[^\}]*))?\}/ =~ h # $& is the whole matched expression above, $MATCH when using English exp = $& val = @config.fetch(var.to_sym, default).to_s raise "Attempt to interpolate with non-existant key '#{var}' with no default value set" if val.nil? h.gsub!(exp, val) end h else h end end def connect_fog @mock and Fog.mock! fog_options_regionless = { :aws_access_key_id => @config[:aws_access_key_id] ||= ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], :aws_secret_access_key => @config[:aws_secret_access_key] ||= ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], :aws_session_token => @config[:aws_session_token] ||= ENV['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'], } fog_options = fog_options_regionless.merge( { :region => @config[:aws_region] } ) @fog_interfaces = { :compute => fog_options ), :s3 => fog_options.merge(:path_style => true)), :as => fog_options ), :elb => fog_options ), :iam => fog_options_regionless ), :rds => fog_options ), :elasticache => fog_options ), :r53 => fog_options_regionless ), :sqs => fog_options ) } end end