module Spaceship # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class TunesClient < Spaceship::Client # ITunesConnectError is only thrown when iTunes Connect raises an exception class ITunesConnectError < BasicPreferredInfoError end # raised if the server failed to save temporarily class ITunesConnectTemporaryError < ITunesConnectError end attr_reader :du_client def initialize super @du_client = end class << self # trailer preview screenshots are required to have a specific size def video_preview_resolution_for(device, is_portrait) resolutions = { 'iphone4' => [1136, 640], 'iphone6' => [1334, 750], 'iphone6Plus' => [2208, 1242], 'ipad' => [1024, 768], 'ipadPro' => [2732, 2048] } r = resolutions[device] r = [r[1], r[0]] if is_portrait r end end ##################################################### # @!group Init and Login ##################################################### def self.hostname "" end # @return (Array) A list of all available teams def teams return @teams if @teams r = request(:get, "ra/user/detail") @teams = parse_response(r, 'data')['associatedAccounts'] end # @return (String) The currently selected Team ID def team_id return @current_team_id if @current_team_id if teams.count > 1 puts "The current user is in #{teams.count} teams. Pass a team ID or call `select_team` to choose a team. Using the first one for now." end @current_team_id ||= teams[0]['contentProvider']['contentProviderId'] end # Set a new team ID which will be used from now on def team_id=(team_id) response = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/v1/session/webSession" req.body = { contentProviderId: team_id }.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(response.body) @current_team_id = team_id end # Shows a team selection for the user in the terminal. This should not be # called on CI systems def select_team t_id = (ENV['FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID'] || '').strip t_name = (ENV['FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME'] || '').strip if t_name.length > 0 teams.each do |t| t_id = t['contentProvider']['contentProviderId'].to_s if t['contentProvider']['name'].casecmp(t_name.downcase).zero? end end t_id = teams.first['contentProvider']['contentProviderId'].to_s if teams.count == 1 if t_id.length > 0 # actually set the team id here self.team_id = t_id return end # user didn't specify a team... #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings loop do puts "Multiple iTunes Connect teams found, please enter the number of the team you want to use: " teams.each_with_index do |team, i| puts "#{i + 1}) \"#{team['contentProvider']['name']}\" (#{team['contentProvider']['contentProviderId']})" end selected = ($stdin.gets || '').strip.to_i - 1 team_to_use = teams[selected] if selected >= 0 if team_to_use self.team_id = team_to_use['contentProvider']['contentProviderId'].to_s # actually set the team id here break end end end # @return (Hash) Fetches all information of the currently used team def team_information teams.find do |t| t['teamId'] == team_id end end def service_key return @service_key if @service_key # We need a service key from a JS file to properly auth js = request(:get, "") @service_key ||= js.body.match(/itcServiceKey = '(.*)'/)[1] end def send_login_request(user, password) clear_user_cached_data data = { accountName: user, password: password, rememberMe: true } begin response = request(:post) do |req| req.url "{service_key}" req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' req.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript' end rescue UnauthorizedAccessError raise, "Invalid username and password combination. Used '#{user}' as the username." end # get woinst, wois, and itctx cookie values request(:get, "") request(:get, "") case response.status when 403 raise, "Invalid username and password combination. Used '#{user}' as the username." when 200 return response else if response["Location"] == "/auth" # redirect to 2 step auth page raise "spaceship / fastlane doesn't support 2 step enabled accounts yet. Please temporary disable 2 step verification until spaceship was updated." elsif (response.body || "").include?('invalid="true"') # User Credentials are wrong raise, "Invalid username and password combination. Used '#{user}' as the username." elsif (response['Set-Cookie'] || "").include?("itctx") raise "Looks like your Apple ID is not enabled for iTunes Connect, make sure to be able to login online" else info = [response.body, response['Set-Cookie']] raise, info.join("\n") end end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def handle_itc_response(raw) return unless raw return unless raw.kind_of? Hash data = raw['data'] || raw # sometimes it's with data, sometimes it isn't if data.fetch('sectionErrorKeys', []).count == 0 and data.fetch('sectionInfoKeys', []).count == 0 and data.fetch('sectionWarningKeys', []).count == 0 logger.debug("Request was successful") end handle_response_hash = lambda do |hash| errors = [] if hash.kind_of? Hash hash.each do |key, value| errors += if key == 'errorKeys' and value.kind_of? Array and value.count > 0 errors += value end end elsif hash.kind_of? Array hash.each do |value| errors += end # else: We don't care about simple values end return errors end errors = errors += data.fetch('sectionErrorKeys') if data['sectionErrorKeys'] # Sometimes there is a different kind of error in the JSON response # e.g. {"warn"=>nil, "error"=>["operation_failed"], "info"=>nil} different_error = raw.fetch('messages', {}).fetch('error', nil) errors << different_error if different_error if errors.count > 0 # they are separated by `.` by default if errors.count == 1 and errors.first == "You haven't made any changes." # This is a special error which we really don't care about elsif errors.count == 1 and errors.first.include?("try again later") raise, errors.first else raise, errors.join(' ') end end puts data['sectionInfoKeys'] if data['sectionInfoKeys'] puts data['sectionWarningKeys'] if data['sectionWarningKeys'] return data end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity ##################################################### # @!group Applications ##################################################### def applications r = request(:get, 'ra/apps/manageyourapps/summary/v2') parse_response(r, 'data')['summaries'] end def app_details(app_id) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/details") parse_response(r, 'data') end def update_app_details!(app_id, data) r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/details" req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end # Creates a new application on iTunes Connect # @param name (String): The name of your app as it will appear on the App Store. # This can't be longer than 255 characters. # @param primary_language (String): If localized app information isn't available in an # App Store territory, the information from your primary language will be used instead. # @param version (String): The version number is shown on the App Store and should # match the one you used in Xcode. # @param sku (String): A unique ID for your app that is not visible on the App Store. # @param bundle_id (String): The bundle ID must match the one you used in Xcode. It # can't be changed after you submit your first build. def create_application!(name: nil, primary_language: nil, version: nil, sku: nil, bundle_id: nil, bundle_id_suffix: nil, company_name: nil) # First, we need to fetch the data from Apple, which we then modify with the user's values app_type = 'ios' r = request(:get, "ra/apps/create/v2/?platformString=#{app_type}") data = parse_response(r, 'data') # Now fill in the values we have # some values are nil, that's why there is a hash data['versionString'] = { value: version } data['newApp']['name'] = { value: name } data['newApp']['bundleId']['value'] = bundle_id data['newApp']['primaryLanguage']['value'] = primary_language || 'English' data['newApp']['vendorId'] = { value: sku } data['newApp']['bundleIdSuffix']['value'] = bundle_id_suffix data['companyName']['value'] = company_name if company_name data['newApp']['appType'] = app_type data['initialPlatform'] = app_type data['enabledPlatformsForCreation']['value'] = [app_type] # Now send back the modified hash r = request(:post) do |req| req.url 'ra/apps/create/v2' req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end data = parse_response(r, 'data') handle_itc_response(data) end def create_version!(app_id, version_number, platform = 'ios') r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/versions/create/" req.body = { version: { value: version_number.to_s } }.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end data = parse_response(r, 'data') handle_itc_response(data) end def get_resolution_center(app_id, platform) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/resolutionCenter?v=latest") parse_response(r, 'data') end ##################################################### # @!group AppVersions ##################################################### def app_version(app_id, is_live) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id # First we need to fetch the IDs for the edit / live version r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/overview") platforms = parse_response(r, 'data')['platforms'] platform = Spaceship::Tunes::AppVersionCommon.find_platform(platforms) return nil unless platform version_id = Spaceship::Tunes::AppVersionCommon.find_version_id(platform, is_live) return nil unless version_id version_platform = platform['platformString'] app_version_data(app_id, version_platform: version_platform, version_id: version_id) end def app_version_data(app_id, version_platform: nil, version_id:nil) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id raise "version_platform is required" unless version_platform raise "version_id is required" unless version_id r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{version_platform}/versions/#{version_id}") parse_response(r, 'data') end def update_app_version!(app_id, version_id, data) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id raise "version_id is required" unless version_id.to_i > 0 with_tunes_retry do r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/ios/versions/#{version_id}" req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end end ##################################################### # @!group Pricing ##################################################### def update_price_tier!(app_id, price_tier) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/pricing/intervals") data = parse_response(r, 'data') first_price = (data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"] || []).count == 0 # first price data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"] ||= [] data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"] << {} if data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"].count == 0 data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"].first["tierStem"] = price_tier.to_s effective_date = (first_price ? nil : * 1000) data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"].first["priceTierEffectiveDate"] = effective_date data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"].first["priceTierEndDate"] = nil data["countriesChanged"] = first_price data["theWorld"] = true if first_price # first price, need to set all countries data["countries"] = supported_countries.collect do |c| c.delete('region') # we don't care about le region c end end # send the changes back to Apple r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/pricing/intervals" req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end def price_tier(app_id) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/pricing/intervals") data = parse_response(r, 'data') begin data["pricingIntervalsFieldTO"]["value"].first["tierStem"] rescue nil end end # Returns an array of all available pricing tiers # # @note Although this information is publicly available, the current spaceship implementation requires you to have a logged in client to access it # # @return [Array] the PricingTier objects (Spaceship::Tunes::PricingTier) # [{ # "tierStem": "0", # "tierName": "Free", # "pricingInfo": [{ # "country": "United States", # "countryCode": "US", # "currencySymbol": "$", # "currencyCode": "USD", # "wholesalePrice": 0.0, # "retailPrice": 0.0, # "fRetailPrice": "$0.00", # "fWholesalePrice": "$0.00" # }, { # ... # }, { # ... def pricing_tiers r = request(:get, 'ra/apps/pricing/matrix') data = parse_response(r, 'data')['pricingTiers'] { |tier| Spaceship::Tunes::PricingTier.factory(tier) } end # An array of supported countries # [{ # "code": "AL", # "name": "Albania", # "region": "Europe" # }, { # ... def supported_countries r = request(:get, "ra/apps/pricing/supportedCountries") parse_response(r, 'data') end ##################################################### # @!group App Icons ##################################################### # Uploads a large icon # @param app_version (AppVersion): The version of your app # @param upload_image (UploadFile): The icon to upload # @return [JSON] the response def upload_large_icon(app_version, upload_image) raise "app_version is required" unless app_version raise "upload_image is required" unless upload_image du_client.upload_large_icon(app_version, upload_image, content_provider_id, sso_token_for_image) end # Uploads a watch icon # @param app_version (AppVersion): The version of your app # @param upload_image (UploadFile): The icon to upload # @return [JSON] the response def upload_watch_icon(app_version, upload_image) raise "app_version is required" unless app_version raise "upload_image is required" unless upload_image du_client.upload_watch_icon(app_version, upload_image, content_provider_id, sso_token_for_image) end # Uploads a screenshot # @param app_version (AppVersion): The version of your app # @param upload_image (UploadFile): The image to upload # @param device (string): The target device # @return [JSON] the response def upload_screenshot(app_version, upload_image, device) raise "app_version is required" unless app_version raise "upload_image is required" unless upload_image raise "device is required" unless device du_client.upload_screenshot(app_version, upload_image, content_provider_id, sso_token_for_image, device) end # Uploads the transit app file # @param app_version (AppVersion): The version of your app # @param upload_file (UploadFile): The image to upload # @return [JSON] the response def upload_geojson(app_version, upload_file) raise "app_version is required" unless app_version raise "upload_file is required" unless upload_file du_client.upload_geojson(app_version, upload_file, content_provider_id, sso_token_for_image) end # Uploads the transit app file # @param app_version (AppVersion): The version of your app # @param upload_trailer (UploadFile): The trailer to upload # @return [JSON] the response def upload_trailer(app_version, upload_trailer) raise "app_version is required" unless app_version raise "upload_trailer is required" unless upload_trailer du_client.upload_trailer(app_version, upload_trailer, content_provider_id, sso_token_for_video) end # Uploads the trailer preview # @param app_version (AppVersion): The version of your app # @param upload_trailer_preview (UploadFile): The trailer preview to upload # @return [JSON] the response def upload_trailer_preview(app_version, upload_trailer_preview) raise "app_version is required" unless app_version raise "upload_trailer_preview is required" unless upload_trailer_preview du_client.upload_trailer_preview(app_version, upload_trailer_preview, content_provider_id, sso_token_for_image) end # Fetches the App Version Reference information from ITC # @return [AppVersionRef] the response def ref_data r = request(:get, '/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/apps/version/ref') data = parse_response(r, 'data') Spaceship::Tunes::AppVersionRef.factory(data) end # Fetches the User Detail information from ITC. This gets called often and almost never changes # so we cache it # @return [UserDetail] the response def user_detail_data return @cached if @cached r = request(:get, '/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/user/detail') data = parse_response(r, 'data') @cached ||= Spaceship::Tunes::UserDetail.factory(data) end ##################################################### # @!group CandiateBuilds ##################################################### def candidate_builds(app_id, version_id) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/versions/#{version_id}/candidateBuilds") parse_response(r, 'data')['builds'] end ##################################################### # @!group Build Trains ##################################################### # @param (testing_type) internal or external def build_trains(app_id, testing_type) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/trains/?testingType=#{testing_type}") parse_response(r, 'data') end def update_build_trains!(app_id, testing_type, data) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/testingTypes/#{testing_type}/trains/" req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end def remove_testflight_build_from_review!(app_id: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil, platform: 'ios') r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/trains/#{train}/builds/#{build_number}/reject" req.body = {}.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end # All build trains, even if there is no TestFlight def all_build_trains(app_id: nil) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/buildHistory?platform=ios") handle_itc_response(r.body) end def all_builds_for_train(app_id: nil, train: nil) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/trains/#{train}/buildHistory?platform=ios") handle_itc_response(r.body) end def build_details(app_id: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/ios/trains/#{train}/builds/#{build_number}/details") handle_itc_response(r.body) end def update_build_information!(app_id: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil, # optional: whats_new: nil, description: nil, feedback_email: nil, platform: 'ios') url = "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/trains/#{train}/builds/#{build_number}/testInformation" r = request(:get) do |req| req.url url req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) build_info = r.body['data'] build_info["details"].each do |current| current["whatsNew"]["value"] = whats_new if whats_new current["description"]["value"] = description if description current["feedbackEmail"]["value"] = feedback_email if feedback_email end # Now send everything back to iTC r = request(:post) do |req| # same URL, but a POST request req.url url req.body = build_info.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end def submit_testflight_build_for_review!(app_id: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil, platform: 'ios', # Required Metadata: changelog: nil, description: nil, feedback_email: nil, marketing_url: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, review_email: nil, phone_number: nil, significant_change: false, # Optional Metadata: privacy_policy_url: nil, review_user_name: nil, review_password: nil, encryption: false) build_info = get_build_info_for_review(app_id: app_id, train: train, build_number: build_number, platform: platform) # Now fill in the values provided by the user # First the localised values: build_info['testInfo']['details'].each do |current| current['whatsNew']['value'] = changelog if changelog current['description']['value'] = description if description current['feedbackEmail']['value'] = feedback_email if feedback_email current['marketingUrl']['value'] = marketing_url if marketing_url current['privacyPolicyUrl']['value'] = privacy_policy_url if privacy_policy_url current['pageLanguageValue'] = current['language'] # There is no valid reason why we need this, only iTC being iTC end build_info['significantChange'] ||= {} build_info['significantChange']['value'] = significant_change build_info['testInfo']['reviewFirstName']['value'] = first_name if first_name build_info['testInfo']['reviewLastName']['value'] = last_name if last_name build_info['testInfo']['reviewPhone']['value'] = phone_number if phone_number build_info['testInfo']['reviewEmail']['value'] = review_email if review_email build_info['testInfo']['reviewUserName']['value'] = review_user_name if review_user_name build_info['testInfo']['reviewPassword']['value'] = review_password if review_password r = request(:post) do |req| # same URL, but a POST request req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/trains/#{train}/builds/#{build_number}/submit/start" req.body = build_info.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) encryption_info = r.body['data'] update_encryption_compliance(app_id: app_id, train: train, build_number: build_number, platform: platform, encryption_info: encryption_info, encryption: encryption) end def get_build_info_for_review(app_id: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil, platform: 'ios') r = request(:get) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/trains/#{train}/builds/#{build_number}/submit/start" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) r.body['data'] end def update_encryption_compliance(app_id: nil, train: nil, build_number: nil, platform: 'ios', encryption_info: nil, encryption: nil, is_exempt: true, proprietary: false, third_party: false) return unless encryption_info['exportComplianceRequired'] # only sometimes this is required encryption_info['usesEncryption']['value'] = encryption encryption_info['encryptionUpdated'] ||= {} encryption_info['encryptionUpdated']['value'] = encryption encryption_info['isExempt']['value'] = is_exempt encryption_info['containsProprietaryCryptography']['value'] = proprietary encryption_info['containsThirdPartyCryptography']['value'] = third_party r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/platforms/#{platform}/trains/#{train}/builds/#{build_number}/submit/complete" req.body = encryption_info.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) end ##################################################### # @!group Submit for Review ##################################################### def prepare_app_submissions(app_id, version) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id raise "version is required" unless version r = request(:get) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/versions/#{version}/submit/summary" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) parse_response(r, 'data') end def send_app_submission(app_id, data) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id # ra/apps/1039164429/version/submit/complete r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/version/submit/complete" req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end handle_itc_response(r.body) if r.body.fetch('messages').fetch('info').last == "Successful POST" # success else raise "Something went wrong when submitting the app for review. Make sure to pass valid options to submit your app for review" end parse_response(r, 'data') end ##################################################### # @!group release ##################################################### def release!(app_id, version) raise "app_id is required" unless app_id raise "version is required" unless version r = request(:post) do |req| req.url "ra/apps/#{app_id}/versions/#{version}/releaseToStore" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = app_id.to_s end handle_itc_response(r.body) parse_response(r, 'data') end ##################################################### # @!group Testers ##################################################### def testers(tester) url = tester.url[:index] r = request(:get, url) parse_response(r, 'data')['testers'] end def testers_by_app(tester, app_id) url = tester.url(app_id)[:index_by_app] r = request(:get, url) parse_response(r, 'data')['users'] end def create_tester!(tester: nil, email: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil) url = tester.url[:create] raise "Action not provided for this tester type." unless url tester_data = { emailAddress: { value: email }, firstName: { value: first_name || "" }, lastName: { value: last_name || "" }, testing: { value: true } } data = { testers: [tester_data] } r = request(:post) do |req| req.url url req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end data = parse_response(r, 'data')['testers'] handle_itc_response(data) || data[0] end def delete_tester!(tester) url = tester.class.url[:delete] raise "Action not provided for this tester type." unless url data = [ { emailAddress: { value: }, firstName: { value: tester.first_name }, lastName: { value: tester.last_name }, testing: { value: false }, userName:, testerId: tester.tester_id } ] r = request(:post) do |req| req.url url req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end data = parse_response(r, 'data')['testers'] handle_itc_response(data) || data[0] end def add_tester_to_app!(tester, app_id) update_tester_from_app!(tester, app_id, true) end def remove_tester_from_app!(tester, app_id) update_tester_from_app!(tester, app_id, false) end ##################################################### # @!group State History ##################################################### def versions_history(app_id, platform) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/stateHistory?platform=#{platform}") parse_response(r, 'data')['versions'] end def version_states_history(app_id, platform, version_id) r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/versions/#{version_id}/stateHistory?platform=#{platform}") parse_response(r, 'data') end private def with_tunes_retry(tries = 5, &_block) return yield rescue Spaceship::TunesClient::ITunesConnectTemporaryError => ex unless (tries -= 1).zero? msg = "ITC temporary save error received: '#{ex.message}'. Retrying after 60 seconds (remaining: #{tries})..." puts msg logger.warn msg sleep 60 unless defined? SpecHelper # unless FastlaneCore::Helper.is_test? retry end raise ex # re-raise the exception end def clear_user_cached_data @content_provider_id = nil @sso_token_for_image = nil @sso_token_for_video = nil end # the contentProviderIr found in the UserDetail instance def content_provider_id @content_provider_id ||= user_detail_data.content_provider_id end # the ssoTokenForImage found in the AppVersionRef instance def sso_token_for_image @sso_token_for_image ||= ref_data.sso_token_for_image end # the ssoTokenForVideo found in the AppVersionRef instance def sso_token_for_video @sso_token_for_video ||= ref_data.sso_token_for_video end def update_tester_from_app!(tester, app_id, testing) url = tester.class.url(app_id)[:update_by_app] data = { users: [ { emailAddress: { value: }, firstName: { value: tester.first_name }, lastName: { value: tester.last_name }, testing: { value: testing } } ] } r = request(:post) do |req| req.url url req.body = data.to_json req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end data = parse_response(r, 'data') handle_itc_response(data) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end