% render "layouts/basic.html", tab: :examples do ## IP-XACT Export (IEEE 1685-2009) This page shows IEEE 1685-2009 IP-XACT formatted XML that has been generated from an Origen representation of a module. The exporter has the following options: * **:format** - nil by default, can be set to :uvm to include the associated vendor extentions * **:include_bit_field_values** - true by default, when false the bit field values fields will not be output * **:schema** - nil by default, which assumes a Spirit 1.4 format. '1685-2009' is also supported. * **:mmap_name** - nil by default, can be set to any string name for the memory map name. * **:mmap_ref** - nil by default, can be set to any string name for the memory map reference used by a downstream tool. * **:vendor** - nil by default, can be set to any string name for the company name. * **:library** - nil by default, can be set to any string name for the library used by a downstream tool (ex: Magillem XML -> UVM conversion) %#* **:name** - nil by default, can be set to any string name for the an overall device/model name. %#* **:bus_interface** - nil by default, can be set to 'AMBA3' for an AMBA3 bus interface. For this example, targeting CrossOrigen's target/debug.rb, the code to generate this page is: ~~~eruby <%= "<" + "%= $dut.to_ip_xact :format => :uvm, :schema=> '1685-2009', :mmap_name => 'RegisterMap', :vendor => 'origen-sdk.org', :library => 'id', :mmap_ref => 'test' %" + ">" %> ~~~ ~~~xml <%= $dut.to_ip_xact :format => :uvm, :schema=> '1685-2009', :mmap_name => 'RegisterMap', :vendor => 'origen-sdk.org', :library => 'id', :mmap_ref => 'test' %> ~~~ % end