# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alexander Kravets <alex@slatestudio.com>, # Slate Studio (http://www.slatestudio.com) # # Coding Guide: # https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/style/coffeescript # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MONGOSTEEN (RAILS) ARRAY/COLLECTION STORE IMPLEMENTATION # this store implementation talks to Mongosteen powered Rails api, supports # features: # # - pagination # `sortBy` & `sortReverse` options should be set same as on # backend model with `default_scope` method (default), e.g: # - frontend: `{ sortBy: 'created_at', sortReverse: true }` # - backend: `default_scope -> { desc(:created_at) }` # # - search # backend model configuration required, e.g: `search_in :title` # # configuration options: # @config.pagination - enable pagination, default `true` # @config.searchable - enable search, default `false` # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class @MongosteenArrayStore extends RestArrayStore # initial store configuration _initialize_database: -> @dataFetchLock = false @ajaxConfig = processData: false contentType: false @searchable = @config.searchable ? false @searchQuery = '' @pagination = @config.pagination ? true @nextPage = 1 @objectsPerPage = _itemsPerPageRequest ? 20 if @pagination @_bind_pagination_sync() # --------------------------------------------------------- # workarounds to have consistency between arrayStore and # database while loading next page # --------------------------------------------------------- _bind_pagination_sync: -> @lastPageLoaded = false # when object's added to the end of the list & not on the last page, # we don't know it's position on the backend, so remove it from store $(this).on 'object_added', (e, data) => if ! @lastPageLoaded new_object = data.object new_object_position = data.position # check if object added to the end of the list if new_object_position >= @objectsNumberForLoadedPages e.stopImmediatePropagation() @_remove_data_object(new_object._id) # when object's added to the end of the list & not on the last page, # we don't know it's position on the backend, so remove it from store $(this).on 'object_changed', (e, data) => if ! @lastPageLoaded new_object = data.object new_object_position = data.position # check if object added to the end of the list if new_object_position >= @objectsNumberForLoadedPages - 1 e.stopImmediatePropagation() @_remove_data_object(new_object._id) # load current page again after item delete to sync, last item on the page $(this).on 'object_removed', (e, data) => if ! @lastPageLoaded @_reload_current_page() _reload_current_page: -> @nextPage -= 1 ; @load() _udpate_next_page: (data) -> if @pagination if data.length > 0 @lastPageLoaded = true if data.length == @objectsPerPage @nextPage += 1 @lastPageLoaded = false else @lastPageLoaded = true @objectsNumberForLoadedPages = (@nextPage - 1) * @objectsPerPage # generate resource api url _resource_url: (type, id) -> objectPath = if id then "/#{ id }" else '' url = "#{ @config.path }#{ objectPath }.json" if @config.urlParams extraParamsString = $.param(@config.urlParams) url = "#{ url }?#{ extraParamsString }" return url # get form data object from serialized form object, # it uses special format for object names for support of: # files, lists, nested objects _parse_form_object: (serializedFormObject) -> formDataObject = new FormData() for attr_name, attr_value of serializedFormObject # special case for LIST inputs, values separated with comma if attr_name.indexOf('[__LIST__') > -1 attr_name = attr_name.replace('__LIST__', '') values = attr_value.split(',') for value in values formDataObject.append("#{ @config.resource }#{ attr_name }[]", value) else # special case for FILE inputs if attr_name.startsWith('__FILE__') attr_name = attr_name.replace('__FILE__', '') formDataObject.append("#{ @config.resource }#{ attr_name }", attr_value) return formDataObject # load results for search query search: (@searchQuery) -> @nextPage = 1 @_reset_data() @load() # load next page objects from database, when finished # trigger 'objects_added' event load: (callbacks={}) -> callbacks.onSuccess ?= $.noop callbacks.onError ?= $.noop params = {} if @pagination params.page = @nextPage params.perPage = @objectsPerPage if @searchable && @searchQuery.length > 0 params.search = @searchQuery params = $.param(params) @_ajax 'GET', null, params, ((data) => @_udpate_next_page(data) @_add_data_object(o) for o in data callbacks.onSuccess(data) $(this).trigger('objects_added', { objects: data }) ), callbacks.onError # reset data and load first page reset: -> @searchQuery = '' @nextPage = 1 params = {} if @pagination @lastPageLoaded = false params.page = @nextPage params.perPage = @objectsPerPage params = $.param(params) @_ajax 'GET', null, params, ((data) => @_udpate_next_page(data) @_sync_with_data_objects(data) $(this).trigger('objects_added', { objects: data }) ), -> chr.showError('Error while loading data.')