// This file was created manually and its version is 1.0.0. module SeriesTest open System open Xunit open FsUnit.Xunit open Series type SeriesTests () = static member SliceOneTestData = let theoryData = new TheoryData() theoryData.Add("01234", [[0]; [1]; [2]; [3]; [4]]) theoryData.Add("92834", [[9]; [2]; [8]; [3]; [4]]) theoryData [] [] member this.``Series of one splits to one digit`` input expected = slices input 1 |> should equal expected static member SliceTwoTestData = let theoryData = new TheoryData() theoryData.Add("01234", [[0; 1]; [1; 2]; [2; 3]; [3; 4]]); theoryData.Add("98273463", [[9; 8]; [8; 2]; [2; 7]; [7; 3]; [3; 4]; [4; 6]; [6; 3]]); theoryData.Add("37103", [[3; 7]; [7; 1]; [1; 0]; [0; 3]]) theoryData [] [] member this.``Series of two splits to two digits`` input expected = slices input 2 |> should equal expected static member SliceThreeTestData = let theoryData = new TheoryData() theoryData.Add("01234", [[0; 1; 2]; [1; 2; 3]; [2; 3; 4]]); theoryData.Add("31001", [[3; 1; 0]; [1; 0; 0]; [0; 0; 1]]); theoryData.Add("982347", [[9; 8; 2]; [8; 2; 3]; [2; 3; 4]; [3; 4; 7]]) theoryData [] [] member this.``Series of three splits to three digits`` input expected = slices input 3 |> should equal expected static member SliceFourTestData = let theoryData = new TheoryData() theoryData.Add("01234", [[0; 1; 2; 3]; [1; 2; 3; 4]]); theoryData.Add("91274", [[9; 1; 2; 7]; [1; 2; 7; 4]]) theoryData [] [] member this.``Series of four splits to four digits`` input expected = slices input 4 |> should equal expected static member SliceFiveTestData = let theoryData = new TheoryData() theoryData.Add("01234", [[0; 1; 2; 3; 4]]); theoryData.Add("81228", [[8; 1; 2; 2; 8]]) theoryData [] [] member this.``Series of five splits to five digits`` input expected = slices input 5 |> should equal expected [] [] [] member this.``Slice longer than input is not allowed`` input slice = (fun () -> slices input slice |> ignore) |> should throw typeof