<%= render :partial => "/tr8n/admin/common/header" %>
<% unless Tr8n::Config.enable_client_sdk? %> Make sure that JS Client SDK is enabled! <% end %> Tr8n JavaScript Client SDK Test Tool
Tr8n JavaScript Client SDK is used for retrieving translations in a client application as well as register new phrases on the server. It fully supports all language rules and token types available on the server. Keep in mind that token notations may deffer from the server side implementation - based on the language used on the server.
<%= form_tag do %>
Label - text to be translated (required)
<%=text_area_tag(:label, "{count|| message, messages}", :style => "width:98%; height:40px;")%>
Description - defines the context of the label (optional)
<%=text_area_tag(:description, "", :style => "width:98%; height:40px;")%>

Tokens JSON - provides values for tokens used in translation. (required, if data tokens are defined)
<%=text_area_tag(:tokens, "{'count':5}", :style => "width:99%; height:50px;")%>
Translation - translated label with substituted tokens
Translation Raw HTML - translated label with substituted tokens
<%=text_area_tag(:result, "", :style => "width:99%; background:#F9F8F7;height:50px; border:1px solid #ccc;", :readonly => true)%>
<% end %>
<%= render :partial => "/tr8n/admin/common/footer" %>