# lib/sqa/stock.rb # SMELL: SQA::Stock is now pretty coupled to the Alpha Vantage # API service. Should that stuff be extracted into a # separate class and injected by the requiring program? class SQA::Stock CONNECTION = Faraday.new(url: "https://www.alphavantage.co") attr_accessor :company_name attr_accessor :df # The DataFrane attr_accessor :ticker attr_accessor :type # type of data store (default is CSV) attr_accessor :indicators def initialize( ticker:, source: :alpha_vantage, type: :csv ) raise "Invalid Ticker #{ticker}" unless SQA::Ticker.valid?(ticker) # TODO: Change API on lookup to return array instead of hash # Could this also incorporate the validation process to # save an additiona hash lookup? entry = SQA::Ticker.lookup(ticker) @ticker = ticker.downcase @company_name = entry[:name] @exchange = entry[:exchange] @klass = "SQA::DataFrame::#{source.to_s.camelize}".constantize @type = type @indicators = OpenStruct.new update_the_dataframe end def update_the_dataframe df1 = @klass.load(@ticker, type) df2 = @klass.recent(@ticker) df1_nrows = df1.nrows @df = @klass.append(df1, df2) if @df.nrows > df1_nrows @df.send("to_#{@type}", SQA.data_dir + "#{ticker}.csv") end # Adding a ticker vector in case I want to do # some multi-stock analysis in the same data frame. # For example to see how one stock coorelates with another. @df[:ticker] = @ticker end def to_s "#{ticker} with #{@df.size} data points from #{@df.timestamp.first} to #{@df.timestamp.last}" end # TODO: Turn this into a class Stock::Overview # which is a sub-class of Hashie::Dash def overview return @overview unless @overview.nil? temp = JSON.parse( CONNECTION.get("/query?function=OVERVIEW&symbol=#{@ticker.upcase}&apikey=#{Nenv.av_api_key}") .to_hash[:body] ) # TODO: CamelCase hash keys look common in Alpha Vantage # JSON; look at making a special Hashie-based class # to convert the keys to normal Ruby standards. temp2 = {} string_values = %w[ address asset_type cik country currency description dividend_date ex_dividend_date exchange fiscal_year_end industry latest_quarter name sector symbol ] temp.keys.each do |k| new_k = k.underscore temp2[new_k] = string_values.include?(new_k) ? temp[k] : temp[k].to_f end @overview = Hashie::Mash.new temp2 end ############################################# ## Class Methods class << self @@top = nil # Top Gainers, Losers and Most Active for most # recent closed trading day. # def top return @@top unless @@top.nil? a_hash = JSON.parse( CONNECTION.get( "/query?function=TOP_GAINERS_LOSERS&apikey=#{Nenv.av_api_key}" ).to_hash[:body] ) mash = Hashie::Mash.new(a_hash) keys = mash.top_gainers.first.keys %w[top_gainers top_losers most_actively_traded].each do |collection| mash.send(collection).each do |e| keys.each do |k| case k when 'ticker' # Leave it as a String when 'volume' e[k] = e[k].to_i else e[k] = e[k].to_f end end end end @@top = mash end end end