describe Growl do describe "#installed?" do it "should check if growlnotify is available" do Growl.should be_installed end end describe "#version" do it "should return only the version triple" do Growl.version.should match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) end end before :each do @growl = @growl.message = 'Hello World' end describe "#notify" do it "should accept a block, running immediately after" do Growl.notify { |n| n.message = 'Invoked via Growl' }.should be_true end it "should accept a hash" do Growl.notify('Invoked via Growl with hash', :icon => 'jpeg', :title => 'Growl').should be_true end it "should return nil when not installed" do Growl.stub!(:installed?).and_return(false) be_nil lambda { Growl.notify 'I should never show :)' }.should_not raise_error end end %w( ok info warning error ).each do |type| describe "#notify_#{type}" do it "should display #{type} notifications" do Growl.send(:"notify_#{type}", "Hello", :title => type).should be_true end end end describe "#run" do it "should fail when no message is present" do lambda { }.should raise_error(Growl::Error, /message required/) end it "should execute a growl notification" do be_true end end describe "#sticky!" do it "should make a notification stick until explicitly closed" do @growl.sticky = false @growl.should_not be_sticky @growl.sticky! @growl.should be_sticky @growl.message = 'Im Sticky' be_true end end describe "#name" do it "should set the application name" do = 'Ruby' be_true end end describe "#title" do it "should add a title" do @growl.title = 'Im a title' @growl.message = 'I am not a title' be_true end end describe "#appIcon" do it "should use an application for the icon" do @growl.appIcon = 'Safari' @growl.message = 'Safari icon' be_true end end describe "#iconpath" do it "should use a path for the icon" do @growl.iconpath = fixture 'icon.icns' @growl.message = 'Custom icon' be_true end end describe "#icon" do it "should use an icon based on a file type" do @growl.icon = 'jpeg' @growl.message = 'Jpeg Icon' be_true end it "should allow symbols" do @growl.icon = :jpeg @growl.message = 'Jpeg icon with symbol' be_true end end describe "#image" do it "should use an image path for the 'icon'" do @growl.image = fixture 'image.png' @growl.message = 'Image as icon' be_true end end end